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what are some doom wads that try to remake/reinmagine doom 2 and doom 1?

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LIke I played DOOM 2: the long trek home which is doom 2 but you traverse backwards in old but revamped level, and ultimate doom 2. and also Switcheroom for doom 1 that imagines doom maps with different episode themes.

what are some wads you played that re-imagine doom 2 and 1 levels?

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The Ultimate Doom 2

It remakes every map into larger harder lvls that resemble but build off of the originals




Edit, sorry I missed that you already mentioned it... stupid me 😜

Edited by Insaneprophet

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Also: Doom 2 - Re-Build-t but it seems discontinued.

I also expect OP to think of vanilla/boom type wads and nothing for more advanced ports.

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Doom Tribute Project reimagine both doom and Doom 2 in one mod. Needs GzD 


EDay 2019 Vanilla. Needs GzD 


Doom One is a  Doom redo. Needs gzd


Silence.wad is another Doom 1. This one is PrBoom base. 

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Silence is a not a remake. Do not be fooled. And I don't really think Doom One is either although I know next to nothing about it.


Koko Ricky did an entire series of E1 remakes in Doom 2





















E3M7 Remake Considerably more difficult than the original but hopefully more fun!


Another E1M1 remake


There's Something in the Way (Map 21 of Doom II remake)


Ghosts of Euno Muno


There are also plenty of re-creations of various IWAD maps (usually Entryway or Hanger) that are basically slight retexturings or redesigns of IWAD maps either by themselves or in other wads but many of them aren't much to speak on.


Edited by LadyMistDragon

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18 hours ago, LadyMistDragon said:

Silence is a not a remake. Do not be fooled. And I don't really think Doom One is either although I know next to nothing about it.



I'll agree slightly on Silence.wad, but each map is based loosely on Doom 1 maps. 


Doom One is a full remake though. It is a theatrical GzD style wad that links each Doom map to each other as a single big map roughly per episode. It's very well done and worth a play.

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