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PUSS XIV: 12 MORE Days of Doommas! [Now on idgames!]

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41 minutes ago, BluePineapple72 said:

There is no cap to how many maps you can submit to these events. 

Despite it being winter, the @Death Bear is not in hibernation.

I most certainly am not; you are correct. Time to map. 

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23 minutes ago, BluePineapple72 said:

Wintery music is fine!


Not sure if I have time to make a map but I'm tempted to make a midi. Maybe peeps might want something appropriate to have in their maps 🙂

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Map Name: Melter Mall

Author: Jark

Music: "All I want for Christmas is You" by Mariah Carey

Sky: Used the default one included in the resource

Format: Boom and above

Difficulty Settings: Minor changes between difficulties

Build Time: 8 Hours Voodoo Scripts: 1: Repeating door sequence. 2: Light sequence. 3: REDACTED 4: Bar lowering mechanism.

Doomcute: 1: The Slickest of Whips. 2: Shop window display 3: Sleigh

Comments: The gimmick to this map was a complete accident but is much better (in my humble opinion) for it.







Contained in the ZIP is the RAW map file and the map compiled with resources for ease of testing.


Download: https://www.mediafire.com/file/blyc48d9fr65fmm/MelterMall001.zip/file

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Map Name: Make the Yuletide Slay

Author: Peccatum Mihzamiz
Story: In this map I make several refences to pre-Christian December winter festivities. Poor Santa does not do so well in this map. Well done though... Muhahahahaha!

Music: 5 tracks. We start with the traditional 'Have yourself a Merry Little Christmas' and then continue to others. I'll write all of them down later.

Sky: Default

Format: Boom

Difficulty Settings: Yes, implemented, including co-op.

Number of monsters: 199 on UV

Build Time: I have no idea. I was fixing and balancing in between and had an insane amount of broken sectors in the forest. I spent hours here getting stuff fixed. But besides that I also went over the deadline normally. I spent perhaps... 10,5 hours making this map, excluding all the fixing and breaking.

Voodoo Scripts: One for the ending, one does something to the Doomcute and a battle, one moves some floors around, one for another battle.

Doomcute: 3 of them, in the last hall next to each other. You'll see.

Comments: I'm very proud of this map. I didn't know what to do for a long time, and then suddenly everything clicked and I knew what I wanted to make. Things of course changed along the way.

File (updated to version 2 on December 7th 2021)







Edited by Peccatum Mihzamiz
Added voodoo doll explanations, updated file to version 2

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Map Name: Mount Frosting
Author: Dynamite Kaitorn/Heich
Music: Nippius - Jazz Jackrabbit (Again, no idea who made it :s)
Sky: Just the generic sky texture in the resource pack
Format: BooM
Difficulty Settings: Yes, some enemies are missing on lower difficulties
Build Time: roughly 4 hours
Voodoo Scripts:

(Placed in a spoiler in case people want to go in blind)


[1] The first voodoo script activates as soon as the map opens, and it triggers a door to open to let some imps teleport in as well as activate a crusher.
[2] Activates a door and start a crusher for the skele-door trap. ;) Also used to unlock a secret.
[3] Closes a gate behind the player, opens up 2 doors to trap the player with Barons as well as lower a wall to grant them a super shotgun.
[4] Activates an instant floor trap, forcing the player to hop across small platforms. Also opens a door to release some caco's and mancubuses.


(Again, in case some people don't want to know ahead of time)


Not fully sure if they are 100% DooM cute but I made the following:
[1] A campfire and a sleeping bag near the spawn room
[2] An axe can be found in the snowy outside not too far from spawn
[3] A fireplace near the blue door
[4] A blood-fall fountain. (WAS meant to be water but there's no waterfall textures... :( )

After a chilly time climbing up a mountain, the DooM marine decides to enter a small cave... only to find a small base hidden up top.
Did hell find a way to sneakily place their minions wherever they are needed? Strike out the three paths, grab the keys and warp out quickly
before hell realises what has happened. But watch your step!







Using Postimg since I don't feel like filling up my attachments limit.



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Map Name: Its Not Big Its Just Full
Author: Me

Music: music from map09 of the doomxmus wad?

