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Everything posted by Doomkid

  1. Pretty much this. I think classic Doom's crazy-fast gameplay speed could work fine in a semi-modern engine, someone just has to bite the bullet and do it. I've heard lots of people saying a more modern iteration of the maps wouldn't work over the years but I think with a little imagination any apparent limitation can be overcome. Reception of the idea seems to be somewhere between cold and ice cold though (and always has been pretty consistently when similar threads show up) so as much as I may want it, I doubt it will ever happen, and it's no great loss since there's an endless number of great mods for OG Doom and fun-to-play modern installments in the series. Just one little itch I've always had that won't ever be scratched :(
  2. Cool looking screenshot right there. Nice use of vanilla textures.
  3. I agree with Doomenator's suggestions. Sprites will always face the player with no distortion, just as they do in vanilla/software mode. The drawback is that it can look dumb in it's own right at times, for example if you look at a torch just below you it appears to be laying down on the ground - but it's still better than paper thin enemies and objects imo.
  4. Jeez, what a goofball I am.. *goes back in time 6 years and slaps self for mislabeling* While it's not an answer, map11 of Pud Whacker was originally in the 28 slot, and it wasn't until just before release that a few people told me they hated the map, so I swapped it out last minute - unfortunately it looks like I never updated the credits to reflect the new map choice..
  5. Ooh, I appreciate the pin Thank you! I've added these 3 to the list above, and cleaned up the url links a bit in the OP so they look a tad less ugly.
  6. While it's not exactly a "source port", Vanilla Doom still has a large fanbase/numerous enthusiasts and all the resources a vanilla Doomer might want are (were) scattered about all over the place. This is my attempt to make a comprehensive Vanilla Doom thread so that any vanilla enthusiast, be them a player, mapper, or tinkerer in general might find what they need. Vanilla Doom General: ZIP containing all variants of the Vanilla Doom 1.9 EXE - LINK DOSBox, emulator that runs DOOM.EXE on modern OSes - LINK (DOSBox Staging - LINK) DoomWiki article on every version of the Vanilla Doom EXEs - LINK Every single variant of the Vanilla Doom engine (thanks chungy) - LINK (Shareware EXEs - LINK) Mapping Related Stuff: Vanilla level editing tutorials by Linguica - LINK Mapping tricks possible in vanilla Doom - LINK More mapping tricks/effects in ASCII format - LINK Linguica's vanilla/DEH tricks compiled by Redneckerz & NIH (Mikoportals, etc) - LINK Sponge's Python script detecting meduas and tutti-frutti (mostly functional) - LINK Static limitations of the vanilla Doom engine - LINK Editing utils including many vanilla/DOS ones - LINK Vanilla Doom Actions: all linedef/sidedef types in vanilla - LINK (Doomwiki article) DeHackEd / Modding Related Stuff: How to play DEH-based wads/mods in DosBox EASY AND FAST - LINK DeHackEd: alter enemy/weapon/misc behavior - LINK (old version - LINK) WhackEd: create DeHackEd lumps (DEH files) on modern OSes - LINK DeHackEd/WhackEd video tutorial by me - LINK Enjay's old, detailed DeHackEd tutorial - LINK DeHackEd information on DoomWiki - LINK VULD by JadingTsunami: launcher, easy DeHacking - LINK Doom ACE, exploit for vanilla to run custom code - LINK Useful Vanilla/DOS Utilities: Doom32, an expanded version of vanilla Doom2 exe - LINK Doom-plus, expanded version of vanilla Ultimate DOOM exe - LINK Final Doom id Anthology, fix EXE/map bugs (TNT31 key, etc) - LINK Final Doom-plus, expanded version of Final Doom EXEs - LINK Useful vanilla utilities compiled by Fraggle (solo-net, etc) - LINK xttl's improvement of IPXSETUP: includes -dup, -extratics - LINK FastDoom, Vanilla Doom optimized for 386/486 processors - LINK Mara'akate's DOOMNEW package, includes VR support - LINK VanillaDM, launcher and utility for easy DOSBox multiplayer - LINK DM2CNV32, converts levels between Doom/Doom2/Heretic - LINK NoVert, turn off vertical mouse movement in DOSBox - LINK Vanilla-compatible Wads and Mods: BIG Vanilla Wad Pack: Like D!Zone but quality - LINK Vanilla Doom Wads listed on the DoomWiki - LINK Vanilla Doom Smooth Weapon animation - LINK Vanilla Brutal Doom/other mods by TDRR - LINK DOOM 4 VANILLA by Noiser - LINK Popular vanilla duel/deathmatch maps - LINK (..there are about a million amazing vanilla wads and mods, so forgive me for only linking these - you can find loads of good vanilla mapsets in the Big Vanilla Pack including a good deal of the classics like Memento Mori, STRAIN, etc.) Since it's relevant, here's my video tutorial on setting up vanilla Doom with DOSBox: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ac-Knv04sPg I'm sure I've missed several resources here, please speak up and let me know of anything useful I may have skipped over. I hope some of you find this helpful - I know I will, it gets annoying scavenging all over for these things when the need for them arises!
