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The DWIronman League dies to: Syringe


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Hey Naza, I wasn't here for when you were helming these threads before, but the punctuality for posting the next month's thread is super appreciated. I'm one of the people who doesn't usually delay doing these til later in the month, and it's nice to see one go up the day of/the night before the coming month, rather than 3-4 days into the next month. Not knocking any of the other hosts who posted slightly into the month of course, I imagine the thread template is a nightmare to edit, just wanted to post some kind words. :)

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I played Syringe a couple of months ago, so basically I had a rough sketch on what I was up against. As soon as I saw the second level, I figured this wasn't going to be a long run. I did hope for a little better success, because in October I was doing pistol starts.


So. Category 2 run, died on MAP02 (8:18 into the run) with 17 kills. I'll see myself out.



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Category 1: didn't really pay too much attention to when I died, but after playing another few times realized I could've probably grabbed the red key and exited theoretically. I think I know what to do here now, but idk if you could necessarily max this every time




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Oh boy Syringe, I'll get around to sharing my attempt later this week. Trying to do an ironman run during the work week is too much for me.


I have played this before because it's one of the downloadable maps for the weird Unity Doom port, but it hasn't been recent. Past year or two?

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Category 2 (as I had scouted the first map of the set in 2020 and some areas of the second one - was gonna choose it at some point in 2020 or the near future when I had been host), dead on MAP03. 


I'd love to get some consistency in these. I do a decent month, then I screw up the next one in hilarious fashion. Though, to be fair, I was always below form on March, so maybe it's just one of those days. Can't be too unhappy, though, admittedly there were lucky escapes and I could have been dead last!



Got my ass bitten because I had chosen plasma over rockets in the big fight of MAP03. Surviving that trap blindly is a 50/50.


EXTREME luck in an archvile fight at around the halfway point of the map. I couldn't see the vile at all so I just winged it and hoped it was behind me when I ducked behind a rock. Extreme luck. Extreme.


One of the lucky escapes is literally the very first minute. I was a bit too ballsy and, uhh... led to me tiptoeing most of the map. MAP02 was going well until I failed to notice there's mancubi that can funnily enough shoot me through the iron bars. Otherwise, uhh... Decent run. I am quite satisfied despite dying like an idiot. 





Now, then, the monthly challenge for February ends and @NightTerror is the winner - congratulations!! Mad performance and a really good way to get a debut victory with a blind survival. @BoxY and @Maribo (whom I also thank for the kind words in the thread) also get a cookie because of surviving the set. Can't not give honourable mentions to @ClumsyWizard and @Austinado for delivering rather strong runs when compared to their earlier runs. Keep it up!! :)


Not only that, but the yearly spreadsheet-slash-leaderboard has been updated as well. This victory sees NightTerror climb up to 12th place, while @mhrz still leads after a decent result. The aforementioned BoxY and Maribo are not that far away in 2nd and 3rd, though the battle for second is incredibly intense as @NoisyVelvet and @Anima Zero are also very close - there's virtually only 4k points separating the four of them. 

Will we see another first-time winner this month? Potentially. Is it too early to place bets? I reckon it could be. Will you get syringe'd? Certainly.

Edited by NaZa

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Great choice for this month's ironman! Sadly, even though my name is on this project, it didn't translate to a successful ironman.



Died on MAP03 (started on 16:42, died at 19:38)

36/298 kills


Not much to say about this run. I beat Map 2 so all in all I'm still rather happy with it, but I'm not happy with how amateurish my handling of revenants was in MAP03. I only have myself to blame... and maybe the infinitely tall shotgun guy who shot me dead.


Edited by PsychEyeball

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A lot of first times for me: My first time participating in anything like this and also my first using PrBoom+ and of course also my first time recording a demo and... my first time playing with 'infinite height'. So I was rather confused that some Imp scratched me although he was well below me and his little arms shouldn't be able to reach that far! Such a weird thing. I'm used to saving regularly, so I got quite nervous after a while because there was not safety net to fall back onto. But I got into the second  level!


Standard Competition, Category 1

Died on Map 2

79/244 Monsters



Edited by AdNauseam

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Category 1, died toward the end of map06. Exited map05 at 1:34:47. I've been having a weird issue with my computer lately where my mouse occasionally disconnects for a couple of seconds and then comes back, which happened during a low-intensity part of map01, fortunately not anywhere else.



Dropping the player into an empty void with invisible walls and cyberdemons is absolute bullshit. How the fuck am I supposed to know where I am allowed to dodge?



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Well I haven't done this before but thought it would be fun.  As far as I could tell from the rules I was allowed to record a video of gzdoom but it's fine if I get disqualified for doing something wrong.  Category 2, died on map 3 with 44 kills.  (paused game for a bit halfway in due to unexpected interruption)



While I played this a couple months ago I barely remembered anything, and actually I think it screwed me up because halfway through I realized I had played it on HMP before so I had a false sense of security lol.  Almost died a couple times, that second level was tricky.  My death was pretty comical:



went near an empty room that my mind vaguely said had a trap, but I was like I want the shotgun ammo!  Then it hilariously got me perfectly, had no idea the walls would open, then a spectre boxed me in so a revenant could punch me.  Then queue the ultimate bonehead move of rocketing myself on said spectre.


Embarrassing, but this run was stressful and I was sorta happy it ended anyway.  Not sure if I'll try this again, I don't like to be too stressed playing doom, but it was a fun experiment.

