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Everything posted by Doomkid

  1. Doomkid

    Sand Chain

    Pure waste.
    Damn good considering the age. There's a much improved, newer version of this here: https://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?f=37&t=31874
  2. I desperately want to believe this was intentional



    1. Deleted_Account


      Life often has a way of imitating art, or is it art imitating life?

    2. Jimmy


      I'm afraid not. My facial hair is nowhere near as well-kept as Frank's.

  3. My grandfather lived a long life and was a good man.. it’s hard to accept that he just left us a few hours ago. Everything has to come to an end.. Rest In Peace Eric Post, it was truly a pleasure knowing you. 😞

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Catpho



      +What Avoozl said

    3. Doomkid


      Thank you all for the kind words, I appreciate it

    4. taufan99


      My deepest condolences, mate. May your grandfather rest in heaven.

  4. 343 downloads

    Welcome to Doomed in SPACE! The year is 2088. The UAC's current goal is to remove the line that separates men from machines. Certain undesirables are sacrificed, analyzed and experimented on for the sake of progress. The promise to integrate more effective weaponry directly into the human body keeps the research funds flowing in. You are one of the UAC's victims - a genetically modified bounty hunter. You were stolen from your home colony as a child but proved harder to control than most of their young test subjects. Using your increased speed and strength, you managed to kill the men guarding your cell and escape in a stolen shuttlecraft. That was 18 years ago. Crime is the only means of survival you have ever known. Once again, you find yourself locked in a cell, at the mercy of the UAC. An armed medic comes through the door and into your cell. As he checks your vitals, you quickly grab his head and snap his neck. His body lies on the floor and the gun is now in your hand - It's time to escape. Important notes: You MUST play with freelook ON. Jumping and crouching must be turned OFF. You must also turn the 'infinitely tall actors' flag OFF, as there are several 3D bridges used throughout. Difficulty levels have been very thoroughly implemented, so if you're finding the maps too hard or too easy, simply adjust accordingly. Levels designed by: Doomkid, Crunchynut44, Pinchy, Nevander, Bootleg Guy, Angry Saint, Fred512, Empyre, UberGewei and Mosshopper Graphic resources: Obake (Wavegunner), Doom64, Duke Nukem 3D, Strife, Wolf3D, Star Wars: Dark Forces, area51.wad, equinox.wad, anubis.wad, skulltag.wad, Complex Doom, ChaosCore CTF (Map10 sky), Xaser ~ Special Info ~ Since you actually bothered to read the text file, I'll let you in on a couple secrets. In multiplayer, if you select the 'easy' or 'medium' difficulty levels, you will be faced with an entirely different arrangement of monsters, far more imposing! Hopefully this will allow your survival or co-op sessions to be fresh a second time around. There are also two hidden maps in this wad, at slots 31 and 32. They were created by myself and Joe-ilya. They are not a part of the official campaign and can only be accessed in game by cheating, but they seemed too good to simply discard. Just a little bonus for those of you who dig a tiny bit deeper than the others. If you enjoy Doomed in SPACE, please be sure to let us know on the Doom forum of your choice. Everyone who worked to make this project possible would love to hear your thoughts.
  5. Allow me to give you some advice: Do not release things as sequels to known series, especially when their design, gameplay and overall quality are extremely poor compared to the series overall. Your Plutonia 3 wad is shameless clickbait, that is why it has one star and is renowned as one of the worst releases in 2017. If you had done the right thing and released it as it's own entity, you'd be getting less negative reviews as there would be no preconceived notions for the quality of the product. I'm telling you this because I hate to see people repeatedly make the same mistake. This is intended as friendly advice, not a harsh message.

    1. riderr3


      At least it have sub-name "Going to Surface" So... maybe someday we can see official "unofficial" Plutonia 3 😄

      My Urania megawad also have some Plutonia flavors (along with pinch of TNT's). But I choosed the appropriate name, more or less.

