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NaNoWADMo 2022 - The month-long mapping challenge!

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Oh dear god it's that time already Yes, I'm going to do something this year! This time it'll be a little different - instead of making a WAD, I'm going to do my utmost to put together an understandable guide to writing a game with ZScript. From the outside it's enigmatic and impenetrable, but once you're inside it's like Narnia.

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Count me in!

I would love to create something for this!

Edited by Norb

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11 minutes ago, DavidN said:

it's like Narnia


Like having a witch after your head? Doesn't sound too inviting.

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I suppose I could use this as an excuse to finish that one map that I've been working on since the beginning of the year.

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My project should be very doable this year. I'm aiming for 11 maps and I already did most of the dehacked and graphics. Here's what I have so far...


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I'm quite the amateur with doom mapping, but I'd like to see what I can provide in between my hectic work schedule.





Edited by Pebble

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@scwiba I was thinking of giving up mapping for good after my next mapset is out next week, but... this NaNo thing got me an idea. Can you sign me up? No promise, I'm clutching at straws here.

Edited by Thelokk

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@scwibaI'll be there! I'm not sure if we're picking up our project from last year or if I'm going to attempt something different, but I've got a month to decide and always more than enough ideas.

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I remember finding out about NaNoWadMo in November last year and had an incredibly stupid idea for it that I wanted to do for improving my mapping skills. I have been planning to give this a whirl for a whole year.

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I couldn't get anything finished last year, but I've done quite a lot since then. I'll try to get something released this year.

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Let's try this again. I didn't make much last time around due to some major life upheaval, but now that's behind me I think I'll be able to go hog wild!

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Not completely sure if i can do something this year due to the too many community projects I'm involved, but I'll try at least. Maybe a SP or a sequel for Doom 2 to Seeds? I've got quite some fun doing it!

As well as some other stuff, but again idk

Edited by Walter confetti

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