Sky: Yes

Format: Boom (Doom 2)

Difficulty Settings: No

Build Time: 8 hours

Voodoo Scripts: Couple of floor lowerings, crushers, light sequences  

Doomcute: Santa's sled, Christmas tree with train, Fireplace with couches

Comments: You've come all this way in search of the perfect family Christmas tree and....THERE IT IS!.  The locals are certainly not happy with you...


gzdoom Screenshot 2021.12.12 -

gzdoom Screenshot 2021.12.12 -

Its not big its just full.V1.zip

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Map Name: Tearing in the Air
Author: Muumi
Music: Walking in the air from freemidi.org
Sky: STARSKY1 from mek box
Format: Boom
Difficulty Settings: no
Build Time: should be about 8 hours, done in many short sessions and was not super dilligent with counting time 
Voodoo Scripts: nothing special, activating some stuff that could not be done with one trigger. One fight with some timed stuff.


Snowmobile, benches, fireplaces, tables, smoker box!, kicksled, menorah, santa's sleigh, swimming pier, might have forgot some

Comments: Uh oh. This level is absolute monster, first time I had to cut the area because I was going over the maximum blockmap size (?). Anyway its relaxing journey in a magical wintery landscape.







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NAME: Lament of Christmas Past
AUTHOR: Death Bear
MUSIC: MIDI cover of "Jack's Lament" by Danny Elfman
SKY: Default
VOODOO: A lighting thing, A crusher trigger/ fight, Some Timed Fight things.
DOOMCUTE: Campfire, Living Room w/ Fireplace and Table, Rooftop with Reindeer Paws
COMMENTS: FOCUSING on what is most important. Found it fitting to do another homage. Enjoy!

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I've been having a little difficulty phrasing this and I'm sorry if this is painfully obvious to everyone here, but I would like some clarification regarding this mapping project; I'm working on a map and with hindsight I don't fully know if it would be valid.


In terms of secrets: I've taken a look at the Clandestine Castle Crashing project that was linked in the first post, but I'm not too sure what is and is not allowed. I understand that flagging a commonly accessible area as a secret would not be permitted, and I'm guessing that blatantly obvious secrets are not either (a misaligned wall texture for instant).


For time: it's non-consecutive, but I would like to know if I've been timing myself incorrectly. Thus far, I've only been counting down when drawing lindefs, sectors, adjusting heights, placing things, etc. However, I will frequently take a moment to analyse what I am doing with the editor open (Slade3 if you're curious) and I'm not timing this.


Finally, and this is a little more technical, should I test the map in the original Boom source port, or would PrBoom+ or another port suffice? I am asking this one more as I've been having some difficulties testing the map in Eternity but no issues with GZDoom; I think it might have something to do with the Zokum node-builder that I'm using.

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1 hour ago, CyberosLeopard said:

In terms of secrets: I've taken a look at the Clandestine Castle Crashing project that was linked in the first post, but I'm not too sure what is and is not allowed. I understand that flagging a commonly accessible area as a secret would not be permitted, and I'm guessing that blatantly obvious secrets are not either (a misaligned wall texture for instant).

Blatantly obvious secrets are fine, I just don't want secrets to be mandatory, either in that you need to find them in order to beat the map, or you get a secret while progressing through the map naturally. A misaligned wall texture, while rather simple, is still a secret. If a player is able to beat your map without having found a single secret, then you're all good.


1 hour ago, CyberosLeopard said:

For time: it's non-consecutive, but I would like to know if I've been timing myself incorrectly. Thus far, I've only been counting down when drawing lindefs, sectors, adjusting heights, placing things, etc. However, I will frequently take a moment to analyse what I am doing with the editor open (Slade3 if you're curious) and I'm not timing this.

I'd advise against sitting at the editor planning your next move and timing it. I wouldn't rule it out because I too have done it :P


Since these speedmapping sessions are more lax and we time things non-consecutively (especially for the longer events), I'm fine with you taking breaks. Just don't do it too often: the time limit is supposed to light a fire under your ass.


1 hour ago, CyberosLeopard said:

Finally, and this is a little more technical, should I test the map in the original Boom source port, or would PrBoom+ or another port suffice? I am asking this one more as I've been having some difficulties testing the map in Eternity but no issues with GZDoom; I think it might have something to do with the Zokum node-builder that I'm using.

