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Everything posted by Doomkid

  1. I’m gonna be the guy who says CNN is garbage too, just in case there was any doubt. You know, to be Fair and Balanced. In fact I could do away with opinion pieces generally speaking. Give me the facts and let me make up my own mind. Nah, why do that when you can shove an agenda in there. Sensationalism gets ratings, after all.
  2. I do find the ability of OBLIGE to generate decent Doom levels in a matter of seconds to be very fascinating, but the lack of intent behind the maps is also apparent. Even in maps that are worse looking of the surface, you can usually tall a human being put thought into the progression of the map, with the exception of newbie doodles of course. Very impressive stuff, but not yet at the point of replacing mappers, primarily due to out-of-the-box thinking that mappers are capable of which machines are not (at least not by intent). As a side note, we will soon have AI generated MIDI files that will sound pretty damn good too. The technology is rapidly evolving from "cool in concept" to useful in a practical way. Until we develop a sentient mind, the ability to understand what is fun or what actually makes sense to the common player will still be entirely missing. Still, I think it's an incredible topic.
  3. I personally would get plenty of use out of such a thing, Jading. Like with Slade and XWE, or Doom Builder and Eureka, or so many other examples, having different options for tools that do essentially the same thing is always a good idea, in my book.
  4. LOL, don't worry Endless - the number of people who thought bots were real that I've seen is hilarious. When I first encountered bots way back when, I thought they were real players too at first..
  5. Yep, you'll have to modify them since they use the same patches. Also just for future reference, DOOM1-2.WAD is the best "Doom 1 textures for Doom 2" wad, since it doesn't contain any flats or modifications, and doesn't crash older ports: https://doomshack.org/uploads/DOOM1-2.WAD
  6. Hey @ketmar, I know I haven't spoken to you about this util in ages... but looks like we have some bug reports coming in :) Very strange to hear it isn't working, not sure what could be wrong. Hopefully ketmar might have some suggestions when he sees this. I think the concept behind this tool is really important, since I know so many people get their files rejected from idgames for using unmodified resources.
  7. This is a Windows program, are you in Windows? Does it just close the instant you open it? Tested on Windows 7 64 bit and it works fine but haven't tested on my Win 10 pc yet..
  8. Never noticed til now, but can never be unseen..
  9. A little throwback here which I'll definitely be adding to the big directory of Old Doom Sites!



