Big outdoor brown square with a wide, zig zagging bridge above it to fight on. Unbalanced weapon placement. This is really, really boring stuff straight outta '95.
I remember playing this years ago. It's calssic Dooming action of yesteryear. If that sounds like your kind of thing, you should like it. If you're a detail fanatic, definitely skip this one.
Surprisingly, this is actually a half decent SP map. Texturing isn't great (1994, no surprise) but it's not just a mess of shit like most stuff from this era.
Another college student who was learning how to map.. Horrible texturing and vast, VAST open spaces. Many things made with those old clunky Doom editors seem to be gigantic and sprawling.
It's interesting how many of these 90's doom wads are from EDU email addresses. Doom seems to have been huge amongst college students back then, and in part obviously for the ability to edit it.
Seems to be designed for Deathmatch, but 2 cybers are present. This map is very wide open, with huge sprwaling, mostly empty rooms. Not trash, but an editor learning how to map for Doom, and getting somewhere.
Really good for it's age, the environment is trying to be realistic as mentioned above. It's well made, but it just kinda bored me. I think I may have played this in years gone by and it impressed me far more back then.
"A sure contender for best WAD of the year." Even if this was solid gold, I couldn't possibly rate it due to this snobbery. When I first started, I knew my maps weren't amazing and I didn't fool myself into thinking they were.
I've played this map before, it's already on the archives..? Lots of small-power enemies, and an Eric Harris like txt file. Not sure what to make of it, but this map is at least 10 years old if I recall.
Map01 suffers from a lot of 64-wide hallways and is quite boring. Map02 however is a lot of fun with some interesting ideas. As with many maps from this time, it actually looks cooler from the automap. Overall a worthwhile add to your WAD collection.
It's by Cheetahmen, who actually makes some really cool Doom maps. Certainly not a Terry clone - All jokewads are not terrywads. 3/5 simply for crediting Hummer Team, who are DA BEST GAME COMPANY EVAR. Also, SHE'S A BRICK *dunna dun dun* HOUSE.
(Play Awesome Panda DM to see his good maps.)