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Everything posted by Doomkid

  1. lol, I just had to check the text file to be sure, and it does indeed say Voltcom as intended, not Volticom (whew). I was gonna kick myself if I’d gotten that wrong, I’d already forgotten to include FrancisT18 on the credit graphic. Ah well, these things happen, I don’t think there’s any doubt who made what map or where credit is due. I have a text file I’ve made up on my PC for the graphic resources as well which I’ll post soon here - I forgot to include these credits in the idgames release, which is flat out embarrassing.
  2. @STILES and @Willy W., would you mind either posting your MIDIs or if you prefer, sending me the current versions in PM? I’d like to sit with each one for a day or two and make a decision on which one I think suits m27 the best, as Gez has suggested essentially. Whichever one is picked will be strictly down to what my ears consider the most suitable - it’s by no means a competition as I know you’re both fine musicians. If you’re both comfortable with this just let me know and post the MIDs here or send them my way privately if you prefer. I apologise for being so absent this last week - I’ll finally have more time again soon here to manage this project properly, as I intended. Also @Diabolución I have all intentions to upload this pack to idgames and doomshack when it’s complete, so no worries.
  3. Well, in the general gaming industry, they're pointless for me because I really haven't played a new game in years. For some people, they're very useful as a guide for what to play. Whether or not something has a point is entirely subjective of course, but another example is the Cacowards which I've always suggested to newcomers as a go-to list for quality content. For someone at the other end of the spectrum, who loves modern gaming and doesn't care about Doom at all, they'd likely feel the exact opposite.
  4. Wow, what an awesome surprise. After almost 20 years of mapping, it feels nice to share a Cacoward with the RR2 team! All I had to do was get the vast majority of the work to be done by other people keep at it, I suppose! A really nice feeling after a bad run of luck in my personal life, hopefully this is a sign of changes to come. It's certainly an inspiration to keep on modding! There's a bunch of winners I haven't even had the chance to play yet, but holy CRAP they all look so amazing. Reading through this year's Cacowards was a fantastic treat as usual, the amount of love and dedication the team puts into it is frankly baffling.. and so glad @Endless and the Wadazine got the recognition they deserve. This has to be one of the best video game-centric communities on the entire web. Such a pleasure to be a part of. EDIT: I was the 101st like of the op!
  5. Thanks you all so much for the kind words, what an awesome surprise! Everyone who worked on this is super talented, without them this never would have happened, so happy it all came together the way it did.
  6. Hey everyone, it looks as though I’ve had a few conflicting submissions for map slots. I’ll have to sort this out properly once I’m at my PC - it’s a bit hard to keep proper track of on the phone - but I’ll get any conflicting submission issues sorted soon here. There’s always the chance that some people will end up not submitting a MIDI, so please keep anything you start on hand, just in case. Sincere apologies about any mixups, my finger hasn’t been on the pulse.. Willy W. asked me for slot 27 in a PM but I didn’t realise until Bucket had also asked for that slot here publicly. And I see that because nothing was marked off by me, STILES also has a potential submission.. I guess it could be down to a simple coin toss or something. I goofed. EDIT: Bucket actually clearly claimed map26, so this mixup isn’t as bad as I thought at first, thank hell. Still, STILES and Willy W. both technically have claims to it right now, until I work out how to fix this problem I’ve caused. Before marking anything in the OP, I’ll wait to see if DCG Retrowave wants 19 or if it will end up with Lippeth. What I will do for now is make it clear that submissions are closed, just so no one else ends up in this situation again. ZeMystic, I look forward to hearing the update of Echoes, and CammyBanana, there’s no rush whatsoever.
  7. How could I be so right and yet so wrong at the same time? These tunes are, in fact, by JDoyle! I friggin’ KNEW it, the style similarity shined through.. Why did I assume he had already been asked about them?! That part was a completely baseless assumption! Oh well, at least this mystery is solved once and for all!! NO more holes in the Dwango soundtrack - I knew this case would be laid to rest one day. WOO! (check the latest comments in the YT video at the top of the page if you want to see the word from JDoyle himself. Also a big thank you to DookNookim for contacting JDoyle about this mystery and doing some very helpful investigating)
  8. Coming together so well, can’t wait til this is ready to be out the door!
  9. Hey peoples, I’m gonna have to duck out of my community projects and stuff for the next couple weeks, just temporarily of course. My house has gone from normal to “completely fucked” - 2 of the 4 power circuits aren’t working, walls have been mutilated searching for an unfindable fault only to find termites, of course a tree in the back yard figured this would be a good time to fall onto the neighbors property (no excessive damage.. just a crushed fence and removal expenses..) but of course this is all during the hottest time of year, 100% greatest time for all my ceiling fans to no longer work, but ohhhh no that’s STILL not enough, 11 year old cat gets sick to the tune of a $200 vet bill (a few of her teeth are fucked and will rot out of her head but I simply don’t have the money for removal). You think that’s enough right? It’s not, there’s even more but I’m just sick of typing about it. All of my money is gone, my house is fucked, my time is all accounted for, I’m just sad and drained. Part of me wants to just neglect everything, admit defeat and spend the next few weeks buried in Doom projects to forget this POS existence for the time being. But my survival instinct is overriding it. Sorry for all my complaining.. I just want you all to know I’m not heartlessly ghosting the whole community for the next couple weeks or whatever. I’ll still be popping my head in as a much needed distraction from everything I’m sure..!

