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Everything posted by Doomkid

    Unique and fun even today.
  1. ZDaemon Thursday Night Survival #263 - Urania (Part II) Date: August 25th, 2016 Euro session: 19:00 BST/14:00 EDT at SDA, Germany (usually lasts over 6 hours) Zandronum Friday Night Fragfest #337: Blackrose CTF & DBAB+Realguns Advanced TLMS European FNF: August 26th, 2016 18:00 UTC American FNF: August 26th, 2016 20:00 EDT ZDS #469 - Paul's Deathmatch Part II Date: Saturday August 27th, 2016 Euro: 19:30 BST / 14:30 EDT USA: 01:00 BST / 20:00 EDTHead over to the Multiplayer forum for discussion about clans, multiplayer WADs, match scheduling and other fun events. Happy fragging!
  2. ZDaemon Thursday Night Survival #262 - 5 years of TNS: Mutiny Date: August 18th, 2016 Euro session: 19:00 BST/14:00 EDT at SDA, Germany (usually lasts over 6 hours) Odamex Nitro Special Edition - Toke 10 Year Anniversary FFA + Tournament Server: [WDL] doomleague.org Date: Friday, August 19th, 2016 @ 7:30PM EDT 1v1 TOURNAMENT Date: Saturday, August 20th @ 3pm EDT (on moo2d) Zandronum Friday Night Fragfest #336: 32in24-11 with CataWepZ & AFTS+Dynamite DM European FNF: August 19th, 2016, 18:00 UTC American FNF: August 19th, 2016, 20:00 EDT Check out the Multiplayer forum for discussion about clans, match scheduling and other fun events. Happy fragging!
    Cacoward material right here!
  3. ZDaemon Thursday Night Survival #261 - Urania (Part I) Date: August 11th, 2016 19:00 BST/14:00 EDT Location: [L@P], Germany (usually lasts over 6 hours) Zandronum Friday Night Fragfest #335: ATF on RageCTF & Naturemod GVH LMS European FNF: August 12th 18:00 UTC American FNF: August 12th 2016, 20:00 EDTZDaemon Sessions hasn't been announced yet this week, but keep an eye on the Multiplayer forum for updates. Happy fragging!
  4. Doomkid

    Twisted Dimension

    Brings back memories. Tango went on to make stuff far better than this, but this is still good!
  5. ZDaemon Thursday Night Survival #260 - Doomworld Mega Project 2015 (Part II) Date: 4th August 2016 Euro session: 19:00 BST/14:00 EDT at Ducks, Czech Republic (usually lasts over 6 hours) Zandronum Friday Night Fragfest #334: Dwango 12 & Brit10-11-Exec DM European FNF: August 5th, 2016, 18:00 UTC American FNF: August 5th, 2016, 20:00 EDT ZDS #466 - XLAN Survival Deathmatch Date: Saturday 6th August 2016 Euro: 19:30 BST / 14:30 EDT USA: 01:00 BST / 20:00 EDT Be sure to take a look at the Multiplayer forum for discussion about clans, match scheduling and other fun events. Happy fragging!
  6. Doomkid


    I'd like to see what Twiztid would make these days if he were still on the mapping scene. Good memories, but pretty much exactly what Memfis said, very spammy with more than 2 players
  7. Doomkid


    Author sells the wad short. Texturing is a little janky, but it looks better and plays better than 1994 stuff.
    Why not take the time to make something that doesn't suck ass
    Totally gorgeous and pretty damn fun too! (I still need to beat it but I'm getting there)
  8. ZDaemon Thursday Night Survival #259 - Doomworld Mega Project 2015 (Part I) Date: 28th July 2016 19:00 BST/14:00 EDT Location: [L@P], Germany (usually lasts over 6 hours) ZDS #465 - Double-Domination Mappack Date: Saturday 30th July 2016 Euro: 19:30 BST / 14:30 EDT USA: 01:00 BST / 20:00 EDT Zandronum FNF hasn't been announced yet for this week, but keep an eye on the multiplayer forum for any updates. Have fun!
  9. Doomkid

    UAC Ultra (v1.2)

