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Everything posted by Doomkid

  1. Doomkid

    Point Blank (1)

    Wow, really good map. Looks amazing for a duel.
  2. Doomkid


    I actually couldnt beat this one, the layout was too confusing. Looks and plays good for a 95 map, and definitely has that "inspired by where I work" feel as the above commenter pointed out. If you're into old maps that would have been on CD's like Doom Heaven and all that kinda crap, this is just the thing for you. 3.5/5
  3. Doomkid


    Nice old DM map. Melee09.wad/zip seems to be forever lost to time, I can't find it anywhere on the archives or google.
  4. Doomkid


    Not that bad, but it took me forever to figure out.
  5. Doomkid


    Decent OS map. You could camp in the spawn points, but that'd just be lame.
  6. Doomkid


    A competent but basic 1994 map.
  7. Doomkid


    Surprisingly good for a July 1994 map, honestly. If the textures were aligned, some corridors widened, and the doors sped up, this would still be fun today.
  8. Doomkid


    An awesome deathmatch map made by a biker chick in the 90's? That's like your typical Doomer's wet dream.
  9. Doomkid

    deathmatch halls

    I love how most old DM wads are like "HELL NO" about Cooperative in their descriptions :) Brian made two brilliant DM maps on these archives, but this isn't one of them - the halls are too thin and too dark.
    Very plain, but good for a basic deathmatch.
  10. Doomkid


    Whew, what a match! These guys were pretty good considering the era, especially the Red player. The map is assy by current standards, blah blah blah, but you can tell these guys were f*cking loving it. 2 stars for the great Deathmatch alone, I wonder how long it's been since any of these 4 have even thought about Doom.
  11. Doomkid


    Pretty cool wad with kinda funny looking sprite edits, but they're not too bad. Worth a few minutes to check em out.
    Anceint DM map from July 1994. Ok for it's time, entirely pointless today.
  12. Doomkid


    Some abstract designs, but they're not good the look at or to play..
  13. Doomkid


    Basic, but good!
  14. Doomkid


    looks really damn fun, but those wolf3D textures/swastikas really don't fit in.
  15. Doomkid

    Kiev Series

    These maps seems pretty damn solid, with map04 being the weak link due to tight knit, annoying pink corridors just like in Pandemonium. Contains MIDI's you've certainly heard before. Check these out if you ever have the time, they seem fun.
  16. Doomkid


    Not too bad, quite wide open but an interesting map design. BFG spam would be great here.
    This would be good for a 2v2. I like it just for the fact that it's a CTF map from before CTF became a popular game mode!
  17. Doomkid


    weird little map with easy to grab BFG and invisible walls, but the gameplay might be pretty fun. Very basic.
  18. Doomkid

    Control #1

    This is a cool idea, it would be nice to see how a DM plays out here.
  19. Doomkid


    Reminds me of stuff I made when I was about 9 or 10 years old and first discovered WadAuthor. Garbage, tightly cramped STARTAN walls. Doesn't get more boring or useless than that.
    People really seemed to like hunting more than fragging back in the day... decently built though!
  20. Doomkid


    These maps are OK, but nothing special. Clashy texturing everywhere, and I could never picture a deathmatch here - these are dated coop maps. 3 stars
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