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Category 1

Dead on MAP03

167/298 kills





I had so many close brushes with death in this one (almost dying due to failing to notice that switch in MAP02 until I had expended the radsuits in the area was a fun one), but fortunately I was able to scrape by up until a point. Should have taken the hint from the ammo stocks in the area and chosen rockets to start off that fight. Definitely a thrilling run, both due to all the close moments and these maps being a lot of fun. I'd heard of this wad by name before but definitely should have checked it out for myself sooner!


Edited by DisgruntledPorcupine

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Category 2

Died on Map02 - Just beyond the blue key door.

Time to reach Map02 - 4:59


Not much to say, took things a little carefully and still died when trying to use the rocket launcher in a stupid location. It is a very nice wad by the way, though I only skimmed through this a a year or so back.



Edited by cannonball

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2 hours ago, cannonball said:

Category 2

Died on Map02 - Just beyond the blue key door.

Time to reach Map02 - 4:59


Not much to say, took things a little carefully and still died when trying to use the rocket launcher in a stupid location. It is a very nice wad by the way, though I only skimmed through this a a year or so back.


In the .zip file you've attached a .lnk file instead of a .lmp mistakenly

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4 minutes ago, NaZa said:

In the .zip file you've attached a .lnk file instead of a .lmp mistakenly

Whoops, should be fixed now.

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Category 2

Dead on Map03 at ~32:10 with 200/298 kills, arrived on Map03 at 14:50 or something close to that



I apologize for the embarrassingly long time spent searching for the red key in Map03. I promise I've played these maps before, but it was a while ago... Map01 and Map02 were somewhat clear in my memory because I spent time either running or routing stuff for them, the rest would have been pretty hazy.


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Category 2. I did a full playthrough of Syringe in December 2020 so I remember bits and pieces. Great WAD.
Was bored and not sleepy even though it was 1am, so I thought I'd give it a try! Video is still processing right now, I'll check on it tomorrow morning.


Played in GZDoom, Doom (strict) compatibility mode. Mouselook, crosshair and dynamic lights turned off. I realized as I was playing that I left the bloom effect on, hopefully that's not a big deal :) Soundfont is Arachno.

Died on MAP03 with 14 monsters remaining:


to an Archvile / Arachnotron tag team. Went for a plasma stun on one of the archviles because I was healthy enough to survive one blast (and I was getting pinned by another), but a sniping spider boi in the hills picked up an assist.


Basically I got caught off guard when I jumped down after raising the final bridge - I thought it was only a single Archvile but it was actually 3. Shit got hairy, was busy focusing on them and didn't even notice the spider.


Edited by ginc

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Category 2, kinda (played map01 a while ago but forgot everything, otherwise blind), dead on map03 with 205/298 at 31:02.



Nearly had the saddest death ever in map01 because I walked past the starting shotgun, then didn't play much better after that. Died to the imp room because I try to avoid teleporting into an unknown area while I have the rocket launcher equipped, which is usually a good thing but didn't work out so well here.



Edited by BoxY

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DEAD: Map01

Time of Death: 4m33s

Time of Arrival: 0m0s

Kills: 66/71

Category: 1 (Blind)





Fun. Hard.  I also didn't notice the shotgun but found it eventually.  Dark map.

Died to the vile at the end.  I failed to "thread the pillar needle", which is a fairly common mistake.

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Leaderboard updated. @AdNauseam, @sandwedge and @ginc, welcome to the League! As dobu once said, the challenge of an Ironman run can take many forms; and going out of one's comfort zone can be one of them, so I do understand you, sandwedge - if it was a fun experiment I'm glad you at least somewhat enjoyed playing Doom in a different way, even if it was a bit stressful - a decent one-off. Settings were okay - nothing disqualifying - for both you and ginc, who I have to compliment for definitely providing quite a notable debut performance just out of Top 5 presently (though you both made it to the same map and AdNauseam also did a nice run getting out of the first map for the first time playing on prBoom+ with infinite height on!! nice stuff). Also glad to see @LadyMistDragon's debut in a Standard run; shame it ended that soon.

Edited by NaZa

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Oh, my apologies, I skimmed over it. It was updated in bulk with a few others so I had probably gone full auto. Thanks for reporting it - updated!

Edited by NaZa

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20 hours ago, NaZa said:

Leaderboard updated. @AdNauseam, @sandwedge and @ginc, welcome to the League! As dobu once said, the challenge of an Ironman run can take many forms; and going out of one's comfort zone can be one of them, so I do understand you, sandwedge - if it was a fun experiment I'm glad you at least somewhat enjoyed playing Doom in a different way, even if it was a bit stressful - a decent one-off. Settings were okay - nothing disqualifying - for both you and ginc, who I have to compliment for definitely providing quite a notable debut performance just out of Top 5 presently (though you both made it to the same map and AdNauseam also did a nice run getting out of the first map for the first time playing on prBoom+ with infinite height on!! nice stuff). Also glad to see @LadyMistDragon's debut in a Standard run; shame it ended that soon.


Thanks for the warm welcome! And apropos warm... I don't know if I ever come to like 'infinite height' but I guess I'll have to warm up to it! This is a really fun competition you have here, without feeling too competitive, at least for me. So, I think I will participate in the future.



Missteps during a tango between various fireballs and bullets - nevertheless, welcome!


Nice description! :D


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I wanted to give this thing a try because it sounded fun, but I should've probably done a warmup first because this was a very bad run. I generally play in GZDoom but recording a video sounded like a huge hassle, so I jumped right into dsda-doom and ended up getting constantly distracted trying to tweak my mouse sensitivity and looking for a way to lower the music volume without affecting the sfx (found out afterwards this is a bug with SDL). You can't tell from the demo, but the part I died I was pausing every few seconds. Oh well, better luck next month.


Category: 2 (Played it once when it came out)

Died on: Map02

Kills: 50/244



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