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Everything posted by Doomkid

  1. I really like this! Would you mind if it's used? I think it would work perfectly for Map15 personally
  2. He actually kind of looks like a live-action version of your avatar!
  3. I really like those tracks, Alfonzo! Definitely see the BP inspiration, they would be 100% at home in a Wolf3D mod imo, but they're also perfect for this project. If there's any map slot in particular you think they belong in, do let me know. Personally, I think Evil on Parade would fit really well in a creepy, subtle slot, like M06 or M12
  4. This is a pack of 32 new MIDI files to replace the entire Doom 2 soundtrack! DOWNLOAD: https://doomshack.org/uploads/midtwid2.zip Initially the goal was to imitate Bobby's style, but ultimately we ended up with a wide variety of good music. Here's a checklist of submissions. EDIT: All done! 01 ✅ Lippeth - Dear Onion 02 ✅ Alfonzo - En el Salón 03 ✅ Plums - Shot Down 04 ✅ Mr. Freeze - Julian's Fragging Again 05 ✅ Lippeth - Coliformication 06 ✅ Peccatum Mihzamiz - Aranea Imperatrix (with CammyBanana's help) 07 ✅ Viscra Maelstrom - This Is My Boomstick 08 ✅ Doomkid - Nuisances Unknown 09 ✅ DCG Retrowave - Into Retrowave's City 10 ✅ Doomkid - Whipped & Chained 11 ✅ CammyBanana - Concocting Erinon's Milkshake 12 ✅ Alfonzo - Evil on Parade 13 ✅ Bucket - SOON 14 ✅ CammyBanana - Five Iron 15 ✅ LazyGecko & CammyBanana - Score One for the Bolthouse 16 ✅ TrialD - Data Track 17 ✅ STILES - This One's for Daisy 18 ✅ Bucket - Lair of The Bitchmaker 19 ✅ Lippeth - Behold! A God Who Bleeds 20 ✅ CammyBanana - Boston Cream Pie 21 ✅ decino - Braachsel 22 ✅ MegaSphere - NM100S Pistol Start or Else 23 ✅ Viscra Maelstrom - Nukaland 24 ✅ Bucket - In The Red 25 ✅ Mr. Freeze - They're Here 26 ✅ Bucket - Arch-Vile on Line 2 27 ✅ Xulgonoth - Where Weeping Willows Grow Wild 28 ✅ STILES - M.I.A. (with Lippeth & CammyBanana's help) 29 ✅ Doomkid & Lippeth - Wondering... 30 ✅ ZeMystic - Echoes 31 ✅ Peccatum Mihzamiz - Garazin 32 ✅ CammyBanana - Suplex the Stars TTL ✅ Doomkid - Faux Intro INT ✅ Bucket - Untitled is Still Technically a Title STR ✅ Gustavo6046 - Just Another Day UN1 ✅ Bucket - Unstop UN2 ✅ Gustavo6046 - Ring of Gravity UN3 ✅ ZeMystic - The Medicine Man Creeps Check it out on YouTube! If you like this, be sure to check out these similar community MIDI projects! WIP: COMPLETED:
  5. I don't know if I've posted this photo at some point already, but I was looking through old photos and found this one from 2000 and it made me lol:
  6. Damn, looks like it started out as a MUS so all the metadata's been wiped.. It absolutely has that late 90's dance feel to it though, similar era and genre to that famous Skulltag Secret Level MIDI, spheares.mid
  7. Doom Legacy 1.42 has split screen and still works well on Win7, and has vanilla mod compatibility and most Boom compat as well. You can use the launcher to set +splitscreen 1 and +deathmatch 3, and also load custom wads. The big problem is that it’s top and bottom splitscreen, not side to side.. I’m not aware of any “release ready” source ports out there with this option other than the Unity one. Heres the Legacy download: https://doomshack.org/~doomkid/Utilities/legacy142.zip AFAIK this is the only place to find 1.42 now!
  8. That makes sense - mine was a pre-assembled machine, although it was new.
  9. Oh lord, any double entendres present in that statement were NOT intentional, I assure you..
  10. I’ve always wanted to make a MID THE WAY ID DID project.. with MIDIs that would be attempting to mimic the simplicity, moodiness and occasional barebones classic rock/classic metal type riffs found in the OG Doom and Doom2 soundtracks. This has reminded me to maybe get serious about it at some point..
