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The DWIronman League dies to: H2H-XMas

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YESS!!! I've done this set for Ironman practice oh-ho-ho-many times and while I do expect a near-whitewash on MAP02, I doubt I'll last longer than MAP07 myself ... My attempt will come on Sunday however because I'm somewhat busy until then.

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Oh, I like the concept of DWIronman, and I'd like to participate this month. Probably I will die in the first maps but I can get some experience with this style of competition :D

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I have watched 4shock do some very very fast speedruns of 1 or more maps from this wad, including the first map, but I don't remember a single thing from those streams, not even what the items actually are, so I think this is probably a category 1 run. I felt completely blind and lost the entire time.

h2h-xmas-ironman.zip (died on map02)

Thanks 4shock.

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I've seen some speedrun footage of this wad but didn't recognize anything while playing, so I'm calling this category 1. Dead on map07. Exited map06 at 37:17.



I saw what NaZa said about map02 and expected something that would be virtually impossible for blind runners, but it wasn't that bad after all. Still came as a surprise, though; it seemed like a huge difficulty spike compared to what was happening before. I relaxed a bit after finishing that map, perhaps too much, and died stupidly on map07. Thinking back on it, I'm not even sure if I could have known I'd be trapped by barrels after falling down there, but I suppose I should have just avoided blind drops unless there was nowhere else to go.


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Category 2, I remembered up to MAP09.


Died a very, very unlucky way on MAP12, which I reached in around 57:41 I think. I see people took on the habit of spoilering their runs' highlights so ig I'll do so too...




I had just BARELY hung on after a rather fucked up beginning, only to, due to my lower gamma settings, fail to see that there's a fatso in the door. Maybe, MAYBE I saw it, but thought I had space. Unfortunately I hadn't space. Too bad as I got from around 20 to 100 health there.


Though, to be fair, I got incredibly lucky. I should've died on every map after MAP09. I tried to blitz past a baron on that map and it almost ended in tears and then the hitscan hell that were the openings of the next two maps tore me to shreds almost. I had so much luck, so it was natural it was going to run out. Nevertheless, not having played some difficult Doom in around four months now barring Sunlust last month, I'm incredibly satisfied with this result.




Edited by NaZa

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Category: 1

Dead on: MAP07

Kills: 23/157

Time: 36:53

Notes: Had to pause on MAP02 since I accidentally toggled autorun off.


Immediately knew I fucked up. Still, it's myriads better than my Ironman performance last month so I'll take it!



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Category: 3 (I did a Cat 2 run last night but it got trashed by accident)
Dead: MAP10

Kills: 88/105
Time: 54:00

Notes: This has a handful of pauses in it because I answered a question that Gosu_Noob asked me about a run.


Haven't played most of these maps since 2018 or so, except the 7 I got through in the lost Cat 2 run. Not bad, I guess.

Edited by Maribo
forgot demo

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Here's my demo, recorded in From DOOM with love, complevel 2 with strict mode on (Which disables Tas only features, among other misellaneous things, while not breaking the competition rules)

Category: 1

Died in: Map 02

Exits map 01 in 3:24.66

Kills when dead: 48/77




It's a terrible run, but I had fun ;)

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Oh hey I actually beat a map in one of these! Died in MAP02, so 1 completed map

I've seen runs of a much later map I did not get to, so Cat 1.

Category 1

Died in MAP02

Exits map01 in 4:04 (94% kills in MAP01, no items/secrets)

34/77 kills in map02 when died






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Hah! Beat this everyone! Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Seasons Greetings, and Wonderful Day in December to one and all!


I think I've relieved everyone of the burden of finishing in last place.


Category: 1

Died on: Map 01

Kills: 5/35

Time: 0:26




As usual, poor timing, poor dodging, and poor movement (in general) did me in. Backing into an imp didn't help matters. And with all the health I didn't know about right there for taking that would have kept me alive at least a little longer. Oh well. This is what can happen when lack of skill combines with blind play.


I saw very little of the map and even less of the mapset as a whole, obviously. I tried to take a quick spin after my quick run to see what else there was, and didn't make it much further. The aesthetics aren't a lot to look at, although the road/runway that you can see from the window looks nice. Soulspheres as running lights was an interesting choice, and I liked the Christmas tree sprites. The armor being a Santa hat was a nice touch. It looks like it's intended to be a relatively approachable mapset, at least at the beginning. I imagine 1995 me (who had played outside ITYTD once, when playing shareware Doom in 1994 after beating it on ITYTD) would probably have had some trouble here. (Although 2021 me didn't fare much better, so there's that.)  The Christmas carol midis gave me flashbacks to loading various music packs, one of which was Christmas music, into Doom 1. Ah nostalgia.

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6 hours ago, NaZa said:

Oh, I've just noticed the damnatio memorii done to Krypto in the OP. Heh.


The masses decided that it was time for there to be a reckoning. Rather, @4shockblast decided that it was time for said reckoning and the aforementioned masses collectively shrugged.

Edited by Pegleg
Added mention.