PRBoom is what I have been using for testing, and is what I'm targeting the release wad to use.



Hope this helps ,o7



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9 minutes ago, BluePineapple72 said:

Submissions close tomorrow!


My map isn't finished, so you know what that means!!!!1!!

better get on with it then :p


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Map Name: Doom Alone
Author: WeirdSandwich
Music: MIDI rendition of Somewhere In My Memory and Setting The Trap from Home Alone OST
Sky: Default from texture pack
Format: Boom
Difficulty Settings: Only a minor change in final battle
Build Time: 8 hours, plus about an hour of bugfixing/playtesting
Voodoo Scripts: 1: Opening fight  2: Light sequence  3: Method of accessing secret  4:  Final battle.
Doomcute: Uhhh the whole map  
Comments:  Does this house look familiar to you?

Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/0dk2k51mq8hdhii/Alone.wad?dl=0






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Map Name: I'm Dreaming of a Red Doommas
Author: myolden
Music: Freezeezy Peak from Banjo-Kazooie
Sky: Default
Format: Boom
Difficulty Settings: Will implement after playtesting
Build Time: 7 hours 
Voodoo Scripts: the Baron area, the blue key area, the BFG area, the exit area
Doomcute: Christmas tree and some suspiciously large presents 
Comments: I couldn't think of a better name lol


I'm Dreaming of a Red Doommas.zip






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I'm just writing to quickly say that I'm not going to submit the map that I've been working on for the last 9/10 days, partly because it is not particularly good, but mostly because I am not able to get either PrBoom+ or Eternity to load the level. At least I do have confirmation from Boom that the issue is in fact the nodebuilder; I've got an error in the terminal stating "P_SetupLevel: Level wad structure is incomplete. There is no ML_SSECTORS lump." before ending. I'm not too sure on what commands/steps I need to go through in-order to generate the necessary lumps for the map, as just running './zokumbsp ~/Documents/FJF_2021.wad' will produce an output saying that there is "no reductionSegmentation fault", but the wad itself is not updated. While I could download and compile Zennode or ZDBSP, I've never found software that I have compiled myself to work very well.


Regardless, thanks so very much BluePineapple72 and the PUSS community for the opportunity! I have never mapped for Boom before and while it has been a little stressful trying to get a few things working under the time-limit, it has been very fun and a good learning experience.


Also, sorry if there is a little much here :)

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7 hours ago, CyberosLeopard said:

I'm just writing to quickly say that I'm not going to submit the map that I've been working on for the last 9/10 days, partly because it is not particularly good, but mostly because I am not able to get either PrBoom+ or Eternity to load the level. At least I do have confirmation from Boom that the issue is in fact the nodebuilder; I've got an error in the terminal stating "P_SetupLevel: Level wad structure is incomplete. There is no ML_SSECTORS lump." before ending. I'm not too sure on what commands/steps I need to go through in-order to generate the necessary lumps for the map, as just running './zokumbsp ~/Documents/FJF_2021.wad' will produce an output saying that there is "no reductionSegmentation fault", but the wad itself is not updated. While I could download and compile Zennode or ZDBSP, I've never found software that I have compiled myself to work very well.


Regardless, thanks so very much BluePineapple72 and the PUSS community for the opportunity! I have never mapped for Boom before and while it has been a little stressful trying to get a few things working under the time-limit, it has been very fun and a good learning experience.


Also, sorry if there is a little much here :)

No worries! I am curious though, if you like I could take a look at your wad to see if I can get it working with PRBoom

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7 hours ago, CyberosLeopard said:

I'm just writing to quickly say that I'm not going to submit the map that I've been working on for the last 9/10 days, partly because it is not particularly good, but mostly because I am not able to get either PrBoom+ or Eternity to load the level. At least I do have confirmation from Boom that the issue is in fact the nodebuilder; I've got an error in the terminal stating "P_SetupLevel: Level wad structure is incomplete. There is no ML_SSECTORS lump." before ending. I'm not too sure on what commands/steps I need to go through in-order to generate the necessary lumps for the map, as just running './zokumbsp ~/Documents/FJF_2021.wad' will produce an output saying that there is "no reductionSegmentation fault", but the wad itself is not updated. While I could download and compile Zennode or ZDBSP, I've never found software that I have compiled myself to work very well.