  7. My apologies for the bump, but I figured this would be the right thread to ask gurus who actually understand how these things work on an internal level: @xttl's expanded version of IPXSETUP is known among vanilla enthusiasts at this point, but was anyone aware of [HCI]Mara'akate's expanded version called IPXNEW as well? It can be found at this link, alongside an expanded version of the 1.9 Doom exe that's also compatible with Doom 2, Heretic, Final Doom and even Chex Quest, and has some badass features like automatic loading of internal DeHackEd files. There's also a version of SETUP that's included and apparently expanded somehow, but I'm not quite sure how. There's documentation included for both, but it seems like both the expanded Doom exe and the expanded IPXSETUP do different kinds of expansions.. Wondering is there's a way of integrating the two at all, or if they've maybe diverged too much for it to be possible? At the very least, I wanted to bring these alternate expanded exes to light, at least around here - I only just discovered them today while searching for iFrag (which is also available at the same site) and thought there might be a high possibility that they aren't very well known vanilla utilities and that perhaps it might even lead to some sort of marriage between DOOM32.EXE and Mara'akate's DOOMNEW.EXE, as well as xttl's IPXSETUP and Mara'akate's IPXNEW. I just wanted to share this here because it seems relevant to the vanilla utilities angle!
  8. I know the earlier versions of Doom Legacy are 100% DOS compatible and Windows 9x compatible while retaining a very authentic game feel despite the raised limits and increased functionality. I unfortunately don't know where to find them anymore, but P2P Doom Legacy matches are very much possible, it was the main way of DMing back in the Doom Connector days, next to ZDaemon, CSDoom and Skulltag.
  9. Adding Blackened Deathmatch for Zandronum! https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/117681/
  10. Very nice visuals here, gorgeous stuff. Looking forward to playing in a server!
  11. Hard to pick really. I've played plain-jane vanilla mapsets that felt hardly different from the iwads and loved them, and I've played 100% total conversions where not one asset goes unchanged and loved those too. Really what I love most is something in the middle, new assets that still fit in with Doom's overall style, but I'm not picky at all.
  12. The OJ Simpson trial and the surrounding drama leading up to and following it. I was 3-4 when that was all going down..
  13. Flaws are weird for me because I often end up liking them if the product is good overall, they add character or something. Too much refinement and sterility is arguably a flawed approach in it's own right. "It has to be a little bit ugly to truly be beautiful".
  14. Honestly if you continue developing them in the same vein and just make it to that ~2 minute (or more) mark, I think these would be totally satisfactory. Right in the style I was hoping for. Overthink away, no matter what name you decide on this is a great Map05 style MIDI. The little percussive instruments that get used throughout like the cuica are sort of funny, but not in a bad way. It's adds a certain charm to the song. I like it!
  15. Odd skins for Doom? You mean like the Energizer Bunny, Barney the Dinosaur, Stormtroopers, old west style cowboys, etc? I guess the big difference is that those skins weren’t officially endorsed, but people have been playing Doom with custom player (and monster) skins since the mid 90’s. In the vanilla exe everyone had to share the skin of course, but from 1998 on togglable skins for each player have been a thing. Goofy skins aren’t for everyone, but they go back almost to the beginning of Doom history. Granted, an option to override skins with a base player model is always a good thing to have (does Eternal have that? Skins don’t bother me in the slightest so I’ve never checked)
  16. Thank you Lippeth, these types of comments are very helpful. I’m glad you like the fists too!
  17. Thank you so much Ralphis, that sort of chart is 100% what I was looking for.
  18. The little Skull Cube icon has some built in help hints, looks like "N" will enable all servers, just in case it was disabled
