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Everything posted by Doomkid

  1. Doomkid


    Really tight corridors, with horrible texturing and a big open grey room. Another room is full of medkits (at least 20). I think I'm the first person to play this in eons, and for good reason.
    This one seems pretty cool, other than those annoying ass death pits.
  2. Doomkid


    That megasphere trap pissed me off, but it made my fiancee laugh, so it gets 2 just for that.
  3. Doomkid


    These maps are pretty damn great for 1995, I had to cheat to pass E1M1 I'll admit, but I'm up to E1M4 now and I'm really enjoying it. Some of them seem distantly familiar, as a child I may have played them in their stand alone state over a decade ago.
  4. Doomkid


    I'm fucking blown away that there exists a DOOM wad from 1996 called "YOLO". What the hell could that have stood for back in the day? I find it incredibly amusing. The 1 star is just for the name alone, this is a trashy, gigantic, square DM map full of HOMs featuring stacks of blue armor. In other words, your typical 90's DM map.
  5. Doomkid

    CGA Doom

    Looks like Doom for ZX Spectrum.
    These maps are simply amazing. Uses some of FraGMarE's maps from "The Final Frag", another great DM pack from 1996, although these are much better modernised versions. This is a must play!!
  6. Doomkid

    Rat in a Cage

    This map looks like a DAMN fun BFG whorefest. It's criminal that Timer's maps aren't played online and it is now my goal to rectify that.
    From 1995. Not bad, would probably suit 4 or more OS deathmatchers, but the layout does look a little clunky.
    THIS IS AWFUL!!!!!
  7. Doomkid


    I found the BFG! If you don't get it from the spawn point, it seems inaccessable. Although this map is pretty bad, seems to be the best of Travis' work. Also, I'm the one staying up late reviewing wads nearly as old as I am, so who am I to judge? I doubt anyone has played this in over a decade and I bet it'll be at least that long until anyone does again, if ever. And for good reason.
    Good layout, but there are WAY too many powerups. Gotta love the door opening into the sky - texturing isn't this maps strong point. That teleport sound is so loud, it shocked the hell outta me. 3*
    Would have frustrated me if I was in the tournament, because the maps aren't good DM maps. It's either too dark, a bottleneck or a vast open space.
    Look's like one of the Ninja Turtles took lots of roids then got flattened by an 18 wheeler. At no point in Doom history would this have been seen as half decent - avoid.
  8. Doomkid


    Another plain DM arena by Travis Johnson. Very square and boring even for older standards.
  9. Doomkid


    It's too dark, but it looks nice for it's age. Pretty well balanced for DM by the looks of things though.
  10. Doomkid

    Terry Sux

    You gotta love it just for the concept alone.
    A horizontal level. I like it, the texturing is a bit plain but great gameplay.
  11. Doomkid


    A 1996 deathmatch map, so you know basically what level of quality to expect. Somewhat resembles Tower of Babel, but with brown STUCCO textures.
    The maps seem OK for deathmatch, but the powrup distribution is awfully unbalanced... turn item respawn off for this one. Also the maps are really plain.. In fact, just player better DM maps. AS stated the GBA port felt kinda rushed but i imagine a few people had fun here back then.
    Just satyed up for hours on DOSbox peeking around through all the alphas, then ended up beating E1 again at the end of it all. I've been addicted to this game for basically my entire life because of this here set o' files.
  12. Doomkid


    Wow, the map was made in the year 2066! Another Deathtag map, for fucks sake I want to try out this deathtag game type online some time. Pretty well built map, I thought those particle fountains were real at a glance too.
    These are fantastic, I remember seeing an earlier version on the forums. 5/5 for effort and style.
  13. Doomkid


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