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Hellcinerator (Definitive Edition) - Large MBF21 Map

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In GZDoom, ghost monster kills weren't counted as they should.

Also some switches in the maze section were modified to avoid being pressed early.


This hotfix remedies these issues (OP also updated):

Hellcinerator RC 2.2

Edited by Arsinikk

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Oh, this is a good one.

Just arrived at the maze section, and I love it.


Just finished the level in 40 minutes. I really enjoyed it.

If the difficulty in the full wad stays around what I experienced here, I'll play it for sure.


Cannot wait for the full release of the wad.

Edited by LuciferSam86

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12 hours ago, LuciferSam86 said:

 Just finished the level in 40 minutes. I really enjoyed it.

I'm very glad you were able to beat the map and enjoyed it as well!


Believe it or not, the playtesting for this map was a bit rough... So seeing people actually being able to finish the map is quite the relief!


12 hours ago, LuciferSam86 said:

If the difficulty in the full wad stays around what I experienced here, I'll play it for sure.

You won't be disappointed then. This map gives a good idea of how difficult the megawad will eventually be.


I would say that this particular map may be a bit more slaughter-y in it's fights, but the difficulty of the other maps will still match up.

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Mind blowing. Those visual effects are amazing and that's always something I've been fascinated with and it seems you squeezed the most out of Boom / MBF21 as possible.

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9 hours ago, Arsinikk said:

I would say that this particular map may be a bit more slaughter-y in it's fights, but the difficulty of the other maps will still match up.


Oh sweet. Well, I played on "I'm too young to die." and I found the map very enjoyable.

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3 hours ago, LuciferSam86 said:

Oh sweet. Well, I played on "I'm too young to die." and I found the map very enjoyable.

Actually this is super cool to hear! I take difficulty levels very seriously, and I don't think I had anyone (but me) test on the lowest skill!


Also anyone who has / is interested in the reading the Dev Diary portion of the post, I have added the section "The Scroll Floor Dilemma" describing an interesting Boom bug I ran into while making this map.

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Updated main post to be less "wall-of-text" and also updated the WAD to RC 1.2.

This update fixes some lines on the automap that were meant to be hidden.


I am currently working on trying to get the WAD to work with Zandronum and older ZDoom ports via DECORATE.

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Played this on my stream on HMP and had a great time!  Huge map with tons of interesting, varied visuals and MBF changes.  I was really surprised with the amount of variety here, with so many different themed areas and gameplay styles, including some absolutely crazy puzzles lol.  I knew with your first map Purple Rain you were great at pushing the engine to its limits and you absolutely did it again here!  I definitely recommend HMP for many players as it was hard enough for me there without getting too out of hand.  I will say there's enough in this one map to make up several maps, but as a sort of episode closer in your upcoming megawad this would do well.  Definitely looking forward to what you can pull off in the full megawad release!



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I have a big update for the map - RC 2.


This includes some minor tweaks to the map to aid in progression, fixes some bugs with GZDoom, and includes a new patch allowing for the WAD to be played in Zandronum and ZDoom!


Download Hellcinerator (RC 2.2)


Loading the new patch is not recommended when playing in GZDoom, but it won't break the map either. You'll just get some extra error messages.


RC2 Changelog:

  • New patch added to support Zandronum and old ZDoom ports (NOT ZDaemon)
  • Added shortcut in the Courtyard to ease map traversal and make progression more clear
  • Yellow keycard switch made way more obvious after beating the maze
  • Fixed “NPC” to work better in GZDoom and ZDoom ports
  • Minor tweak to progression in the blue maze
  • Minor texture tweaks in the green maze
  • Fixed more automap lines that were supposed to be hidden


Also, I've learned that even though Odamex supports MBF21, this map is currently super incompatible with the port and crashes less than a minute into the map. I'm reaching out to the Odamex devs to see if I can find a solution.

Edited by Arsinikk

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here's a minor update to the map!

Download Hellcinerator (RC 2.2)


Apparently you could break the very first sequence in the map... You could actually hit a switch before stepping on some pressure switches. I've fixed it right up, so you can no longer do that. Amazing!

Edited by Arsinikk

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21 minutes ago, General Rainbow Bacon said:

I'm getting this error in Gzdoom 4.8.2 upon startup: "Script error, "Hellcinerator.wad:DECORATE" line 56:
 Parent type 'NewDemon' not found in NewSpectre"

My bad. You are correct.


I've fixed it now:
Download Hellcinerator (RC 2.2)

I've updated the link and the main post.

Thanks for letting me know! :)

Edited by Arsinikk

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I tried to open in Zandronum 3.1 and I got this error:


Script error, "hellcinerator_zandronum_patch.wad:DECORATE" line 1:
Parent type 'GhostCaco' not found in ZanGhostCaco
Script error, "hellcinerator_zandronum_patch.wad:DECORATE" line 5:
Parent type 'decinoMastermind' not found in ZandecinoMastermind

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6 hours ago, Degree23 said:

I tried to open in Zandronum 3.1 and I got this error:


Script error, "hellcinerator_zandronum_patch.wad:DECORATE" line 1:
Parent type 'GhostCaco' not found in ZanGhostCaco
Script error, "hellcinerator_zandronum_patch.wad:DECORATE" line 5:
Parent type 'decinoMastermind' not found in ZandecinoMastermind

You are receiving this error because you tried to load the hellcinerator_zandronum_patch.wad before loading hellcinerator.wad.


hellcinerator_zandronum_patch.wad directly references code from hellcinerator.wad, so it makes sense why you would get this error.


Regardless, I've updated the patch file so it no longer matters when it's loaded in the load order now:

Download Hellcinerator (RC 2.3)

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  • 2 months later...

After seeing this:




i need to know how this was achieved.


In general, i love effects porn and this map has tons of it. An excellent tech demo and a good map to boot!

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It would be a real shame if this map gets slotted as a bonus contribution towards the megawad, it's too good for that.

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  • 2 months later...

Hellcinerator now has a new Definitive Edition! [not yet on /idgames] - Debating whether to upload it as a separate release or just update the old one.


As some of you may know, the Megawad Corruption that the map Hellcinerator was made for has been released to the public. The version of Hellcinerator that was released standalone had some old visual/audio resources and DehackEd from Corruption. Therefore, I thought it would be appropriate to update the standalone map to better represent how it is in the final megawad.


Download Definitive Edition!


Here are some of the list of changes for the Definitive Edition:

  • Sprites, sound effects, and DehackEd have all been updated to match Corruption.
  • Some enemies such as the Revenant, Imp, and Hell Knights now have "rage modes". When they fall under a certain amount of health, they become more aggressive and/or shoot more damaging projectiles.
  • Some minor texture offsets and game-breaking bugs have been fixed (i.e. the red keycard not teleporting in is now fixed)
  • Some of the map's progression has been overhauled to avoid confusion (i.e. shortcuts open in the brown building automatically now, and the blue keycard puzzle has been redesigned for simplicity sake)
  • The map now features a Deathmatch arena for multiplayer.


Note that the Definitive Edition does not yet have a Zandronum / legacy ZDoom patch yet. A patch is currently in the works, but the added MBF21 DehackEd is quite difficult to get working in old ZDoom ports. If you'd like to play the map in Zandronum, please download the original edition since a patch is included there.

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  • 3 months later...

The issue with the custom colormap in indexed light mode in dsda-doom has finally been fixed in dev builds and pending the next official release (probably ~mid-late May).

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