  19. Any megawad with a map23 slot that isn't a Barrels O' Fun homage deserves it's rightful place in the recycle bin.
  20. With help from some other community members such as @Hatred, @dew, @Andy Johnsen, @HumanBones, @Ralphis and all/any other people with knowledge of Doom's multiplayer history, I'd really like to get a megathread made up that has all the most pertinent info in one easy spot. Hopefully you guys like this idea - Karl Jobst recently pointed out how hard it is for any outsiders to find info about the history of Doom's multiplayer scene, and frankly he's totally correct. What I want to do in this thread is just build a pool of basic information about the following, which can be used to create a "visual timelime". I want to have 1993 - 2020 on a graph, and have various layers that show different aspects over time: What deathmatchers/duelers are/were some of the best to touch Doom? For what years are/were they active? ..A lot of names come to mind here.. but I need some old MP gurus to tell me the whens and wheres for each elite player! Everyone from Eric Yick Leung, Ocelot, Sslasher, Galiu, DemonSphere, JKist, DevastatioN.. I know that's just a tiny sampler but that's where my need for help comes in! What different sub-communities dedicated to multiplayer Doom were/are there? ..Dwango was it's own thing for example and even within Dwango there were different servers, after Dwango there was stuff like DoomServ (which I know very little about), then of course there was Doom Connector, and each source port - CSDoom, ZDaemon, Skulltag/Zandronum and Odamex - each with their own sub communities.. that's just a small selection.. and on that topic: What different ports have been developed for multiplayer, when did development start for each, and when did it cease (on the ones no longer active)? ..Probably one of the easier questions to answer, but I still think having it represented on a visual chart would be helpful for people looking back to know instantly what was and was not "in and out of vogue" at any time in Doom multiplayer history. (For example, from my own experience, I can safely say that halfway through 2002 or so, CSDoom's popularity in MP had well and truly fallen off a cliff.) I think having a "source ports over time, sub-communities over time and players over time" visual chart will be amazing for historical purposes and will serve as a great launchpad into a full blown video about the topic, which HateDaddy mentioned just recently in that thread about Karl's latest video. I think various popular multiplayer wads and mapsets over the years would of course warrant a mention - maybe paying some lip service to the top wads over the years like Dwango5, the UDM series, All the classic duel maps/zddl&duel40 turf, Toke's maps, Exec, various Cacoward winners.. but the actual "wadding" side of things is one area where Doom's multiplayer history is actually pretty damn well documented, unlike the other facets, so I think it's fair if that side of things isn't focused on too hard for the moment. It's late and I'm about wrapping it up for the night, but I just wanted to get this thread started here so that anyone and everyone interested in Doom multiplayer history can dump whatever knowledge they may have in the pool! EDIT: I'd also like to do something similar for CTF history, but other than being around since 1998, and having loads of fun wads over the years, and a period in 2004/2005/2006 where CTF was ALL the rage, it's a topic I have far less knowledge about than DM and duel history. EDIT 2: Just dumping some useful references and links here for the time being: http://doom2.net/history/history.html https://doomwiki.org/wiki/Deathmatch_'95 https://doomwiki.org/wiki/Deathmatch_'95/UK_tournament_results Videos of note: Doom 2 1996 Tournament! Sslasher vs Galiu 1 QuakeCon 2013: Doom II Grand Final + Ceremony Jkist3 vs Devastation QuakeCon 2013: Doom II Bronze Final (DemonSphere vs Devastation) DevastatioN vs JKist3, Doom II 1v1 QuakeCon 2019 BYOC final Also, Decino's huge multiplayer event on Odamex which broke the world record for "most Doomers in an FFA server at one time" with over 140 players! Not related to the competition side of things so much, but it's such a motable landmark in MP history that I think it bears mention.
  21. So after messing around with these for a bit, I've found that MarioDoom.pk3, Super Mayhem 17 and of course the Golden Souls series are well and truly at the top of the pile. For a few minutes of gimmicky fun the others are alright too of course, and that Mario deathmatch set actually looks like it might be decent. The fact that Mayhem 17 and MarioDoom.pk3 aren't immediately compatible just seemed criminal to me. I spent an hour or two and made a custom build of Mayhem17 that adds the little update patch, as well as using all the MarioDoom sprites and sounds other than the ones Mayhem 17 already replaces. This results in a goddamn perfect Mario-themed Dooming experience, if my last hour of playing is anything to go by. Custom Mayhem17 w/ MarioDoom.pk3 assets: https://doomshack.org/uploads/Mayhem17_MarioDoom.zip I tested this in Zandronum, PrBoom+ and GZDoom and it worked perfectly. Since MarioDoom and Mayhem17 both feature almost identical Bowser enemies, I made the MarioDoom version - the Cyberdemon replacement - have a bright blue shell rather than the green shell the real Bowser has, to indicate that it's a "fake Bowser". Played through the first 3 maps so far and am in love. Does anyone happen to have a download of this old gem? Looks hardly any better than Nintendo.wad, but I'd still love to have it for the sake of completeness.
  22. I think this all should work if you rename that texture to SKY1 instead of RSKY1, and scroll up a bit and rename the original SKY1 texture to something else (Doom gets confused by having two textures with the same name but otherwise what you’ve done looks correct)
  23. The question makes me think of age, at one point it would have been Ty who sadly passed some years ago, GreyGhost was active and in his 60’s but is now awol - hopefully not gone though.. @Steve D and @Doom_Dude, please don’t be annoyed at me for singling you guys out, but I think you may be the oldest most experienced active Doomworld denizens.. right?
  24. If you join the MDF discord you’ll definitely find some other competitive players, plus you’ll be in the loop for any upcoming tournaments, which do happen every few months or so. Cool to see an old schooler coming back around!
  25. Thank you all very much, this is exactly what I was looking for The ones I was thinking of right off the bat were Nintendo.wad, MarioDoom.pk3 and the Golden Souls series!
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