  11. Pop it in the microwave or the oven if you want to get fancy. Make sure you use the Germany mirror! any mirror you like!
  12. It does, afaik - I don’t know the technical details but it sends commands to the Doom EXE prior to launch so a different EXE that sends inconsistent commands will likely result in issues somewhere along the way. I just keep a backup of the original, but this updated version is totally worth it for any parties who want to play via DOS(box)! I couldn’t manage a playable connection without it.
  13. I always found the line to be blurry and kind of nonsensical, people edit and share iwad resources that are slightly modified all the time, from sprites to sounds to music. There are tens of thousands of modded versions of iwad maps out there. The only real restriction is not being able to upload it to idgames, which is the main wad repository of course, so it makes sense that they have more strict provisions. It certainly won’t result in any trouble. It’s been going on en masse for donkey’s years at this stage. The makers of Dwango5 Map01 still walk as free men to this day :-)
  14. I played Doom 2 before E2 and E3 so Mt Erebus, while a decent map, didn’t really stand out as being all that fun or impressively large or anything like that. I had a much better time with House of Pain and Pandemonium. They still featured some otherworldly visual weirdness while retaining fun gameplay and good level design, which are the two areas that always made E3 feel like the weakest link.
  15. lol, good death messages and good quit messages are golden. A few I’ve used in most of my wads are “Better luck in the real world!”, “Quit now and I’ll crap on your grave!”, “Have a peachy day!” and “What, don’t you like my levels??” I love when people bother to implement these kinds of things, so many great ones in this thread so far!
  16. Thanks for sharing all these, I’m definitely archiving them!
  17. I feel like 2,000 Euros for that setup is a bit steep, you could likely get something comparable for much cheaper by cutting a few corners. Of course, if you want a more future-proofed PC it may be worth the investment, but I feel like you should be getting more for such a fat price tag. I spent $1600 AUD (worth about half of EUR) 4 years ago on a rig with a i7-4790 @ 3.60GHz and GeForce GTX 960 (4GB), but with only one 1TB HDD and half the RAM of what you're looking at. Considering that I only paid less than half of what you're thinking of paying so long ago for something only a bit worse at a glance, I feel like you should have more to show for all that cash. It looks like a good setup though, and maybe I'm off the mark when it comes to my cost expectations.
  18. In that case, classic coop - just because I'm so used to it and there was no other PVE mode in Doom for so long, but I also love survival. My preferred way of handling survival is to have 1 life for easy sets, 2 lives for medium sets, and 3 lives for balls-hard stuff. Also, ZDaemon does survival in a much better way than Zandronum does, so if I'm in the mood for survival I'll always check ZD. In Zandronum, you can't join a game other than for a few seconds at the very start, meaning if a map is long, you can spend an eternity just sitting and watching others play. And don't even think about going to take a pee during that time, because you might be gone for the brief window where you can actually join!
  19. To aide in your hunt, most people call these "Partial Conversions" or PCs (or, at least they did back in the old days..) I'll be that guy and recommend some of my own community projects/mapsets, since they're pretty much all PCs, though the mapping is much more in line with E1 of Doom1 for example: Rowdy Rudy 1 and 2 (2, aka Powertrip, is 95% complete so should still be fun) Doomed in Space You should also check out many of the DBPs such as Alien Bastards, City of the Damned Children or most of them, really. I think some early ones may have vanilla enemies but they largely consist of Boom-compat PCs!
  20. There are 4 or 5 of these, but none are “complete enough” to be properly satisfying.. I might just have to Frankenstein them into a proper little DB themed wad some time..
  21. To be honest, most people just accept that resource abundance is a part of cooperative, lame as this answer is. Double ammo does help a little, but it’s still not really enough unless items respawn. Some ports allow extra options, such a spawn with shotgun and spawn with berserk. If you have both of those and double ammo, it might just be enough resources, but still likely not after a couple deaths. I would wager this was the main catalyst behind Zand and ZDaemon implementing survival where you can set a fixed number of lives. After 3 deaths by both players (for example) the map restarts, so despite having a ton of ammo when it respawns, you still have to be very careful not to throw your lives away, which is still pretty challenging even with a ton of resources. Im sorry there’s no clean answer to this age old conundrum!
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