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About thelamp

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    There's no genie so stop rubbing me !!
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  1. Life kinda is pointless but on the flipside that means it's up to you to decide what you wanna do. The hard part is figuring out what exactly you wanna do. I'm 35 and I still don't know the answer to that question. Probably the best advice is to find something you enjoy doing and hone your skills at it. I noticed your art thread and while your piece are to the rough side as you scroll thru that thread there is apparent improvement. If you keep at something you'll improve. Being in limbo as you say isn't the worst place to be, you've got time to sort out your thoughts and try to figure out what kind of goal you wanna set for yourself
  2. you know when a caveman gimmick account first cropped up I thought it would be leading to some kind of Doom project since this is a doom forum but anyways my question is do you think making a Flintstones doom mod in the same style as the Simpsons doom from the 90s is a good idea
  3. Jason Wainman's 30 Levels of Doom II
  4. It would be sort of weird for them to nominate mentionate their own work. Perhaps Grungo could do that since he is not (?) a part of amalgoom team? Although it would also be weird to mention a mapset that hasn't actually been (fully) released yet. I can see that you are excited about this project but how can you judge something fairly and honestly without having actually played it yourself?
  5. Doomsday of UAC Galaxia The cool sub Hartlepool 6th Form College
  6. If HakrosTex is no different than any other set of resources compiled without permission then why didn't I see you in the HakrosTex thread coming to defend Hakros? Would've been a great opportunity for you to have 'gotcha' moment on the whole community: What a cruel injustice that HakrosTex should be shunned by a community that has been using assets from various idtech and build engine games from the beginning
  7. I remembered this from DBP36 idk where it actually came from
  8. In general, most people do play with saves. It can be bad if you save yourself into an unwinnable scenario, but this only really happens if a player is saving a lot When playing with self imposed condition like this it's important to understand the levels you are playing were not made with that condition in mind. If you end up having a hard time, it's not a fault of the level it's just a consequence of how you've decided to play the game. Tyson runners don't complain about lack of berserk packs, they know the life they chose Something important to consider in your case is the ammo efficiency difference between SG and SSG. The SG fires7 pellets per shell, the SSG 20 pellets per two shells. You may find ammo balance to be tighter (among other complications) in levels where you would otherwise be using an SSG. If you're playing continuous this probably makes a lot less of a difference tho
  9. This sprite exists on realm667, called "Dune Warrior" hope this helps
  10. The monster closet has more than one teleporter and the gray tree makes one of them unavailable? This controls the difficulty by changing where monsters will enter the play area
  11. I dislike Hell Knights because they lack any unique personality. Every other monster has some quirk to make it feel interesting and special, but the Hell Knight is just a watered down Baron. Even the Baron's personality as Big Badass (read: door w/ health) is kinda flimsy and one dimensional and once you take away the tankiness there's really nothing left. Their washed out appearance also echoes that lack of personality. I'm not saying this means every encounter with them is boring or plain, mappers are pretty clever and they find clever ways to use them. I'm just saying they earned their spot at the bottom for me because they don't add anything mechanically or visually interesting to the game.
  12. I like when important items are put up on some kind of pedestal. Not even necessarily a really elaborate one, just something to make the item stand out a bit. Also very helpful if there's a lot of monsters whose corpses might obscure said item (I'm looking at you, Cacodemon)
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