    Very solid.
  10. ZDaemon Thursday Night Survival #258 - THT: Threnody Date: 21st July 2016 19:00 BST/14:00 EDT Euro session: at Ducks, Czech Republic (usually lasts over 6 hours) Zandronum Friday Night Fragfest #332: 3-way Madness CTF & Uptight TDM! European FNF: July 22, 2016, 18:00 UTC American FNF: July 22, 2016, 20:00 EDT ZDS #464 - The Brotherhood of Ruin Survival Date: Saturday 23rd July 2016 Euro: 19:30 BST / 14:30 EDT USA: 01:00 BST / 20:00 EDTCheck out the Multiplayer forum for discussion about clans, matchmaking and other fun events. Happy fragging!
    Molten is spot on - a few odd design choices, but overall nice to look at and fun to play!
    The texturing is balls ugly (which I kinda like), most of the maps are fun, while others are duds. Doesn't really throw you anything new or exciting the whole way through, but is engaging enough to at least play once. From a cacoward winner I expected higher quality, but it's still worth giving it a shot.
  11. So, this is a response to a recently helled thread, but it was just so interesting (and relatively tame as far as mudslinging in EE goes) that I feel the urge to make one last point on the matter. If you guys want me to obliterate this thread, just tell me and I will.

    dew said:

    Heh, I'm not asking you to feed hungry necks yourself, I'm saying both America and Australia are extremely resource-rich and aren't even nearly tapping their potential yet.

    I know you weren't saying that I personally should be feeding the hungry, it's just that we're currently projected to continually eat away at these abundant resources until they're, well, not so abundant. That's not to mention that available resources is only one aspect: we also have the issue of extreme pollution as a result of our current level of manufacturing. We really do need to be taking steps to curb this stuff, not to speed it up, and an ever growing population (with less jobs to go around no less thanks to how cheap it is to automate stuff) is going to guarantee these issues only get worse.

    Population isn't the only factor in this kind of thing of course - For example, more sustainable means of manufacturing should also be encouraged/funded, but we can't pretend population isn't an issue worthy of addressing. Also worth nothing, the best way to curb population growth is through the dirty E word - education. Statistically, a smarter population breeds less rampantly.

    1. Show previous comments  21 more
    2. Technician


      MrGlide said:

      some of our not so friendly minded, yet intelligent members can join the discussion.

      That's the nicest thing someone has ever said about me.

    3. Voros


      MrGlide said:

      A secret agenda would be the reason why your doing something that isn't the stated reason or one that is unstated. I just have a hard time thinking you actually care that this isn't in EE lol. Also I think the point of this being in blogs is so that some of our not so friendly minded, yet intelligent members can join the discussion.

      But this is mostly an EE topic.

      Blogs are usually personal things of a member. I don't know if the boom in population has personally affected Doomkid or not (probably not).

      But it's just a thought.

    4. Doomkid


      I didn't want the thread to turn into a shit show which often happens to EE threads. Also GreyGhost makes an interesting point, but I still think that until the human species dies out, we should be as well educated as we can. First world countries consume many resources for now, but if more people were batter educated, we would have higher chances of developing more efficient technology at a faster rate. The end result I'd hope for in this fantasy world would be replacing our current high-consumption ways with a more sustainable means of living, but I think that's unrealistic for a variety of unfortunate reasons.

  12. ZDaemon Thursday Night Survival #257 - The Beginning of the End (Part II Revisited) Date: 14th July 2016 Euro session: 19:00 BST/14:00 EDT at Ducks, Czech Republic (usually lasts over 6 hours) Zandronum Friday Night Fragfest #331: DBAB LMS & Push European FNF: July 15th, 2016, 18:00 UTC American FNF: July 15, 2016, 20:00 EDT ZDS #463 - 32in24-7 CTF - Part II - 2nd Chance Date: Saturday 16th July 2016 Euro: 19:30 BST / 14:30 EDT USA: 01:00 BST / 20:00 EDTBe sure to check out the Multiplayer forum for discussion about clans, matchmaking and other fun events. Happy fragging!
  13. That's right, a whole thread about the deadly stache.

    The other day I was among a group of coworkers who are all into rock music and not a single one of them knew anything about Zappa, not even a single song he had written. Not one. This kind of baffled me, but at the same time, he's pretty obscure these days and was always considered pretty far out even when he was alive. I figured I'd dump a bunch of great Zappa tunes in one easy spot.

    Zappa wrote some of my all-time favorite pieces. There's a big chunk of his material that simply isn't for me as it's too unconventional/'out there', but it's really quite astonishing that one dude could write in such a myriad of styles and genres. Given his enthusiasm for finding new sounds and pushing the boundaries, I suppose it shouldn't be all that surprising.

    Below is a condensed list of Zappa songs I really like. The first few are my absolute favorites, and everything that follows is just a mix of stuff I can put on at any time and love listening to.