    2. BigDickBzzrak



      Do not release things as sequels to known series

      Except if you're too big for rules

    WISH I COULD GIVE THIS TRASH 0 STARS FFS (good joke Gothic, I lol'd)
  6. Hey folks, having another Doomshack Plays session, this time it's STYX DM and DWELLER2! A classic combo of maps.


    Join us on ZDaemon at [Doomshack.org] Styx Pack FFA


    Here's our discord! https://discord.gg/gsVSHGK

  7. Doomkid


    I miss being able to give 0 stars
  8. Doomkid

    Mancer Extreme

    Love these DM maps.
  9. Doomkid


    boring maps. Gothic style texturing applied to a square or circle, over and over and over and over and over. It looks okay but in a sense it's used the textures as a crutch to hide from how uninspired the layouts are. Dwango5 has far more variety and gameplay than this. If all the effort here went into 5 good maps rather than a bunch of cubicles it could have been something!
    A little too boring to play, but I really appreciate the ambitious realism in the design. 7/10
  10. Hello Doomers, today I present you with the finished product: Doomed in SPACE! 13 Sci-Fi themed maps for ZDoom-based ports. Now on idgames! https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom2/Ports/d-f/d_space_v2 DOWNLOAD IT HERE: http://doomshack.org/wads/d_space_v2.zip The story: The year is 2088. The UAC's current goal is to remove the line that separates men from machines. Certain undesirables are sacrificed, analyzed and experimented on for the sake of progress. The promise to integrate more effective weaponry directly into the human body keeps the research funds flowing in. You are one of the UAC's victims - a genetically modified bounty hunter. You were stolen from your home colony as a child but proved harder to control than most of their young test subjects. Using your increased speed and strength, you managed to kill the men guarding your cell and escape in a stolen shuttlecraft. That was 18 years ago. Crime is the only means of survival you have ever known. Once again, you find yourself locked in a cell, at the mercy of the UAC. An armed medic comes through the door and into your cell. As he checks your vitals, you quickly grab his head and snap his neck. His body lies on the floor and the gun is now in your hand. It's time to escape! The rules: You MUST play with freelook ON. Jumping and crouching must be turned OFF. You must also turn the 'infinitely tall actors' flag OFF, as there are several 3D bridges used throughout. Difficulty levels have been very thoroughly implemented, so if you're finding the maps too hard or too easy, simply adjust accordingly. The maps: Map01: Escape! by Crunchynut44 Map02: Shuttle Maintenance by Doomkid Map03: Toxicity Control by Bootleg Guy Map04: Foreign Planet by Mosshopper Map05: Überraumstation by UberGewei Map06: Wheel in the Sky by Empyre Map07: Terra-6 Planetary Base by Fred512 Map08: Deep Space Installation by Doomkid Map09: Genetics Lab by Doomkid Map10: Command Station Zulu by Nevander Map11: Asteroid Refinery by Angry Saint Map12: Space Waste by Crunchynut44 Map13: The Speed of Skree by Pinchy The new stuff: There are a wide array of new enemies and weapons, lovingly borrowed and modified from a variety of sources. I don't want to give too much away - Play it to see how everything works and expect a few challenging changes that keep you on your toes! The credits: Obake (Wavegunner), Doom64, Duke Nukem 3D, Strife, Wolf3D, Star Wars: Dark Forces, area51.wad, equinox.wad, anubis.wad, skulltag.wad, Complex Doom, ChaosCore CTF (Map10 sky), Doomenator (title card). A very special thanks to Crusader No Regret, Obake and Liberation for playtesting and comments. The ports: This has been tested in ZDoom, GZDoom, ZDaemon, Zandronum and Odamex - works in each one. Sadly does not run in PrBoom+ as there is no railgun support. DOONLOOD: http://doomshack.org/wads/d_space_v2.zip If you enjoy Doomed in SPACE, please be sure to let us know. I'm sure that everyone who worked to make this project possible would love to hear your feedback, positive or negative. Thanks! EDIT: Adding the soundtrack as I've gotten several requests for it now. Enjoy!
  11. hi there FonziBuddy

    1. Fonze


      <3 I miss our dms

    2. Doomkid


      me too, I'm always avail on USA east coast evenings on the weekends! Decay and I have been playing through tons of DM megawads with the help of others, get in on it some time!