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. DuckReconMajor


      vet bills suck, and it seems there's little to do to prepare for them. it's frustrating feeling like there's little you can do to help them sometimes, but it doesn't take away from the years of love and care you've given her so far.

    3. Doomkid


      Thank you all so much for the kind and supportive words. @CammyBanana, I appreciate the offer, I do have a PayPal button on the front page of https://doomshack.org/, but please do not feel pressured to donate if money is at all tight for you.

    4. Yandere_Doomer


      i hope you are doing well and will continue to do well in the future

  10. Sorry, I didn’t mean to sound like I was directing that at you, I more meant just the term in general! I also forgot to mention Aquarius, I haven’t watched his channel for a while, but I used to watch it all the time and am glad he’s still at it.
  11. I don’t watch any religiously, but when it comes specifically to videos about Doom, I watch decino and Karl Jobst. Dwars too. There are many other channels who have the odd Doom video that I’ll check out, but very few of them are self-identified “boomer shooter channels”. Edit: How’d I forget MtPain27? He’s fantastic. Most of the channels people really like in this realm have too much focus on attempting humour, and very few of the jokes land (for me) so it’s kind of a chore to watch. After the 3rd facepalm I gotta throw in the towel. It’s usually coupled with a weird “e-sona” which has also never had much appeal for me. I like when people are their real selves, not exaggerating everything for the lulz. The channels I mentioned above tell jokes as well, but they’re much more rare and actually funny. ..Just our of curiosity, who else here seriously dislikes the term “boomer shooter”? It’s so cringeworthy of a title. Doom and Duke deserve better. When I think “boomer” I think of climate change denial and negativity towards anything even remotely new, lol. It feels wrong attaching that to Doom..
  12. I really like the screenshots, and there’s a dehacked too? Seems right in my comfort zone, gonna see if I can handle UV on this when I get home.
  13. Dang, I had no idea people were still this obsessed with terrywads
  14. This is amazing. QuotePilgrim gets into a lengthy back and forth with my on YT where they repeatedly argue from ignorance, I tell them to come ask about it here if they really doubt my claims (even though I’ve already easily proven Doom is 3D in the video in question) and then I am somehow framed as having done something wrong by directing them here. @QuotePilgrim, in future, rather than arguing from a position of blatant ignorance, I urge you to learn about topics before taking an authoritative and argumentative tone on said topics as you did in the YT thread where I ended up directing you here. You know what? As fireballs move along the X, Y and Z axes, which fundamentally requires 3 dimensions to even make sense, the Z trajectory is not taken into account when setting speed. So yes, on that one minor, entirely unimportant point - ya got me. This is just so weird. I will forever stand by my position that people who make stuff up whole-cloth just to “prove” Doom is not 3D are sort of like the flat Earthers of the gaming realm. When proof is shown multiple times from multiple angles, the goal posts are either moved or the facts are just denied outright. I’ve seen so, SO many fantastical “refutations” of my “Doom is 3D” videos to the point where it’s no longer interesting from a game mechanics perspective, but still baffles me from a human psychology perspective!
  15. This whole time I had no idea you and @Baratus were different people. My mind is blown. You two need to have a battle to the death.