    Keep in mind, humor was always one of Zappa's focal points when writing music, not just in terms of lyrics, but in terms of instrumental sounds as well. The sounds can range anywhere from rock to jazz to classical to just goofy as hell, but I love them all. At the end of the day, humor really is just one small aspect of it all. Listen to a few for yourself and see what you think:

    Uncle Remus
    Transylvania Boogie
    Watermelon in Easter Hay
    I Am The Slime
    Road Ladies
    G-Spot Tornado
    We Are Not Alone
    Dumb All Over
    Heavenly Bank Account
    Dirty Love
    Muffin Man
    Your Mouth
    Bobby Brown Goes Down
    Joe's Garage
    Keep It Greasey
    Why Does it Hurt When I Pee?
    A Token of My Extreme
    Harder Than Your Husband
    The Meek Shall Inherit Nothing
    Stick Together
    Camarillo Brillo
    Beauty Knows No Pain
    We're Turning Again
    Night School
    Jesus Thinks You're a Jerk
    Dancin' Fool
    Don't Eat The Yellow Snow
    Tinsel Town Rebellion
    Be In My Video
    I'm So Happy I Could Cry
    I'm Not Satisfied
    Why Don'tcha Do Me Right?
    Would You Go All The Way?
    Eat That Question
    Bolero (Cover)
    Whippin' Post (Cover)

    I could listen to a playlist of those songs almost endlessly. Of course, if you don't want my hand-picked favorites and just want to dive into some Zappa albums, I would recommend Joe's Garage, Overnite Sensation, Chunga's Revenge, Apostrophe', Freak Out!, Broadway the Hard Way, Does Humor Belong in Music?, and Sheik Yerbouti. When listened to in one sitting, Zappa's albums tend to tell a really funny, interesting or even sad story, so if that sounds appealing, maybe one of these will be up your alley.

    Aside from his music, Zappa was a guy who I really respect. He valued the constitution and actively fought to defend freedom of speech, the kind of guy who would defend your right to say what you want even if he wholeheartedly disagreed with you. His albums and songs were regularly restricted from radio play and many record stores refused to stock his albums, back when they were new releases. He received constant backlash for the content of his albums, and it's extra hilarious given how tame it all is by modern standards.

    Anyway, that's the end of my rant, I hope some of you get some entertainment out of it.

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. RUSH


      For me, the artwork and sound quality is just as important as the music itself. CD sound is lossless and I find the difference is quite noticeable, despite what some people claim. While good, mp3 sound is thinner and seems to lack some of the deep bass and crisp highs that CDs deliver.

      That and being able to read the lyrics/liner notes is half the fun.

    3. an_mutt


      I remember borrowing a couple tapes of Shiek Yerbouti and Apostrophe' from my uncle to take on a weekend school trip when I was around 11, and finding its more juvenile material the funniest goddamn shit in the world. A few years later when I was starting to practice guitar and bass I rediscovered his stuff, and was completely blown away by how musically innovative he was as a composer and performer. So yeah, listen to Zappa, y'all!

      Doomkid said:

      I would recommend Joe's Garage [...] Apostrophe' [...]

      Seconding these. Also gonna recommend that people give his live albums a listen - his interplay with the rest of the band and the audience is great. Two of the first Zappa albums I ever listened to were Roxy & Elsewhere and Live in New York, and I still listen to them regularly. Those two are quintessential Zappa, I think - the perfect culmination of amazing musicianship and on-stage hijinks.

    4. Doomkid


      I absolutely agree with both of you and your points, and to follow up what an_mutt said, Zappa's Does Humor Belong in Music? is some of the best live gig footage I've seen. If you like it, definitely buy the DVD. Certain bits crack me up every time without fail, and the first time I ever watched it I was pretty much in awe!

  14. Doomkid

    Another Awful Map

    Well, it does what it says on the tin..
  15. Doomkid


    Reminds me of one of those little wads you'd find on 1994 shovelware discs where you say "Hey, this is actually sorta fun", but it's well below par compared to other stuff I've seen from Death Egg. Also I'm struggling to think of a single map I made while I *wasn't* stoned.
  16. Doomkid


    Mostly good, there are a couple duds but the good maps are really damn fun. Duels can get pretty intense here.
  17. ZDaemon Thursday Night Survival #256 - Plutonia Nightmare! - The Finishing Date: July 7th, 2016 19:00 BST/14:00 EDT Location: [L@P], Germany (usually lasts over 6 hours) Doomkid's Random DM Event #3 - ZDM + Miano's Deathmatch! When: July 8th, 2016 at 7:00:00 PM EDT (UTC-4 hours) Where: The [Doomshack.org] cluster on Zandronum Zandronum Friday Night Fragfest #330: IDL Skullbag & Mega5 LMS! European FNF: July 8th, 2016, 19:00 UTC American FNF: July 8th, 2016, 20:00 EDT ZDS #462 - 32in24-7 CTF - Part II Date: Saturday July 9th, 2016 Euro: 19:30 BST / 14:30 EDT USA: 01:00 BST / 20:00 EDTBe sure to check out the Multiplayer forum for discussion about clans, matchmaking and other fun events. Happy fragging!
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