Regardless, thanks so very much BluePineapple72 and the PUSS community for the opportunity! I have never mapped for Boom before and while it has been a little stressful trying to get a few things working under the time-limit, it has been very fun and a good learning experience.


Also, sorry if there is a little much here :)

No worries! We're taking a bit of a break come January, but you're more than welcome to jump back whenever we're running! (Might I also say I have no idea what any of that means, but hopefully Blue can help.)

Edited by Death Bear

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On 12/21/2021 at 5:41 AM, BluePineapple72 said:

No worries! I am curious though, if you like I could take a look at your wad to see if I can get it working with PRBoom

Thank you so very much! I'm really curious to know why the map doesn't work, so any advice or help is greatly appreciated. Also, I'm presuming that I can still submit the map for the project? If so...


Map Name: Forlorn Jollity Factorum
Author: either 'Cyber', 'Leopard' or 'CyberosLeopard'.

Music:  Gaudete (https://bitmidi.com/gaudete-mid, not the most appropriate but not something one hears all that much)

Sky: Default sky from the resource supplied.

Format: Boom (tested in version or Eternity version 4)

Difficulty Settings: Yes, but a bit limited.

Build Time: 120 min for building the main rooms and areas; 231 for decorating, texturing and adjusting sectors; 52 for bug fixing and optimising after play-testing.

Voodoo Scripts: A time script for the pillars within the central chamber, the first door and a secret area. A three button combination script to re-enter the main chamber. Another time script for access to the red key area. A final time script for the last secret.

Doomcute: A small present wrapping area consistent of a table and chair; a fireplace with a tree; a dining table with a tree (that's very low effort...); a pseudo long-boat/ship at the end.

Comments: It's, unfortunately, another generic tech-base. The general idea that I had was 'What if festivities and joy needed to be scientifically manufactured this year, after all of the hardships of the last two years... and then the horrors of Hell invade.' While I'm not too proud of the end results I'm hoping that the map is at the very least enjoyable.

Map: FJF_doomxmas2021_v1.1.wad.zip


Thanks again!


Edited by CyberosLeopard
Still there, trying to remove from 'Uploaded Files' area.

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@CyberosLeopard Here is a version of the wad that should work with boom: Your Map. I simply loaded 'er up in UDB and moved a vertex. I think that fixed the node errors.


Unfortunately, you can't leave the first room. 



The walk like action isn't tagged to sector 38, so you can't lower the sector by walking over it.


I'll be pretty much free over the next few days if you need help fixing any more issues with the level. If you'd like I could go in and fix whatever I can find. Regardless, your submission has been accepted (I would like a beatable version of the wad by the 23rd, however.)

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Make the Yuletide Slay version 3 version 4 hotfix
-fixed some stuff
-added more co-op monster shenanigans
-added a whole bunch more health to the map


Edited by Peccatum Mihzamiz
Version 4 hotfix

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Here is a version of the wad that should work with boom: Your Map. I simply loaded 'er up in UDB and moved a vertex. I think that fixed the node errors.


Unfortunately, you can't leave the first room. 


Thank you Blue for your help. I've fixed the lift at the start of the level and some other issues that I had only discovered yesterday (far more than I would like to admit). I've also tried to optimise a few parts of the map; some encounters and item placements. Also on a side note, what vertex did you need to move?


I have my spare machine set-up that has the Eureka editor installed and passed the map via that to generate the necessary lumps for Boom. It works on PrBoom and Eternity version 4. I've amended the original post with the newer, hopefully fine, version.


While I do very much appreciate you help Blue, and I don't wish to sound aggressive or argumentative, but I really should be the one to fix my own mistakes; I should not rely on others for that. With that said, I'm thinking it may be best to pull my map from the project, in hindsight of the other issues that I've found (and the ones that I haven't yet). I don't think the level's pacing is particularly good, and the last thing I want is to ruin someone's experience of 12 more days of Doommas with a rushed, bug-ridden level. I'm sorry if this messes with your schedule.


Thank you so very much for your time and help Blue.


Quick edit: I'm not the best judge for my own work, so I may be too critical regarding that last paragraph.

Edited by CyberosLeopard
Added a quick appendix.

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