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Category 3 (played once a while ago, and by coincidence I was watching some of 4shock's d2all around the time this was announced so I guess I'll call it accidental preparation.)


Result: DNF because of all-ghosts on map05 with 43/145 at 16:43. Kind of a shame because I was having fun and felt like I probably had a few more maps left in me, but cl2 is cl2.




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Another Ironman, another run that dies on Map 2. At least I have the excuse of not having played the WAD prior this time!


Category 1

Finished MAP 1 on 2:39

Died on MAP 2 with 46 kills (i died at 45 but through in-fighting another monster died soon after)

Played on DSDA Doom 0.21.3


I panicked when the big encounter happened. I didn't expect this level of resistance this early!


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9 hours ago, NaZa said:

Oh, I've just noticed the damnatio memorii done to Krypto in the OP. Heh.

Finally. Well, congrats to the new winners, at least...and a bit late of that.


And I'll try the set as soon as possible.

Also, I think I'm gonna try the DSDA port for a better demo.

Edited by leodoom85

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22 hours ago, Maribo said:

Category: 3 (I did a Cat 2 run last night but it got trashed by accident)
Dead: MAP10

Kills: 88/105
Time: 54:00

Notes: This has a handful of pauses in it because I answered a question that Gosu_Noob asked me about a run.


Haven't played most of these maps since 2018 or so, except the 7 I got through in the lost Cat 2 run. Not bad, I guess.

Just noticed you forgot to attach your demo :P

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I usually play with -nomusic, but today is an exception :)


DEAD: Map07

Category: 2

Kills: 117/157

Time: 28:39 (arrival at Map07)
Port: Prboom+


I actually had wiggle room to get out of the jam I was in, but I was distracted by some stuff irl and didn't snap out of it in time.



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4 hours ago, Andromeda said:

Just noticed you forgot to attach your demo :P

Thanks. I zipped the demo, wrote the post, then just never attached it. It would have been a Christmas disaster if I lost this demo after losing the first one lmfao

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On 12/2/2021 at 3:04 PM, Maribo said:

(I did a Cat 2 run last night but it got trashed by accident)


I've... done that far more than I'd like to admit.


edit: i really need to switch to DSDA-Doom.  Hnnngggg



Some notable settings to look at;

Under general options;

Demos - Overwrite Existing: Change to 'no', and if you try using the same demo name twice, it'll automatically increment it.

Edited by NoisyVelvet

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Category 1. Died on MAP07 with 18/157 kills and 44:12 arrival time.


The last trap was just literally "F*** you and die" for blind players. Still, it was a fun playthrough for an ironman run: ironman_anta_H2HXMAS.zip

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Category 1

Died on MAP02 at 7:25 after panicking like a fool. The wad seems pretty fun, I might play the rest of it.


This is my first ironman ever so I just did it for fun, hopefully I didn't do anything wrong lol



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category 1. i was ELIMINATED on map02 with 73 kills

arrived to map02 at 4:46

my first ironman uv-grandma style

i took like A YEAR to find the map01 exit, idk why

i was expecting the santa statusbar.

run: h2hironman_luleta.zip



Edited by Luleta

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On 12/3/2021 at 12:47 AM, Pegleg said:

Hah! Beat this everyone! Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Seasons Greetings, and Wonderful Day in December to one and all!


I think I've relieved everyone of the burden of finishing in last place.


Category: 1

Died on: Map 01

Kills: 5/35

Time: 0:26




As usual, poor timing, poor dodging, and poor movement (in general) did me in. Backing into an imp didn't help matters. And with all the health I didn't know about right there for taking that would have kept me alive at least a little longer. Oh well. This is what can happen when lack of skill combines with blind play.


I saw very little of the map and even less of the mapset as a whole, obviously. I tried to take a quick spin after my quick run to see what else there was, and didn't make it much further. The aesthetics aren't a lot to look at, although the road/runway that you can see from the window looks nice. Soulspheres as running lights was an interesting choice, and I liked the Christmas tree sprites. The armor being a Santa hat was a nice touch. It looks like it's intended to be a relatively approachable mapset, at least at the beginning. I imagine 1995 me (who had played outside ITYTD once, when playing shareware Doom in 1994 after beating it on ITYTD) would probably have had some trouble here. (Although 2021 me didn't fare much better, so there's that.)  The Christmas carol midis gave me flashbacks to loading various music packs, one of which was Christmas music, into Doom 1. Ah nostalgia.


I've managed to beat you, but not in a good way.


Category: 1

Died on: Map 01

Kills: 3/35

Time: 0:23 (I show automap in video and it's at 0:33 about 10 seconds after I died)


What happened? My mouse got stuck on my desk and I knocked over my drink and since I couldn't pause I tried to mop up my drink quick enough to continue, but couldn't find a safe cubbyhole.



I'll play through this casually however.




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Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! My run was terrible as expected but at least I'll be the most stylish doing it

GZDoom 4.7.1
Category 2
Died MAP02, 1/77 kills, 0:00:11



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