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Everything posted by Doomkid

  1. This is SO incomplete. Picking just one album to represent ANY of these bands is criminal, and I'm not even able to fit in my love for NIN, Zeppelin, my love of funny music like Weird Al, my love of heavy music like Lamb of God and so forth... But I love all of these, they all impacted me profoundly!
  2. I remember the time before likes on Doomworld. I think there’s drawbacks and the aforementioned “post that exists to score likes” DOES technically exist, but frankly it’s not new. People were posting everything from pithy, smug little lines all the way to multi-chapter textwalls before likes were implemented, and for the reasons Bio mentioned, it’s had very little impact on post quality in general. Not to get buried in a correlation VS causation thing, but Doomworld was goddamn insane 6+ years ago compared to now. If the likes are eventually gonna cause a shift in overall post quality, they sure are taking their sweet time! (Yeah yeah I have the highest like-based rep on the site so my opinion is invalid, but I give zero fucks about that number and just want to be able to casually acknowledge someone/something without writing another tiresome post like the very one you’re reading now!)
  3. Sorry I’ve been AWOL, and moreover about the issues with Doomshack - the site IS coming back shortly, rest assured!


    I have a bunch of DMs waiting for me (and sadly I don’t mean deathmatches..) and I’ll get back to them shortly. Not ignoring anyone, just focusing less time on DW for the moment!

    1. Individualised


      I just checked your profile several minutes ago and saw you hadn't been online in a while. Funny coincidence.

