I'm impressed he figured out how to get the 'plasma marines' to move while shooting, i could never get that right in DEH format. The map is average 90's DM stuff, very random.
Maps are awesome for their age, nice use of Dehacked + sprite work too. I really enjoy switchhunting and this combines that with a nice flow of monsters. The MIDIs are 100% metallica, complete with inappropriately used steel string guitar rather than overdrive guitar.
The files inside seem like WAD file names.. I'm interested what Run 4 Life and Bo Hell and such are. Anyone who can figure out how to open JBL files should see what this is.
This map is pretty interesting in some ways - invisible BFG path was a cool touch, and the lights on/off "trap" in the green ruins bit was nice. This has aged horribly, with bad use of textures and a picture of hitler scrolling by, but it would have been seen as fun/interesting back then I'm sure.
It's not that bad, but it's too cramped. Also from the era where chucking a ragtime MIDI in your DM wad wasn't seen as unusual. There are a few chainguns and a plasma rifle, but more weaponry would have been nice.
^No shit Sherlock, we can all see the date it was submitted, that doesn't necessarily mean it will be bad. This map has terrible texturing for 95 standards and the layout is utterly bland, most 1995 stuff is still better than this.
I've only checked out the first half of the wad, but I can say that these are criminally underplayed maps. I'm going to suggest them for a FNF, ZDS or Odamex Thunder.. Cool stuff right here.
It's criminal that these haven't been given more attention.. They're well above par for their age and look like they would still be fun for 8 player FFA today, or maybe even LMS. A little bare as mentioned, but damn, these are pretty quality. 4/5
Feels like a good DM map from 1995, though it was made in 2004. Has NOTHING to do with Dwango5, not sure what the tards above me are on about. The good maps in D5 are really damn good, just skip the shitty ones. Everyone knows that by now.
Brian Glines and Kevin Worrel both have Doom maps on this archive, and both of them went on to work on the COD series. So many Doomers hate COD, yet it was spawned by Doom lovers.. Fancy that, huh? Figures it was an interesting bit of trivia. He made this when he was 12, not bad, not bad at all.