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    This level was designed for deathmatch with altdeath turned on. Be sure to leave monsters ON, there aren't many, but they are essential for the wad to play correctly! A cooperative effort by two players is required to exit Eatme. The switch to open the door is located at the opposite side of the wad under the blue armor. One player must be positioned at the exit door while the other player trips the switch. It is impossible to exit alone. Beware once in the exit room, only one direction is the true exit, the others are. . . . well, you'll see!


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    This is a DEATHMATCH wad for Doom ][. That is its only purpose. It was not designed for single-player or different levels. It has no new graphics or sounds. It is a deathmatch pure and simple. I tried to give it a few good features to make hunting a bit more interesting but all in all it is fairly straight forward.


       (0 reviews)


  3. DaScott map 01

    Fast and furious deathmatch with nowhere to hide. Teleporters and indicator lights make things interesting and telefrags are abundant.

    Skills 1-3 have no plasma or BFG for wusses who can't handle them.. skills 4 and 5 with old deathmatch is what this wad was made for.


       (0 reviews)


  4. Contraband

    All around fun fragfest for 3 or 4 players. A little big for 2


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  5. Death Later<br><br> Author Wayne Leutwyler<br><br> Email Address cetan@ix.netcom.com<br><br> Descrip

    Doom 2 Deathmatch PWAD. Contains 4 Large rooms with many tunnels, and teleporters. Lots of places to hide. Each teleporter takes you to a singe room where 4 other teleporters wait. Warning dont stay in this room to long.

    Other Wads by author homeland.wad, undrwrld.wad


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  6. FOX12.WAD


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  7. 2 The Edge

    An incredible 2-4 player deathmatch wad! Great useage of Windows and cross-fire sniping points along with lots of secrets and sneaky things to frag your buddies!


       (1 review)



    Do you always find yourself at the business end of a sawed-off, double barreled nightmare? Do you see BLOOD RED more than any other color? Are you really good at mimicking your own death cry? If so, YOU NEED THE DEATHMATCH TRAINER!

    What the HECK is a Deathmatch Trainer, you may ask? Well, I'll get right to the point. This series of levels is designed to train you to fight more effectively, transforming you from a Doom Chump to a Doom Champ. You'll never again be the butt of everyone's Doom humor. You'll swap lead with the best of them. Heck, you will BE the best, hopefully. At the very least, you're gonna make 'em work for every frag they nab by slagging your sorry ass.

    If you already consider yourself a Doom champion, then you should be able to navigate the series of levels with relative ease. None of the levels is designed to be overly tricky (the aim is improving your manual dexterity skills as they relate to Doom, I won't be responsible for low I.Q.'s!) but they may require a bit of judgement. Traps are also pretty much nonexistent, since surprise isn't my main goal. I'll let your buddies worry about surprising you when it's Time to play deathmatch.

    Two more quick notes. I have a general preference of keyboard only with the original Doom keyboard layout and my text may somewhat reflect my bias, but keep in mind the general strategies apply to all forms of control, even, gulp, joystick.

    The strategies here work best with Doom and Doom 2, and quite a bit with Heretic because of the latter's obvious pedigree. The strategies may also be applied to other games (Rise of the Triad the most obvious) but they don't work quite as well since the game is on a different engine and has its own quirks.


       (0 reviews)


  9. Endless FRAGS

    VERY small deathmatch level! I've built it after playing in minideth.wad by Scott A.Smith In 4 player DM - frag every 15 seconds! (or faster) Made for old deathmatch.


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  10. Flight 57

    This is pretty simple: You're on an airplane in midflight. You can walk on the wings and you can fall off the plane and die as well. I had to do way too many wad tricks to get the plane to float in midair, but it looks cool, so it was worth it. Check out that texture aligning!


       (2 reviews)


  11. Jungle Fever

    What me and my friends think a deathmatch level should look like..


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  12. Death Eight

    Optimized, and I do mean optimized, for death- match play. No exits, and no monsters, which means no fun alone.


       (1 review)


  13. FEAR

    2 Doom2 Deathmatch levels


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  14. DanzHall -- Heaven for light-stepping, shotgun-slinging, super-studs of Doom

    A death-match only level utilizing only shotguns. The playing field is semi-open using lighting and teleports to spice things up.


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  15. FORT2.WAD

    This level was designed to be used as a Deathmatch level for Doom2. This level is based on FORT1.WAD, designed by yours truly. The structure of the fort has been modified. More monsters and secrets have been added. There is also an additional small building in front of the fort. There is now more than one way to enter the fort. Sorry, but there is still no BFG! Real warriors don't need one!


       (1 review)



    This level was designed to be used as a Deathmatch level for Doom2. It consists of eight rooms, all connected by long, dark corridors. Seven of the rooms contain a weapon of some sort. The eighth room is a secret room, which contains a few goodies. All weapons are used. There is an exit on this level. There are no monsters on this level.


       (1 review)



    Whipped this one up in 5 minutes. Can you tell? This level was designed to be used as a Deathmatch level for Doom2. The level basically consists of a fort surrounded by a moat. The four corners of the fort are lifts that are used to enter the fort. Your job is to take over the fort and defend it. There is no BFG or Plasma Gun. There is no exit on this level. There are no monsters on this level.


