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Everything posted by Doomkid

  1. I’m happy with Willy’s new submission! Since he dislikes his old one, I won’t use it. I don’t want people looking back on this and facepalming, even if it wasn’t a bad track the new one has much more gravitas.
  2. Excellent work @Lippeth and to you too @Gustavo6046, these MIDIs are excellent. I'll happily use Ring of Gravity in an unclaimed slot assuming the current claimants don't take them! (Even then it could be included as a bonus MIDI used for idmap01 like Diabolución suggests)
  3. Thanks so much Vert, really glad you liked it and helped us find yet more stuff to fix/improve on! Great catch, thank you! Will have this fixed before release.
  4. These programs (and their descriptions) are great, they’ll surely be a huge help to modders. I’m especially happy to see DECOhack, I really think it’s going to make the .DEH creation process easier for a lot of users who get overwhelmed by making DEHs the old fashioned way. Thanks a ton!
  5. I had such a blast here, thanks so much for hosting this.
  6. Certainly don’t feel pressured, Lippeth - this is just a deadline for slot reopening, I won’t be casting my wrath upon the non-submitters 😉 It looks like the idea to pass the track to DCG was talked about, I just didn’t realise it was agreed upon (probably missed an obvious post somewhere..) Either way, I’m not worried about which one of you submits a track, if @DCG Retrowave wants it and you’re too busy that’s absolutely not a problem!
  7. Glad to hear that, Gustavo! I also decided to make up a more graphical list, since they make things clear very quickly. Green checks are submitted and complete, white squares are submitted but still need work, and red X's have not been submitted. (old info removed)
  8. Hey peoples, just a reminder that the deadline is just over 2 weeks away - Feb 22nd! Hoping to hear submissions from nearly everyone at that point. Remember, your track doesn't have to be done, I just need something from every person for every slot to justify keeping them on the roster. If nothing is submitted, your slot will be freed up for someone else. I'll also go ahead and put a 5 submission per user limit in place because I don't want any one user to dominate the pack, it goes against the spirit of the project. Hoping to hear some more music soon!
  9. I've had one that sucked and one that was pretty damn good. I absolutely love meat but it would be a good idea for sustainability reasons if humans consumed a lot less of it than they do currently.
  10. As long as the art style / color choices / etc are nice to look at, I couldn't care if there's 8 pixels or 8 billion pixels. I picked 3 since it's the closest to how I feel!
  11. Thanks so much for running this on TNS! I’ll be joining in for sure. Really glad you caught the voodoo doll mixup, and I’ll be sure to get those demos recorded freshly for the final build. Cheers, KD! Gameplay like this is super helpful to us, thank you Vert! Really glad you enjoy beating stuff to a pulp with those fists, hehe.
  12. Really nice run there! Based on your playing I couldn't tell you were struggling that much, your gameplay seemed really competent. No rush on future demos, I'll definitely really enjoy watching them though. Decay is doing some pure speed runs (not 100% runs) just to demonstrate potential routes, since he designed most of these after all. I'd love to see him get beaten in a race:
  13. Kinds of reminds me of CodeImp's Bloodmasters, which IIRC originally used Doom resources during development..
  14. Hexen format is supported by ZDaemon while UDMF is not, last I checked - so essentially catering to ports with older codebases. Basically more stuff supports Hexen in total than supports UDMF, but if you have no interest in ZDaemon or other such ports it's really a non-issue
  15. Me either! I think a run could be a lot of fun to watch. Really glad to hear you and the others enjoyed them, DOEL.
  16. What, you’re not a fan of doomworld.com dogpileworld.com?
  17. Thanks for this thread, it cracked me up!
  18. Thanks, glad to hear you enjoyed it, that big DM was a lot of fun
  19. I'm trying to make the weapons from Rowdy Rudy II into a standalone mod people can use with other mapsets. One thing that's fun in RRII is the ability to change the weapons quickly. I'm trying to follow Tango's instructions here on implementing this feature: https://www.doomworld.com/forum/post/2157092 You can see in the example screenshot, there are boxes for Unused 1 and Unused 2 on the far left: For some reason, these boxes aren't there at all in my version, yet they're necessary to implement the fast switching! If anyone has any idea why they aren't showing up for me and can point me in the right direction, I'd be very grateful.
  20. Woah, that's awesome! The only place I ever remember this orb effect finally getting it's due attention was at the start of the SNES port of Wolf3D, was it ever used anywhere else?
  21. Hey peoples, I'm really hoping to get some more attention on this project.. I really want to provide the unity console players with some DM turf, not to mention new demon killing arenas! People seemed to have a great time in the big ZDS FFA a couple weeks ago:
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