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Everything posted by Doomkid

  1. I have both the Doom 1 and Doom 2 versions of Aliens TC, but the same problem that's prevented me from ever playing through this wad still persists to this very day.. I put all the contents in my Doom/D2 directory, run the included installer, it goes through all the motions as if it's installing properly, then I wander around the map seeing mid-air droplets that block my path and a bunch of green firesticks right next to boxes that say "FLAMMABLE!". I eventually get to the green alien-infested looking bits, and get blocked by the scenery and can't progress any further. Why is it like this? Why does it never install properly even when I use the included installer? I checked out IcarusLives' video on it and the green torches are meant to be lamps that don't block your path, and it looks like the droplets aren't floating mid-air either.. I've tried with Doom 2 version 1.9 and it does this, so I tried it with the Ultimate Doom and got the same results, then I tried it with the version 1.6 of Doom and yet again, the same results. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I've wanted to and tried to play this thing so many times over the years, dunno why I've never asked until now..
  2. That makes perfect sense. So with that I guess it’s fair to say projectiles are not the only actors making a 3D height check, pickups are also making a similar check.
  3. I’ve always been a big fan of narrative in a wad, be it implied or explicit. Most of the greats have already been named here, and I know you said no ZDoom wads, but surely the Action Dooms warrant a mention. Even one of the worst wads, Doom Rampage Edition, was hyped up to the max before release partially because it was story-heavy which was (and still is) uncommon in Doom. Yeah, story matters to me, even if it’s something campy. I mean, it should be, Doom itself is campy! UAC Rebellion from 2009 follows a slightly insane marine who works for the UAC realising they’re sacrificing their own men for experimentation and decides to try and destroy the operation from within by simply killing everyone. (Bit extreme of him, huh?) Point of Contention is a DM wad I made in 2015 where one player is the captain of a small vessel adrift in space that is boarded by a space pirate (the other player) and they must fight to the death for dominion over the ship. Doomed in Space from 2018 is about a genetically modified super soldier who is the result of experimentation (loosely following from the thread of UAC Rebellion). He escapes captivity, steals what he can in the way of goods, weapons and space crafts from the UAC, then takes down several of their bases of operation scattered across the galaxy before finally stealing one of their largest war vessels, the SKREE, and taking off to the deps of space for his next adventure. Rowdy Rudy I and II follow a conspiracy theorist ex-marine who’s brother ends up dying due to an explosion in the city. Rudy realises this was caused by a growing mob of insane cultists. He has to take them down, then use their spirit world portal to go to hell and destroy the source of the evil leaking into the real world. After such a hard job he attempts to retire, but is then pressured into taking on another, much harder job of containing an outbreak of aliens and mutants that were held in captivity by the UAC. When he completes this mission, he finally gets to retire. In Ray Mohawk’s Manic Monday, it’s all about a new fuel being discovered called “Nukage” which had unforeseen long-term ecological effects (see: turning most humans and animals into bloodthirsty zombies). Ray never trusted Nukage, so he was halfway prepared already. Despite being a drunkard, he (violently) makes his way to the heart of UAC to give them a stern talking to and finger-wagging about all this zombie business. He instead finds a bunch of demons which he promptly kills, and is thanked by the prestigious General Kawasaki for his hard work. These all could have just been run of the mill stories of demon invasion, but that tale gets a bit old after a while.
  4. How then are items also making this check? If doomguy runs over a hole with an item or weapon in it, he won’t collect the item since he’s above it on the Z axis. Being on the right X and Y coordinates aren’t enough. Surely has to be some sort of 3D collision check happening here as well, despite no projectiles being involved, or else he could collect items below him.
  5. Nah, and actually nothing in Doom technically has "infinite height". That term is a bit of a misnomer! I have a video that briefly goes into it here (around the 6:55 mark). You can actually see the 3D bounding boxes that all objects have, which are responsible for collision detection:
  6. I don’t think this actually detracts from the overarching point you’re making, but I’m sure I remember messing around with WhackEd about 17 years ago, so (if my foggy memory of this era is accurate) that was only about 6 years between the final (official) DeHackEd version and exl making WhackEd.
  7. On Doomshack.org we have an easy point-and-click uploader and let me tell you, attempts at abuse are dishearteningly common. We’ve had to implement many security features along the way, and we are backwater compared to idgames. I do wish it was easier and always have, which is part of why Doomshack was made in the first place, but speaking from experience - it’s a security nightmare..
  8. I would say so, but even if you prefer scc1t2, here’s a version with slightly better tone and better instrument mixing - plus low range piano music doesn’t go out of tune! https://musical-artifacts.com/artifacts/724 (You can compare Wormhole from Final Doom as a good test of low range piano sound)
  9. You should find a new hobby such as playing guitar or some other instrument, making videos, perhaps buy a punching bag to wail on a few times a day (really helps to blow off some steam) or just anything, really. If gaming ever feels like a chore, it’s time to put it down for a while and put that time towards developing a new skill, or even just something meditative.