  4. Although I've played some Doom 1 wads that were great and remained entertaining throughout, I agree with pretty much every single word in this video. The SSG and the D2 monsters made the game stay fun to play for a longer time. I will say that there's honestly plenty of boring Doom 2 wads that just mindlessly plop the D2 exclusives everywhere and let their cool attacks do all the gameplay legwork (even a lot of my maps have done this) - whereas a Doom 1 wad has to be well designed and use the enemies well to be fun. So in a sense, I think making a Doom 1 wad that's more fun than a standard Doom 2 wad is a great achievement.. but, as a rule of thumb, the Doom 2 assets simply allow for a lot more gameplay variety.
  5. I've changed my views a little in the years since: Dwango5 - 10 points Exec - 5 points Udm3 - 3 points Area51 - 2 points Star Wars DOOM 2 (v1.33) - 2 points MM - 2 points AV - 2 points Scythe - 2 points DoomCity - 2 points Hellrun (Adrian Smart) - 2 points Ray Mohawk 2 - 2 points (don't care that I ran it, it's one of my favorites!) JAMAL JONES Trilogy - 2 points (once again) Bourgeois Megawad - 2 points (damn right) THT: Threnody - 1 point Abscission - 1 point Beta Labs - 1 point GALAXIA (Ultimate Czech Level) - 1 point OSIRIS - 1 point Cleimos - 1 point UAC_DEAD - 1 point All Hell is Breaking Loose! - 1 point The Far Side of Phobos - 1 point Plutonia - 1 point TNT: Evilution - 1 point Bermuda Triangle - 1 point Phobos.wad (Roger Ritenour) - 1 point Earth.wad - 1 point Mutiny - 1 point Hotel Hell - 1 point Hoover Dam - 1 point Could play any of these right now and have a great time.
  6. I love the idea of that mod Chow Yun Thin linked. If you could tip the strippers once THEN have them get saved the second time, that would be even better. I also agree the health bonus of 20 is too much, maybe 10 would be more reasonable. Not being able to save them was one thing in the game that I really didn't like as a youngn, cool to see a mod for it!
  7. you're fine lol. Use the search function before starting threads, that's all. (doomworld's search is also kinda shit to be fair) On the topic, I like slaughter in small doses or with a powered up arsenal of some sort, it's not my main genre by any means though.
  8. It’d be worth comparing to the metadata of un18. If it bizarrely uses the second text line rather than the first for the song title and the capitalisation, and the pointless “double dashes” between composer, album and track, we could come closer to confirming the E2M1 Big Gun midi possibly being built off of un18 (Silent Scream) very early on, which obviously ended up almost entirely cut out of the finished product..? (Also, to be fair to Bobby - Slade shows instrument track titles as “Title” for some reason. Very rarely do I see people use those blank instrument title slots for the actual song title, because you’re never going to have to specify that for each instrument - it’s far more convenient to denote which instrument is meant to be used for that specific track. I sometimes see the song title as the title of Track 0 or Track 1, but rarely elsewhere)
  9. I think what’s happening here is some leftover metadata. Silent Scream was transcribed as un18 among the Alpha Doom music and it has “absolute zero” in common with E2M1’s music (to my ears), which is an almost direct match for un44 (Big Gun). I’m thinking it’s similar to how Outshined is mentioned in the metadata of like 4 Alpha MIDIs even though un32 is the only one that sounds anything like it at all. It’s as if Bobby never started new MIDIs from a blank template and copied things over for new songs instead. Heres a full YT rip for convenience,
  10. Even though it’s commonly talked about, I’m baffled that E1M1 is inspired by Master of Puppets and not No Remorse. Shit man, when you analyse the riffs closely, the riff structure and rhythm and everything objectively match far more closely with No Remorse. It’s the linguistic equivalent of a long word that’s different by a single letter! Check out 6:25 onward in the following video to see what I mean. It’s probably even more useful if you aren’t a musician: It is nice to know beyond any doubt that it’s Metallica, at least - not to mention definitively disproving that claim about it being an original riff (let’s be real here, the id dudes play really fast and loose with Doom history sometimes, moreso the further we get from Doom’s birthday.) Awesome finds! I had like 10 “non-mus” MIDIs scraped together over the years, nice to have a neat pack like this!
  11. Oh, this is going in the vanilla wad pack right away - that name alone has me sold, LOL. Looks like good, old-fashioned Doom right here. Downloading it now!
  12. Just as a slight offshoot from the main driving force of this thread, I'm curious to hear about what everyone individually considers immersive when it comes to Doom maps (alongside the recommendations), if you'll humor me. Personally, the stuff the keeps me the most rapt in a wad are: - thematic consistency / themes changing as you progress in a way that makes some kind of sense (or is at least compelling), - sense of place, even if that place is abstract. Doomcute (and realism) are both fantastic ways to achieve immersion, but for me I think consistency of quality, tone, and atmosphere have to be even higher up when it comes to making me feel like I'm in the game's world. This is why, despite its age, I still consider Area51 an engrossing experience to this day. Definitely a great sense of place, while not being even remotely beholden to realistic ideas of how buildings should be laid out. Consistent level of detail, too. That wad informed so much of how I approach making my own wads.. well, the decent ones anyway. I rarely feel immersed when playing wads that take the arcadey Doom 2 approach where sense of place and sense of consistency mean little. This is not always a bad thing, sometimes I want a "Doom challenge box" rather than a consistent world, but usually I do prefer that feeling of cohesion. Even my own wads with "arcadey" gameplay and lighter vibes have to have some sense of purpose: that makes a wad feel like a total package. Immersion almost fools me into feeling like I'm achieving something as I progress through a little world rather than simply mastering a series of arbitrary Doom challenges. All this stuff said: I was totally enraptured in the what-could-have-been world of Beta Labs. It really felt like playing a 50/50 fusion of id and Tom Hall's original idea for Doom, and what Doom actually ended up as. I love that. The triple-whammy of Doomcute, emphasis on consistent mapping quality, and emphasis on consistent theming are what did it for me. I honestly feel like playing through that wad again just talking about it! Also, as Abscission's #1 fan, I just have to mention it as well. I think it's the lowest "doomcute to immersion" ratio I've ever seen in a wad, truly. On one hand it has the abstract feel of not necessarily being a "specific place" similar to many other good older Doom maps, but what makes it engrossing are the moody/haunting MIDIs, pervasive darkness, consistent high-quality, and well-paced descent into a Hell that felt very unique among Doom wads - especially vanilla stuff. These things are what made it a special experience, particularly gripping compared even to other good Doom 2 sets.
  13. This isn't the place to debate what vanilla means. The way Map32 works is now well and truly known, no need to digress further.
  14. For what it's worth, playing this in -complevel 2 isn't enough depending on the port. When it comes to weird-ass vanilla bugs and stuff, if you have any "Do not emulate" options ticked in DSDA-Doom for example, it will break the way the map is meant to function. This is a personal thing but I hate Map33s in general and am happy that 32 is a weird gimmick that can easily be skipped if the port for some reason can't or won't play the vanilla way.
  15. I know this is insane but since about 2020, at least 80% of my mapping has been accompanied by ASMR videos with no talking. Subtle noises and movements on the secondary screen oddly help me stay focused on the process. Music, interviews, shows, etc distract me more as my brain wants to pay attention to them.
  16. This is gonna come off as insanely douchey, but my Doom collection is so absurdly large - a ton of big box variants, shovelware discs out to here, posters, PE plushy, T shirts, yadda yadda… the only thing I don’t have (that I actually want) are the reaper miniatures. I don’t even care if they’re the originals or the reprints at this stage. The irony of these being the last thing for me to acquire is that they were literally the first thing I wanted. I’ve been eyeing them for 20 years now, the last 12 of which I’ve had my own income FFS. Maybe I’m secretly addicted to have “one last piece” to always look forward to or some shit like that.
  17. These are super cool, you’ve made so many too.. Gonna be giving all these a listen today. I randomly picked Coagulation Coast as a sampler and it’s so catchy, holy crap. Archie Sins is great too, the Healer Stalks fused into this badass song is adorable for lack of a better word. Fantastic.
  18. In hindsight I would have preferred real SC-55 backing, but you have to actually record each song through the line-in port and if you get even a single PC stutter, it gets baked into the recording. Doesn’t happen 99% of the time, but still it was easier in the end to just use soundfonts for exporting, partially because it’s also a lot harder to layer in extra sounds/instruments after exporting without causing peaks. There are some damn good soundfonts out there, including some amazing SC-55 derivatives that are almost as good as the real thing, or in some cases like an interesting reimagining (such as with the GM2 Map Soundfont).
  19. Thank you! This is the standard GM_Roland soundfont (RLNDGM), with the following layered over top, depending on the song: Guitar_LP Guitar_Heavy_Collection Drums_TamaRockStar2 Drums_MelottiDrums Bass_Jensens_Ibanez ..and way too much track layering :)
  20. It’s like you read my mind, Mark. Just earlier today I compiled the 4 map fixes I’ve been sent since the initial January release, on top of having gone though by hand and fixed about 1/3rd of the bugs reported (over a month ago). There’s still a bunch of finnicky stuff left that needs doing.. and I was simply unable to fix some maps because the node builder I use just doesn’t seem to be compatible with some others - some maps get bugged/HOM’d to hell if I make even a minor change.. Once I’m at my PC, I’ll upload the latest version which is further along, as well as a list of not-yet-addressed issues. Your help will seriously make this go down a lot smoother :)
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