Big, empty, boring mazey stuff. Just spending another night digging through 90's wads, don't mind me. Oh, and skip this unless you're an old WAD collector... I don't think there are many of us out there, since it's a pointless thing to do anyway, But here I am.
This is far from "the epitome" of E2 style maps - The texturing is awful, though the maps are a bit of fun. I've seen far worse but this is instantly forgettable.
Pretty noobish map, more like a wolf3d DM aside from the outdoor area, which is plain and boring. The author's initlas are present, as in many ancient WADs. Not vomit, but not good.
Contains some very helpful tips & pointers for deathmatch players that still apply today. The documentation is great, but the facility.wad is just a glitchy basic map full of ammo and stuff.
Cool map with very suitable eerie music. Light on ammo, but in a good way. Features an awesome berserk fight with imps and demons. There are missing textures in the room where you fight the 2 barons, and the choice of the lion switch texture on the ceiling support beam in one of the early rooms is an odd choice, but the gameplay is really good here, definitely worth checking out.