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Everything posted by Doomkid

    Ugh, the fist being ungloved is not a "goof", he quickly takes them off to use the brass knuckles! Anyway, this looks really good.
  1. Doomkid


    the big 300, and it's a list of line and floor actions in the vanilla Doom engine. All map editors from the last 15 years have all this info included, another relic right here.
  2. Doomkid

    Hell Revealed II

    Pssssshhhhh the gameplay is awesome, it seems some people need to brush up on their SP skills before diving into HR2. It's meant to be hard as hell.
    How many of these are there on the archive?!
  3. Doomkid


    As with so many ancient maps, it looks a lot cooler from the automap. Really nice early attempt at light-sourching in the blue exit room. Cool stuff from the past here, but it's an easy breeze with just under 50 baddies.
    EvilHomerDoomer is/was a badass. Boring map, but it deserves at least 3 stars.
    This feels like an really nice 1995 map. It plays excellently without Brutal Doom, too. I would say don't change your style, since I personally love 90's-style maps, but that would be selfish. Work on your texturing and detail, and maybe widen a few halls here and there - The layout is fine as it is though, this is a good map.
  4. Doomkid


    Generic, but good for the timestamp. Pretty nice hangar-ish DM map. Im sure some fun frags happened here.
    "Not another 200k exe" Ahh... 200k used to be a download issue at one point in Doom history.. God we're spoiled.
    Effort is shown here, the maps look decent enough but theyre too dark and simply too boring. I got 5 minutes of fun out of em though.
  5. Doomkid


    Glad this exists.
    Ver large map with winding corridors, but it looks pretty nice for a 1994 map.
    Looks weird, but not that bad for its age.
  6. Doomkid


    A cramped, boring DM map. This would be an annoying area for combat..
  7. Doomkid


    Why are most old doom maps so huge? Also it's very, very plain. As mentioned this must have caused HOMs in DOS... Flat out boring map.
  8. Doomkid

    Styx Deathmatch 02

    I'd like to play this online some time. Shame it's just one map!
  9. Doomkid

    Get Some Frags!

    The texturing is so damn boring, but the idea isn't too bad. Just your standard mid 90's DM arena.
  10. Doomkid

    Preview To A Kill

    There's literally nothing here. A few small crampoed maze things that aren't confusing at all. 27 monsters. ZZZZZZZZZZ
  11. Doomkid


    This looks very cool and I'd love to play it, but as stated, it just lags way too much. I'll give it 3 for the effort alone, next time make a map people will be able to play, rather than just admire from a distance ;)
  12. Doomkid

    The 8 Game

    That starting room was way too difficult.. But other than that, EIGHT.
  13. Doomkid

    Rest in Pieces II

    The whole this is shit brown.. at first. pressing the outer wall youll see silver walls and tons of green armor. This is a dog turd but I guess it would have been fun if you had nothing else to DM in back in 1994. Holds no purpose today..
  14. Doomkid


    Turns the player into a blue skull key. there's a new wad out there called "barrofun.wad" where the player is a barrel and hides amongst other real barrels in DM. Well, this is an old-as-the-hills version of that concept.
  15. Doomkid

    Velocity CTF X

    Quality CTF material right here, loved the times I've played it online.
  16. Doomkid


    Tons of copy-paste of boring dark hallways and bit blue computer rooms.. A few HOMs were a Doortrak should be. Not vomit..
  17. Doomkid

    WATTER PUMP v2.0

    Rated 1/10 sounds about right. Very very boring startan map complete with cramped halls. "creeping Death" and Metallica in general is so overused in 90's doom wads, but that's not a surprise. It's like being hit in the face with purified 90's-ness.
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