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This is the first level in a new 9 level episode. A run through the muck.40 downloads
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Welcome to Training Level 1. You have just arrived at the new training base and have been assigned a light test to see how you fare in battle. If you pass you will continue being tested until you are ready for full combat. This test will NOT be easy, but with a little strength, you should survive.10 downloads
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No- there are no strippers in this wad, but I got you to look at this, didn't I? As long as you got this far, you might as well play it. It works best as a deathmatch wad, but it's playable as a single player as well.15 downloads
Only the strong survive
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Ground up restoration of keeper.wad. Enhanced graphics, tougher battles, more puzzles and more (but not necessarily to many) monsters.13 downloads
The Tiger Den
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You are trapped in enemy land, a den of tigers. The only way to escape is to combat the enemies and steal their keys. Good Luck!23 downloads
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This WAD is designed for single-player and to be similar in atmosphere and difficulty to the supplied levels. Multi-player and Deathmatch starts are included however.# Named after the remakable resemblance between Spectres and Pete Sampras which I only just noticed. (Don't ya just lurve Wimbledon?)13 downloads
Todd's Terror Level 1
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I came up with the idea for this level as I was talking to some friends. This is the first of what I hope to be many levels in my quest to develope DOOM levels. I used a DOOM EDITOR called DoomEd - The Real Thing by Geoff Allan. I was going to add some sounds with a editor called Doom Audio Editor by Bill Neisius, but some issues arrived and I decided against them. Both of the products are shareware and are available on most Bulletin Boards. The level is quite big, consisting of three quadrants. There are quite a few monsters and enough ammo to get you to the end. My Beta Testers took countless hours to help us to provide a fun and exciting DOOM level. The whole process of developing this level took us about 100 hours to complete. I hope you enjoy playing this level and I very much welcome all comments, good or bad. I can be reach on COMPUSERVE as Todd D. Prince at id number 73131,1037. I will answer all comments and try to implement suggestions. This level is setup to work with Cooperative but not with Deathmatch. I hope to produce some Deathmatch levels in the future. Have fun and enjoy!11 downloads
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I have made a lot of quicky deathmatch and co-op levels. This is my first single- player level. I worked a LONG time on this level, and it's pretty big. It consists of 4 main areas. The first is the entance hall, the second is to get the keycard to get to the 3rd and so forth. I didn't implement skill levels, but it CAN be ended alone on Ultra- Violence, I have tested it, as well as some of my doom buddies. I added in extra monsters and weapons for multiplayer . I suggest you play with no monsters when playing death- match. I also put in many secret area's, so try and find those. This is my first "professional" level, so I'd appreciate any comments about what you think of it.13 downloads
Wellspring of evil
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On a remote, class M planet, is a colony, established to manage an uncommon source of fresh water, a site known as Wellsping. The infection of Wellspring, by the evil minions of Satan has resulted in the seizure of the pumping plant. The plant's water and power are being used to clone members of the hoard. Now the colony is without life sustaining water and the evil side is polluting the only source of water in this sector. Your mission is clear, teleport in, eradicate the evil, and restore the operation of the pumping station. If so much as one evil spore remains, your mission is a failure12 downloads
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Episode 1 replacement. These levels suxx. Since a very long time ago (96?), I started WAD editing with Deu. This is a bad mix of my very old levels that I decided to release as they are. Funny sounds (some, in greek language) included.
My next levels will be good, I promise. I am currently building another old level which was supposed to have good detail and a new one I just started. I use modern editors for good texture alligning any more and eliminating the stupid bugs with BSP building programms. I am very obsessed with detail and found appropriate tools, so it won't be so bad next time ;)
Enjoy my old WADs for the moment..39 downloads
The Tower
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On a strange watery asteroid far far away there is a tower. The population of the asteroid consists of the incorrigible culls of an advanced genetic science. Can you scale the tower and press the auto-destruct switch? Not unless you're good... You will need three keys. The red key is easy to find. The blue key is known to be in the maximum security pen to the south. Rumours have it that the yellow key is hidden in an alien art gallery somewhere on the asteroid.19 downloads
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I made this wad using "Doom Cad" for windows. It may seem small in size, but it is pretty big I think for my first wad. To run it you must have the registered Doom... Because it is episode 2 level 1, Sorry but thats the only way I could save it. Try to get 100% on everything without cheating... or you just might miss some of the cool things that I created. Then try the tougher skill settings like 3 and 4.. each has their own tough boss to kill.. or try to avoid them and let them chase you to the end. To get it to work just type bast and press return. GOOD LUCK By Troy Ochs (SONNY)15 downloads
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This level is designed for a single player, although cooperative play is also good. I've tried to throw a little bit of everything in here. You may have to die quite a few times before you can make it all the way through. ** Hint ** I believe it is sometimes better to run than fight. I've also included a demo of yours truly completing the entire level on skill 4.20 downloads
UAC_DEAD patch for ZDoom
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Even UAC_DEAD.WAD is a milestone you should'n miss, it uses a feature which was removed in Ultimate Doom, unfortunately. Even worse, there is no source port available, which can play UAC_DEAD correctly without slight modifications. This is a simple wad which just consists of a MAPINFO lump enabling you to play the original UAC_DEAD.WAD in its intended way with Zdoom.45 downloads
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In the first level, there are many ways to go; Tackle it any way you want. The second level is full of surprises and VERY hard to complete if you're starting from scratch.15 downloads
SANDSDTH.WAD - `Wasteland: Sands of Death'
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the setting is in a deadly desert. The level requires a good amount of processing power. It's easier that it may seem on first approach. In this level you will learn the value of shadow in a desert.33 downloads
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The genetic experiments at the Universal Acme Corp. have gotten out of hand. You must clean up the mess, find the computer control central, shut it down and destroy it. This wad shows off many of the neat things DOOM can do. Plenty of ammo and weapons if you use the right strategy. Watch out for traps! You WILL be killed the first time through!14 downloads
UAC Mine
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This was meant to be a full Vanilla Doom episode replacing episode 2, but I lost intrest... It's in the style of episode 2, early levels I made (like a year ago). Thee quality is good, but it's nothing hugely special.19 downloads
The Imp Fiesta
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* A large level.
* There is a nice new idea: A TUNNEL (a bit like Alien...hum...)
* Designed for very fast machines (minimum requirement is 66Mhz for a fluent game playing). Note that you should at least have a Pentium if you want it to be fluent in the tunnel...
* In order to fininsh the level, you don't need to discover any secet room, just go where you haven't been.
* The level can be finished very fast if you know where to go (not like for The Spring Ballad). But there are lots of secret rooms and you will need more time if you wanna do it at 100%.
* No BFG900014 downloads
The Spring Ballad
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* A very large level.
* Designed for fast machines (minimum requirement is 50Mhz for a fluent game playing).
* My first complete Doom level.
* In order to fininsh the level, you don't need to discover any secet room, just go where you haven't been.
* No BFG9000
* Damn easy on lowest difficulty level, damn hard on Ultra-Violence14 downloads