       (1 review)



    This level was designed to be used as a Deathmatch level for Doom2. This level is basically one big room with four platforms of different heights. There is an elevator (not a lift) in the centre. You can access all four platforms with this elevator, or you can take the stairs along the outer walls. All weapons, except for the BFG, are available. There is no exit on this level. There are no monsters on this level.


       (1 review)


  19. DAM.WAD

    This level was designed to be used as a Deathmatch level for Doom2. All weapons are available. There are monsters roaming around and there is an exit. There are many hiding spots, teleporters, and great shooting points. The teleporters are designed so that your opponent can't follow you into it. The level is centered around a dam, which is blocking the NUKEAGE RIVER.


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  20. Fire.wad

    Your regular garden varitity DEATH MATCH = )


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  21. Frag You!

    This is one of the best Deathmatch levels around! Not too big, not too small. Major frags! Major thrills!


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  22. Diamond1.wad

    My first wad but I worked hard and playtested it for hours


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  23. KILL 'EM!

    This is the Doom II conversion of my level KILL_EM.WAD. But unlike most DOOM to DOOM II conversions, I've made lots of changes.

    The level itself is a medium-sized one, with a main arena, passages, and two smaller rooms, each with some tricks and strategies to them. The courtyard is where I expect much of the major fighting to be carried out, and has three main structures in it, as well as ledges around much of it. The structures are a hollow pillar (with nice stuff inside), a tall thin building (only way to get up it is a lift, so it's great for hiding nice stuff in, hint hint), and a pagoda, who's main function is blocking shots and holding up opponents.

    Of the smaller rooms, one is pitch-dark, and holds some warp-in spots and guns, and makes for great ambushes. The other room has a jail in it, see the next subject.


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  24. Crossfire Fortress

    Inspired by Lachlan Stewart's excellent "Dandy3" level. In it, I discovered the joys of crossfire, plus I've had this general layout floating around in the noggin for a while. Plenty of action and lots o' strategy. Weapons are abundant and their locations vital to some of the more subtle strategies involved.

    I'm semi-retired from .WAD making, so I took no steps to align any textures. If this just totally spoils the level for you, so be it, but I don't have the time anymore to devote to making these things. Unless of course, you want to pay me... ;)

    I mention this, because the last two 3-D games I played, Dark Forces and Witchaven, had noticeable "newbie" level mistakes, and on the whole were just not that impressive. (Compare Episode 1 of DOOM to the illogical structures of DOOM 2 for a good example of this..)

    I say this shit about retirement, but it has been like a week or so since I last released a .WAD, so you can tell I'm hooked.


       (1 review)


  25. Temple of Dr. Death

    Small level designed for constant player contact. Abundant weapons are strategically placed.. Lots of strategy in this one, so look and adapt!

    I'm semi-retired from .WAD making, so I took no steps to align any textures. If this just totally spoils the level for you, so be it, but I don't have the time anymore to devote to making these things. Unless of course, you want to pay me... ;)

    I mention this, because the last two 3-D games I played, Dark Forces and Witchaven, had noticeable "newbie" level mistakes, and on the whole were just not that impressive. (Compare Episode 1 of DOOM to the illogical structures of DOOM 2 for a good example of this..)


       (0 reviews)


  • File Reviews

    • By D3rpyD00dlez · Posted
      I genuinely enjoyed this mod with its level design and music. It was challenging and interesting and it kept me playing a while after beating it to try to find anything. though I would say it was slightly repetitive and overwhelming with enemies at some moments.
    • By LouigiVerona · Posted
      Writing a review for Darkening 2 is tough. It's a beloved megawad, and for good reason. As many other reviewers have said, it is historically a very important project.   It was an important megawad for me personally. I fell in love with the first level in particular. The music, the realistic architecture, so reminiscent of the video games of the 90s... It all left a lasting impression. And it was one of the most beautiful wads I've seen at the time.   But I rarely played anyt
    • By Ofisil · Posted
      A competently made map, for sure, but fun? It's way too long and repetitive, with same-y combat & ambush scenarios used again and again, and with way too much enemies, and not that much of a challenge, even for me who isn't exactly fond of "SUPER HARD WAD #9263!!!!11!. You can cut the whole thing in half, and then cut THAT half in half, and it would be a better map. Is it bad? No, just a little bit above average, mostly because it drags a bit too long.
    • By MrSkeltal · Posted
      Generally good map design, but the difficulty as is the case with pwads tends to be uneven even on HMP, especially when you mix them with what slaughtermaps tend to be (monster spam). Too many parts where, after pressing a switch, you'll spend some time killing enemies only to realise the map maker tried to get cute and spawned a bunch of hidden archviles somewhere to start reviving everyone while you were busy wasting ammo. This is especially unfun in parts with very little cover where you'll b
    • By Ranger Qwerty · Posted
      I like the part where I pay for the numerous murders I committed by getting beaten up by either a Mancubus or an Arachnotron, it changed my outlook on Monster Priority. Thank you "Problematic" Revenant #7, I have yet to find a way to repay him.
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