    1. Endless


      I'm waiting for Doomkid II, the true Doomkid.

    2. THEBaratusII


      Hehe, @Baratus I guess we're both "Baratus The Fighter" fans :)

  16. Just because terms were invented by humans doesn’t mean they don’t have an objective definition. Three dimensional requires the existence of length, width and height all of which Doom has. It’s pretty simple. QuotePilgrim seems to be questioning if the actually game logic/actor functions use any 3D logic, and was incorrectly assuming only 2D logic was used. Edward has showed him right from wrong with various examples of all 3 axes being taken into account in game logic. When a player bumps his head on the roof, it’s because the Z position of the player’s head finally hit the Z height of the ceiling. If the game logic truly was only taking two dimensions into account, the entire concept of being able to bump your head on a ceiling would be impossible. Same goes with fireballs, items, whatever else - the examples of Doom not working at all without 3D game logic are so numerous. If someone doubts it, it’s pretty much my duty at this point to lead them to the truth. There’s a lot of BS floating around out there..
  17. Really nice submission there, Bucket - a perfect fit for map13's eerie vibe. Well done. This is a really nice start, I think if it was about 3-4x longer and slowly built up a catchy drum rhythm, and perhaps had a key change, it would be a nice compliment to the style you'd expect from the IoS. TrialD's midi is actually slotted in map16 presently, but maps 19, 26 and 27 are still free if you want one of those? With that, we've now had 21 MIDIs submitted, some unfinished of course, but they're sounding fantastic overall. Will post the pack shortly!
  18. This turned out as amazing as I hoped it would, nice work! I'd love to see D1m3's fixed mugshot being used before this makes it's way to idgames, that 32x-style flipping hair always annoyed me, lol.
  19. That's a really good question, ChopBlock. His tunes were used in at least 4 or 5 DWANGO wads too, so they've essentially always been well known among many Doom wad players. I would hope he's glad, I'd have never heard his amazing song otherwise. I couldn't even find a clean and "pure" rip of the song on YT, I'll be uploading it shortly, it deserves to be heard even by non Doomers.
  20. Even wads that have only a handful of custom textures react well to it, other than the odd seam (which exists in most maps even without custom texture usage). Here's a handful of oldies that should do the trick: https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom2/p-r/relive https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom/p-r/phobos https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom2/d-f/etrnyour https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom/0-9/01fava https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom2/g-i/hellrun2 https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom/s-u/udtwid https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/108141/ This is just a small and random smattering of what I can remember off the top of my head.
  21. Sure, please do! I'd be happy for you to contribute another, there are still a few free slots so whichever one jumps out at you, just let me know and I'll reserve it for you :) I like this one, really suits the energy of that map spot on. Very catchy riff with a lot of drive, and loving the seamless loop. Well done! Great idea. Once this is wrapped up, it's definitely on the cards.
  22. Sure, that's perfect. I'm honestly not great at gauging MIDI volumes, maybe it's even fine as-is. I just really want to be sure every midi has consistent leveling, which is oddly hard. The DB meter in Sekaiju only takes velocity into account and not track volume which makes it a bit tougher to work out..
  23. Really nice MIDI you've got here, plums. Very catchy! I think it would work really well in the Map03 slot, if that's alright with you? Also, would you mind if the velocity of each track was lowered just a tad, to say 95% of what they currently are? Sekaiju shows the DB meter hitting the top a lot, which from my past experiences says it might be too loud. It's no big deal either way, just throwing it out there. Excellent, I look forward to it. (Just for anyone curious using the IWAD midis as descriptions was just a guideline, 22 will definitely suit an energetic midi!) Really glad to hear it Gifty, hope we can deliver!
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