    1. Jayextee



  10. Still one of the funniest avatars on DW to this day

  11. I really should have made a thread about this ages ago but there's always so much to do and so little time! https://doomshack.org/~doomkid/Utilities/wadcheck_gui.zip You can use this to create a database of your Doom.wad, Doom2.wad and final Doom wads, then you can check your PWAD against your generated database. It will easily spit out a list of duplicates that it finds, which you can save as a text, then just slightly modify every resource it detects. Very simple way to make sure your wad is idgames ready!
  12. Sometimes I click on a handful of videos while asking myself "wtf is this bullshit?" but because I clicked them YouTube assumes I love them. Maybe that's what's happened here as well? Clicking the "Do not recommend similar content" thing seemed to help (or whatever it's called, 3 dots on the video thumbnail)
  13. It sounds like VULD will kinda-sorta-mostly be what you want. Personally, other than some testing when it was still brand new, the main thing I use it for is the included DEHPICK which makes applying DeHackEd patches about 99 times faster: 1) Pop these files: https://doomshack.org/uploads/DeHackEd_2020.zip in your clean Doom2 directory alongside whatever wads and dehs you want to play 2) Run DEHMAKE.BAT, pick the .deh you want to be applied to DOOM2.EXE. For example if you wanted to apply HELLO.DEH, this would convert it to HELLO.EXE 3) You then just type "hello.exe -file example.wad" to run it It's so, so much faster than manually loading up DEHACKED.EXE and applying patches by hand. For this reason having wads and dehs in a subdirectory is my recommendation. Just copy whatever wad and deh you want to to play in that moment to your main dir, use dehmake to patch it in a flash, and load as normal. If you have loads of wads and dehs, using the DIR command "dir > listmyfolder.txt" will output a textfile with the full contents which can be easily referenced. A GUI for DOS that automates this process even further would be swell, but I think the majority of people looking for something that easy are probably going to flock to GZDoom, or Chocolate if they still care about compatibility stuff. dehpick.zip
  14. My biggest fear is also a day to day reality: Not having the drive/inspiration to bang out project after project in short succession. I'm great at getting a wad to 80% completion in a matter of a month then pissfarting around for an entire year on that last 20% before finally releasing it.
  15. Cranky? I’m not cranky, you kids just don’t know what’s what with your Brutal Doom and Doomslayers and what have you.. In my day we spent 15 hours hiking uphill through GeoCities just to find a half playable wad. Now get the fuck off my lawn or you’ll get the mean end of my boomstick
  16. I actually have Doom32/DoomP included for limit removing sets! I'll still test it though since it may still do other things the expanded EXEs can't handle, but if CPD works in them, I'll pop it in too. OpenRift, I sadly don't know any dedicated DM wads for Doom1. There are loads of (not so good) single maps floating around, or you could always use the Doom2 to Doom1 converter (DM2CNV32)
  17. Thanks very much for the info, fraggle. Looks like yours is the definitive version of IPXSETUP as of now!
  18. It may be worthwhile to make a “vandacts but for tricks rather than standard actions” type of wad for the sake of demonstration. In the mean time though I’ll link Mcfearsm here for anyone curious to check out the interesting tricks employed: https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom2/deathmatch/m-o/mcfearsm Another old wad which shows off some interesting effects would be TRUCK, unfortunately a 35 FPS cap is required for the effects to work as intended: https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom2/deathmatch/s-u/truck
  19. "Man, other than infinite height enemies, blood brightness being too high by default, numerous mapping errors throughout Doom 1 and Doom 2, forced weapon switching in deathmatch, a maximum of 4 simultaneous players, 320x200 resolution being blurry, the irritating MIDI glitch on The Inmost Dens and The Catacombs, that blindingly bright invulnerability effect, invisibility spheres being a detriment 99% of the time, an automap that was passable for 1993 but is nearly worthless these days without mods, the inability to add custom sprites easily in vanilla, the lack of any dedicated deathmatch maps, the lack of splitscreen, and a whole bunch of other aspects I'm not too crazy about, this game is PERFECT!" (lol it took me time just to think of all these nitpicks.. none of them prevent it from being a fantastic game.)
  20. Just out of curiosity, have you beaten Doom 2 since this, or any of the other legendary classic campaigns like Scythe and Memento Mori?
  21. Born in Florida, raised in Florida, but spent some time in Louisiana and Georgia as well. Lived there til 2008. Family and I were pretty much fed up for numerous reasons (this was right around the time of the GFC) and moved to the ACT in Australia - which was thankfully easy, since my dad was born in Sydney so I was born with dual citizenship. Getting my mom's citizenship was pretty arduous, being married to an Australian for ~30 years and having two sons who are both Australian citizens was apparently not enough to convince them at the time. My brother stayed to be with his wife, which makes sense, I still miss seeing him though. I have no intention of ever moving back to Florida/the South - in general there's a fair share of natural beauty but my current location is way prettier than anything I found in FL. Australian and American culture are fundamentally similar in most ways, but Australians seem a lot less 'on edge' in general. Maybe it's the chemicals in the Florida water supply or something. There's also a much better sense of solidarity among the working class here, usually willing to put aside other political differences for the sake of demanding and attaining consistently fair rights and pay for the majority of laborers. That sense of comradery with others in the same economic class is a giant chunk of why I don't want to move back, frankly. Shit, I knew from the nanosecond I heard your voice you were full-blown Aussie. Maybe it's just from a lifetime of being familiar with the AU accent but for me it was unmistakable! New Zealand: Australia's Canada! I love NZ, such a gorgeous place, even if I've only spent just over a day there. In terms of leadership I'd much rather have Jacinda than Scott the Scummo "HOW BLOODY GOOD'S THAT MATE" Morrison..
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