  10. I'm guessing this is because the file loaded last in Doom will overwrite all that comes before it, assuming it and a previously loaded wad both replace the same asset, so this could be interpreted as the file you load first having the lowest priority. (Just putting this out there for clarification)
  11. I don’t usually load anything other than the wad I’m looking to play, though I must admit the only reason I don’t run the Doom Minor Sprite Fixes in combination with Vanilla smooth guns is due to forgetfulness above all else.. On the Doomshack servers for Zand and ZD, I always have splash3.wad which adds splash effects for all liquid surfaces and 150skins.wad auto loaded. I feel like having custom skins makes it more fun for the average player.
  12. Thanks very much, we put a lot into it so really glad to hear you liked it.
  13. Hey everyone, here's the FINAL release candidate! If no bugs are found soonish, this will be the version that makes it's way to /idgames. Download it here: (old link removed) Any last minute feedback greatly appreciated, as always!
  14. Plutonia really is a "trial and error" type wad - definitely not for everyone! I've had a weird, constant love-hate relationship with the wad.. leaning more towards love. But it doesn't love me back..
  15. If a lot of people start using the term in that way, it becomes a colloquialism. If I hear thousands of people use the term boomer to colloquially describe a particular mindset, and then I use the term that way myself, it does not then make me illiterate - colloquials and slang are perfectly valid from a linguistic perspective, or else we could say confidently that Shakespeare, who came up with a lot of slang, was no wordsmith after all, which in my opinion would be wrong. Not disagreeing with the overall point you’ve made, especially the tendency to shut people down with “hot takes” (another colloquialism!). Just wanted to put it out there that terms come to develop new meanings over time, it’s generally how language evolves (or devolves, depending on your perspective). Also the guy who thought it had something to do with the 2008 housing boom is just an idiot. But, if thousands started using it that way....
  16. I’m very sorry for your loss - really hoping the new year turns for the better. Take care of yourself.
  17. Don’t forget to run it alongside this little beauty! (well, unless you’re really determined to hear the stock Doom soundtrack yet again)
  18. Man, why does every good series have to be run into the ground until it’s a zombie like shell of it’s former self? Happens to nearly every good series, I swear..
  19. I’m so sick of seeing this thread show up over and over and over.. like jeez guys, let’s come up with something new and creative to talk about ffs Also the snow globe I have here is so old that the water looks more like very thin mud.. pretty nasty. But if I was so dehydrated that I might die, why not take the gamble? It might win me some more time to be rescued/find real water/etc
  20. I hear what you’re saying here, but I think there are some fundamental differences. Gay people were and still often are on the receiving end of oppression, whereas the ones who write all of the laws and run pretty much every single aspect of the government are boomers (in the literal sense). So the fact that one is an often oppressed group and that the others aren’t makes it pretty different, imo. Additionally, boomer is usually treated more as way of thinking, it’s almost like an ideology. There are 20 year olds who think like “stereotypical boomers”, for example. Being gay is not an ideology, so again it’s pretty different. Making fun of someone’s political and social opinions seems a lot more acceptable (to me personally) than making fun of someone for their traits which they have no control over. I’m comfortable critiquing a persons ideas, but I’d feel like garbage for critiquing their identity or their physical attributes. This is just my stance in it of course, I’m sure plenty out there would think I’m dead wrong on this. Calling someone a boomer tends to be like the opposite version of calling someone a communist in a derogatory way, if you know what I mean. It’s an (admittedly very lazy) critique of their thoughts and politics, not a critique of arbitrary attributes (despite someone’s birth year being exactly that). On that note, one thing I can say with confidence is that using any stupid derogatory remark in an attempt to simply silence opposition is, well, stupid - but I also think it’s inaccurate to pretend these terms are all the same. I do tend to agree with the prediction that the term will soon be considered ageism.
  21. I refuse to accept this. Look, DWANGO isn’t dead.. it just smells funny.
  22. It’s really all of the above, as I understand it. Benefitted from the New Deal in youth but trying to destroy it and anything similar in old age, fear of all things new, technology = scary, wife bad.
  23. What crappy news.. Rest in Power, MF Doom.
  24. You guys have convinced me that some isometric games are 2.5D. I was really just referring to the fact that “raising on the Z axis” in these games really just translates to sliding a 2D sprite upward on the screen. You could print all the levels and sprites as 2D bits of paper and lose nothing meaningful - whereas with Doom, anything less than a 3D model of the world would result in a substantial loss. In terms of logic, id say these games are clearly 3D. You have to think in a 3 dimensional space to progress. It’s just that you’ll never see a sprite shrink as it gets further away, for example. Purely from a technical perspective, what we are seeing as 3D movement in an isometric game is just clever movement of sprites on the X and Y axes, which is unlike Doom, which cannot use clever X and Y movement to simulate Z movement, due to it being first person rather than isometric. Of course, if you have to climb a cliffside in an isometric game, you still have to think in a 3D way to solve the puzzle. It’s just that there’s no actual 3D rendering or whatever of any kind. I hope this makes some sense, and is indeed accurate.. I guess what I’m saying is that if isometric games are using a close enough approximation to 3D to cross into being “2.5D”, then Doom itself cannot wear that label, as it is far more 3D than those games. (Then again, I’m of the mind that Doom solidly qualifies as 3D other than all the objects being represented by sprites, so I guess that adds up!)
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