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Everything posted by Doomkid

  1. Doomkid

    The Cage 1.0

    Decent duel map. A little rough, but playable.
  2. Doomkid


    far too large and cramped for a decent DM
    Playable 1994 SP map, a little too large and non-flowy for DM.
    Not bad, but the comp room and the red room should be connected. Playable.
  3. Doomkid


    A very weird map with a bunch of HOMs.. But oddly, the gameplay doesn't look TOO horrible, really. It wouldnt take much to make this a lot better.
  4. Doomkid

    Fava Beans

    Honestly it's pretty damn good, but the author seems a little too up himself.. Edit 5 years later: I seem too up myself for leaving this comment, how ironic
  5. Doomkid

    Deathmatch Fava

    Good for slow pace DM or LMS.
  6. Doomkid


    This is actually a pretty fantastic E1 themed map, you could swear this was made by Romero himself, for the most part. "Deathmatch the way ID did". It's too big - You'd want 4 - 8 people here, but it's very competent technically speaking.
  7. Doomkid


    Map05 is the only one that looks decent for deathmatch, otherwise this mapper showed a lot of potential for SP/Coop mapping, with these large creations.
    Wasnt expecting much from the textfile, but this is map is sorta cool is a quirky way..
  8. Doomkid

    Nukeage Plant

    The nukage pit with the RL is annoying but this is an otherwise good DM map, even if a little bare. Great for a first release.
  9. Doomkid


    This is one of those really cool maps Hellbent was making/playing back on Doom Connector. Nice stuff.
  10. Doomkid


    Very large and very bad.
    Not good at all.. Big, bad texturing, nebiew maps that you make as a kid messing with WadAuthor..
  11. Doomkid

    D.G. Deathmatch #1

    Simple, but not bad. Those damn traps in the floor though, where you have to wait to be fragged.. I hate that! great map if those were removed.
  12. Doomkid

    2 Die

    Pretty damn good DM map, was featured in one of the Dwango wads. Plays well.
  13. Doomkid

    Two Wood Fortresses

    Looks like a fusion of Greenwar map01 and that one map from SwarmDMx. Theyre both great maps so I'm sure this would be too, for duels that is. Keep it up.
  14. Doomkid


    very barebones texturing, but looks decent enough in the gameplay department.
    Better than the description would leave you to believe. Looks honestly quite fun for 2-4 players, if a bit plain.
  15. Doomkid

    The Training Base

    Looks pretty good for 1995 DM. Very clean texturing, rare in this era.
  16. Doomkid


    Good but basic 1994 DM map.
  17. Doomkid

    For The Frags

    Poor man's entryway
  18. Doomkid

    Four Destroy

    Symmetrical, but looks very playable for duels. 3.5*
  19. Doomkid


    Pretty bland.
  20. Doomkid


    Pretty old and dated, but not awful.
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