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Everything posted by Doomkid

  1. I don't want to bump that thread, but is there a mirror of Wallpaint somewhere? The link in the OP doesn't work anymore
  2. I'm guessing they're too young to have an income? You can get a laptop capable of creating Doom maps and playing the most bare-bones Doom ports for $100. Probably even cheaper if they buy used.
  3. I really, really hate how every trailer these days does that stupid thing where all the colours are washed out, there’s cheesy orchestral music, and it just generally seems like it’s taking itself WAY too seriously. I’ve seen this exact trailer style no less than 9 gazillion times and it’s equally boring each and every time. That’s the trailer. The movie actually looks kind of decent, hopefully the tone will be right and it will be entertaining. Cautiously optimistic.
  4. Just to add further confusion - the SargeBaldy texture pack has a couple flaws that prevents it from working in some older ports, and iirc the are a couple other needless changes. Here’s the “clean” Doom1 textures for Doom2, no changes and pure vanilla compatible, present on many old shovelware discs: https://doomshack.org/uploads/DOOM1-2.WAD
  5. Tricks and Traps has one that works better in HMP: there’s a silver room full of imps with their backs turned and if you stop and stare for just a second, the door closes and locks you in. You think it won’t be too bad since the imps are stuck down there.. so you start shooting only for them to start teleporting up to your ledge. Only after you’ve cleared out a bunch of them can you jump down and get the shells, then hit the switch opening the door back up. That’s a great setup. In UV it’s ruined because you see imps on the top level, shoot them, then the others start teleporting before the door even closes giving you ample time to escape.
  6. Skulltag, which granted hasn’t been maintained since 2010, is still hosted on its native site and runs on XP.
  7. The Virgin "elastic collisions" VS the Chad "bitch-slap": EDIT: Just thought of another one.. In a deathmatch, when I fire a bunch of rockets or plasma at another player and every single damn one misses by like an inch, I always ask "Why the FUCK is he like Neo?!", because it reminds me of this famous scene:
  8. Still just under 5 days to get those last few submissions in before slots re-open. Just a bump and reminder, no pressure of course.
  9. DM is the best but criminally underrepresented. I’ll try and do some more DM streams, people seemed to have fun last time..
  10. Hello friends, I’ve been out of town the last few days and will be home this coming Wednesday. I’ve only had really spotty internet access and I saw I’ve got quite a few PMs, I’m not ignoring anyone though, I will absolutely read them all once I’m back home!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. GraphicBleeder


      Take care of yourself Doomkid, that's more important then Doomworld stuff.

    3. Hitboi


      Godspeed Doomkid.

    4. mxrgan


      Hope you're doing fine. :)


  11. You’re spot on. It’s meanness for the sake of it. Multiplayer Doom servers have dealt with similar attacks in the past. Reasons range from saltiness over a ban to genuine mental illness, to just being lonely and sad and taking their dissatisfaction with life out on others. Ultimately it’s all senseless and unjustifiable. (As if anyone couldn’t tell, I’ve been scarred from my servers and site being attacked in the past, thankfully I have Mr. Crispy’s genius on my side when it comes to keeping Doomshack secure..)
  12. (I haven’t been commenting mainly because I’m here to listen rather than to talk, but I’ll break that streak to admit it: Yes, I adore the IoS. I think it’s by far better than the 3 bosses of Doom 1, which “wow” you on a superficial level the first time around but then never provide an interesting experience again - which is a complete 180 from the IoS, which seems underwhelming at first but actually provides a genuine challenge even after many playthroughs - albeit a challenge that only about 50% of Doomers seem to actually have any fun with!)
  13. Looks very nice, well done! glad all the different pieces of the Master Levels are coming together so well..
  14. This isn’t really the same situation since it still exists, but having spent my childhood and teen years in Florida, I really miss Taco Bell. I know it’s awful, but grabbing some decent tasting tacos after work or school with ease was awesome. Fast food in AU is entirely dominated by McDonald’s and KFC in what almost seems to be a duopoly. Hungry Jacks (Burger King) exists, but it’s in distant 3rd - not surprising since it’s disgusting over here. I also miss being able to buy real biscuits over here. You know, the buttery flakey kind. Somehow “biscuit” came to be a blanket term for cookies and crackers over here, and actual biscuits got lost in translation.. The closest you can get is a warm buttery scone - which is downright delicious in its own right, but is not the same thing. Worth it though, food standards over here are much better on the whole. I just get a hankering for cheap tacos or biscuits every now and again!
  15. Mayhem 17 w/ Mario Doom is way too fun: https://www.wad-archive.com/wad/c60e2e9cfac247145510ba5f368d14df94535ade
  16. Fuck people for complaining at you for implementing a harmless optional change, the entitlement is out of this world EDIT: This isn't directed at anyone who was raising legitimate concerns such as complevel demo breaks. Just wanted to clarify since I was pretty annoyed when I posted this.
  17. Fixed that pesky Map13 exit bug! All the links should still work, but be sure to download the patched version before recording any demos :) Download: https://doomshack.org/uploads/bourgdm.zip Mirror: https://allfearthesentinel.net/zandronum/download.php?file=bourgdm.wad
  18. I think maybe it just doesn't work for my specific iphone version - I was away from home while trying it yesterday so I had to rely on the phone. decided to try it on PC and it works as intended! whew!
  19. Tried scrolling all the way down, that seems to be where the page ends (although that could be an iphone problem rather than on Twitch's end? I tried it with both Safari and Chrome and got the same result)
  20. Thanks so much to all of you for the lovely comments, it means a lot! How in the hell we missed that broken switch after so many playthroughs and test videos is beyond me.. Good thing I haven’t submitted this to idgames yet! I guess we’ll have to release a renamed version of this wad which fixes that.
  21. Maybe someone out there knows a fix for this whopper of a bug.. I try to set a new Twitch password, I get an email with a link to click, it brings me to a page where I can type the new password.. but I can’t actually set it. There’s no “confirm” or “accept” button or anything, so it just sits there and is never confirmed. This seems like an absolute doozy of a glitch on their end, any way around it..?
  22. After slaving over a hot editor, Decay and I have finally got the release version of this put together!! Download it HERE: https://doomshack.org/uploads/bourgdm.zip Mirror on TSPG: https://allfearthesentinel.net/zandronum/download.php?file=bourgdm.wad This will be making it's way to /idgames soon as we can. --- ENJOY! ---
  23. Thanks for the kind words and endorsement for the Unity addon idea, it means a lot to us!
  24. I have to say, all the variants look good, but the logo at the top just feels like the more natural of the two variants Scuba made.
  25. Here's a couple of old favorites that are designed for ZDoom and derivatives: Immoral Conduct SE Bomb_X Here's a pack of souped up weapons I put together a few years ago, also including a super variant: PowerGun.wad These all have a very minimalist feel compared to newer weapon mods, which might mean they qualify as not being too over-the-top.
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