    3. Fonze


      That sounds fun; hopefully soon bruddah

    0* BLAM THIS PIECE OF CRAP It's a couple of small hallways with some mid-tier enemies and a Mario midi. It didn't reset my config, but if it's fucking with others, all the more reason to downvote it. There is quite literally nothing to see here, folks. No joke, no laughs, no trap, nothing - a few small rooms that would take 5 minutes total in Doom Builder. edit: Rofl at whoever downvoted my review and felgro's review. Rest assured, this is a 100% accurate description of the wad despite trolly downvotes.
  12. i miss our dm sessions :'''''''''''(

    1. riderr3


      Even when I'm crooked-handed to play DM, I like to watch DM demos. Especially those form Dwango times.

  13. Hey man, just checking if you've released or worked on any maps in the last year or so? I was looking through a whole bunch of ancient shit and came across one of your older maps, god the urge to play some Tango turf!

    1. Tango


      oh myyy what did you find? :D do you still have that map that we were doing for the skulltag coop project? the one with the seaside factory music from mario rpg that I was detailing. that's one map I really wish was not lost to the sands of time :(


      but no, I haven't released anything lately :\ got a handful of maps I've been working on, but nothing release-ready yet unfortunately. hopefully within the next few months though

    2. Doomkid


      Man, I wish I still had that old community coop map, I remember it well, it turned out awesome! there's so much stuff from back then that seems to be totally lost. It was twisted dimension, the idea behind it is awesome and it's aged very well overall. I'd like to see something that takes that idea of being unashamedly linear - Continually progressing through harder and harder little 'mini battle maps' that are beautiful to look at, take actual well-used advantage of newschool features, and provide just the right amount of cover/ammo/protection from the enemies. I don't know if you ever made anything else that but it was a really awesome throwback!

    3. Tango


      ye're too kind my dude. yeah it is an interesting idea, one that I think someone could more fully realize the potential for. I haven't seen anything with that formula in a while, though I imagine if it exists, it's probably in the Zandronum community haha. I think the sweet spot for me, for my preferences nowadays, would probably include a little bit of less straightforward progression, or at least some sort of looping back around to previously-visited but now-transformed areas or something. I definitely thought the formula was the coolest shit at the time though. it would be kinda neat to do something to follow-up with the wad, motivation-willing haha.


      and damn, that's a shame :( there are very few of my old maps that I would love to see again for reasons other than novelty alone, and that coop map is among them. oh well :( I have a lot of good memories working on that map. I can't even remember the entirety of the layout, either the original or my updated version. oh well :(

  14. Doomkid

    Doom 2 Redux

    A very classic style mapset in terms of layouts and visuals, but a nice challenge - not too hard, not too easy. Enjoyable to play through for sure. Music was a mix of good and terrible MIDIs based on great songs. Great effort here!
  15. Doomkid


    Free-flowing maps with enough space to move around comfortably, well placed weapons / spawns and a very clean yet very classic aesthetic. Absolutely recommended.
    Fantastic original concept housed in a nice looking, fun to play map. Great stuff, the kind of creativity we need to see more of.
  16. Probably my favorite username on this entire site

  17. Yay, just passed 2,000 subs on Youtube! Got another Rollercoaster Tycoon video and Doom related video on the way in the coming weeks

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. 42PercentHealth


      Yeah, the YT community can be pretty toxic. I'm fortunate that only a few good folks ever comment on my channel.

    3. Doomkid


      I must admit I sometimes laugh my ass off at the sheer stupidity of some comments I get, even on totally innocent/innocuous videos

    4. leodoom85


      I have 87......*shrug*

    Great wad on the whole. Guess I'll have to start some spoopy servers with this loaded huh?? Strong effort shown from all involved. Big shout out to Decay for providing mountains of feedback that helped to give these maps solid gameplay to go along with their pleasant visuals.
    One glance at the screenshot is enough to know this is garbage
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