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What do you reccomend?

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I know one that's really awesome and underrated. It's called "the search button".


Seriously, we don't need a new "recommended/best WADs" thread once a week.

Edited by MFG38

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My answer may be stupid but I really recommand you to finish Doom I and Doom II first if it's not already done before playing custom WAD's,

If yes, then I suggest you take a look at this : https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom/Ports/megawads/2002ad10

It's a full replacement of Doom I (not Doom II) and has approximatively the same design style than the original game

Edited by Briøche

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 I can't link anything because of wifi problems, but some good beginner wads would probably be




Okay anyways (i would delete that but if i do it will glitch again)

The hunt for soda by the bmfg

Scythe is a good wad as well

And for some shameless promotion, if you like thematic wads, try stygian abyss, by me!



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I think it depends on what you're looking for.


If you're looking for a more old-school experience, I recommend checking out @Doomkid's Big Vanilla WAD Pack, has a great selection of vanilla and limit-removing WADs.


I do recommend you finish playing Ultimate Doom and Doom II first if you haven't already (and maybe try TNT and Plutonia once you've gotten a little bit more experience).


As for specific WADs I'd recommend, here's some I'd say are beginner-friendly.

  • Doom Zero
  • Double Impact
  • Deathless
  • Back to Saturn X Episodes 1 & 2
  • No Rest for the Living
  • Doom 64 for Doom II
    • I also recommend checking out the 2020 rerelease of actual Doom 64, it's actually pretty faithful, moreso than Doom 64 EX
  • Doom the Way id Did
    • Ultimate Doom the Way id Did (Episode 4 addon for DTWID)
    • Doom II the Way id Did
  • Doom Core Delta
  • Reverie
  • Revolution!
  • Demonfear
  • Dawn of the Dead
    • And its sequel, No Rest for the Wicked

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13 hours ago, Womneare said:

I just started playing doom on pc and wanna know what are good wads for beginners? And can you put a download link to it?


On 6/23/2020 at 11:02 PM, Doomkid said:

Easy is my middle name!








All short, sweet and easy.


Also, if you want to turn slaughtermaps from nail-biters into shotgun therapy, I recommend Super Power Guns! Basically makes all the guns into a roided-out counterpart. Tell that stress to go fuck itself!



Here are a few other fun/easy/relaxing maps off the top of my head:












So many more I’m forgetting!


On 4/9/2021 at 5:46 PM, Doomkid said:

Some great suggestions in this thread already, but two I haven't seen yet (unless I'm blind) are The Far Side of Phobos and Operation BIOWAR are two old faves of mine that are really easy by modern standards.


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On 9/21/2021 at 10:41 AM, Womneare said:

I just started playing doom

Play The Plutonia Experiment. Most wads are at it's sort of difficulty or harder. Its also very fun.

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On 9/21/2021 at 4:45 PM, MFG38 said:

I know one that's really awesome and underrated. It's called "the search button".


Seriously, we don't need a new "recommended/best WADs" thread once a week.

Okay. That made me giggle.

Atleast OP replied back. How often do we get this question, we point to the right place and even give some recommendations and the OP never responds back or says ''Oh great thx!''.


I want a Church of the Search Button. I want the Search to be gospel. 

20 minutes ago, Womneare said:

Already played doom 1 and doom 2 on my channel 2 times

... That's a great response on your original question: ''I just started playing doom on pc and wanna know what are good wads for beginners? And can you put a download link to it?''


No appreciation detected. 


Want a good WAD? Try Demonfear. Requires Doom 2.

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As a new-ish returnee player myself I'd suggest starting with a quality, moderate difficulty modern megawad - my choice would be:



I think map sets like that are much better than the originals. They are also much more accessible than some modern maps or classics, for reasons such as difficulty, quality, gameplay and consistency. 


If a typical new player enjoys a modern classic like Eviternity, they'll discover the rest for themselves, without any risk of being put off. 


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This is one type of common thread I never minded recurring. There are so many viable entry points into pwads and it's cool that people don't get the same codified response each time. Even huge lists or the Cacowards are not going to have all of those, and they won't give recommendations the same way another source might. These threads all end up having their own flavor, though, and different obscure wads get a chance to shine each time. 


Also search only lists many recent threads if you look up lots of synonyms of words like "newcomer." (And it's fair to want recent threads.) 


And the value to the poster who started a thread is usually a small fraction of the value of any thread. In all of these threads, I usually notice a few wads I haven't played myself yet and might be interested in playing.


Different people respond every time too. With a couple threads a year, I might not have the time or inclination to respond during the reasonable window of thread activity, but since they repeat, I have found some to reply to

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On 9/21/2021 at 4:11 PM, Briøche said:

If yes, then I suggest you take a look at this : https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom/Ports/megawads/2002ad10

It's a full replacement of Doom I (not Doom II) and has approximatively the same design style than the original game


Yes, I second this - it is excellent. IIRC it has a couple of bugs but nothing that has stopped me playing this more than once... A similar megawad I lump together with 2002 ADO is Armadosia: The Mad Corridor (a Doom2 mapset).

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8 minutes ago, smeghammer said:


Yes, I second this - it is excellent. IIRC it has a couple of bugs but nothing that has stopped me playing this more than once... A similar megawad I lump together with 2002 ADO is Armadosia: The Mad Corridor (a Doom2 mapset).


Thank's for this sharing :)

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2 hours ago, Redneckerz said:

I want a Church of the Search Button. I want the Search to be gospel. 


Wanna get together and form it? You can be the CEO, I'll be your secretary.

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