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Title: Entry-Way Too Big
Artist: myolden

Music: D_RUNNIN, baby!

Sky: Default

Medium (mapping format): UDMF

Difficulty Settings: Yes

Build Time: Like an hour or two??

Comments: An exact recreation of Entryway, but 10x bigger (texture misalignments and all). Minor modifications made to make the map possible to navigate.









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5 minutes ago, myolden said:


Forgot to mention that there are two (private pre event) submissions included in this project: Myolden's Entrywaytoobig and @Death Bear's SWITCH.wad which is uh... a 33 map megawad of just switches. I'm not kidding. Type map swc01 to see what I mean. There will be a hub eventually.

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38 minutes ago, BluePineapple72 said:

Forgot to mention that there are two (private pre event) submissions included in this project: Myolden's Entrywaytoobig and @Death Bear's SWITCH.wad which is uh... a 33 map megawad of just switches. I'm not kidding. Type map swc01 to see what I mean. There will be a hub eventually.

Selling it short like that, huh? How very philistine of you.

That said, I present to you my SECOND greatest creation, Switch.wad. It is already featured in the resource, I guess. So, have a go.


"SWITCH.WAD" SWC01 - SWC33 (SWC31 and 32 are "secret")
Artist: Death Bear Format: BOOM, but I used MAPINFO. (So use GZDoom to play it).
Music: "Wank City" by MegaSphere. For all 33 maps. Will do an update with a unique soundtrack.
Medium: Stock Textures, but with a few additions by me.
Artist Statement: 33 Maps in under 24 Hours. Many switches. My head hurts. This is the stupidest thing I've ever made. Or is it?
1 - Switch
2 - Switch 2: Switch It Up!
3 - Switch 3: Switch Drift
4 - Triple Switch
5 - 2 Switch 2 Switch
6 - Icon of Switch
7 - Simple Switch
8 - Switches and Switches
9 - Actually Switch Drift
10 - Still Switching and Drifting
11 - Exits and Odds
12 - Exits and Odds 2: The Punishment Due
13 - Exits and Odds 3: That Switching Feeling
14 - Everyday I'm Switchin'
15 - Secret Switch
16 - Switchen Soup for the Doomer's Soul
17 - Switchen Soup for the Doomer's Soul 2
18 - Switchen Soup for the Doomer's Soul 3
19 - Switchen Soup for the Doomer's Soul 4
20 - Switchen Soup for the Doomer's Soul 5
21 - Switchen Soup for the Doomer's Soul 6
22 - Impatient Switchatred
23 - Switch Me Twice, Daddy!
24 - The Old Switcheroo
25 - Are You Afraid of the Switch?
26 - Bait and Switch
27 - Now This is Switch Racing!
28 - Red Switch
29 - Blue Switch
30 - Switch of Sin, or How I Learned to Love the Switch
31 (Secret) - One Switch
32 (Super Secret) - Two Switch
33 - Switch and Flick


Edited by Death Bear

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This looks very interesting! Might check out after release.

almost decided to map, requirements are a bit... specific tho :(

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5 minutes ago, besus said:

This looks very interesting! Might check out after release.

almost decided to map, requirements are a bit... specific tho :(

No worries! Always excited to have more players. If you do decide to make something though we’d be more than willing to help you come up with ideas that help you trump the specificity

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As i said in the Discord some time ago this Is a very interesting concept, i wonder what people can do with these premises...


Over remaking Doom maps with wacky gimmick, of course. Or megawads of switch-hunt rooms.

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If I can create some time in my work schedule I 'd really like to map for this one. You're talking about modern art in a broad way, right?

French symbolism comes a bit before that but is often seen as a precursor for modern art, so taking inspirations from that should still fit.

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2 hours ago, Walter confetti said:

As i said in the Discord some time ago this Is a very interesting concept, i wonder what people can do with these premises...


Over remaking Doom maps with wacky gimmick, of course. Or megawads of switch-hunt rooms.

The great thing is there is plenty that can be done. I’m interested to see what people do. I think one of the big keys here is use it as a medium that goes beyond the typical formula of combat.


Plus you seem to get it. Why wouldn’t people just see 33 maps of “switches” and dismiss it or see it as pointless?

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I really need to partake in some of these events, though I suspect time wise I will struggle to do something for this. However the premise does come across as very interesting.

PS - I don’t know whether this was deliberate but the op does reference a mapper who could very well be described as an artist. Good choice in my opinion.

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3 hours ago, AdNauseam said:

If I can create some time in my work schedule I 'd really like to map for this one. You're talking about modern art in a broad way, right?

French symbolism comes a bit before that but is often seen as a precursor for modern art, so taking inspirations from that should still fit.

I use the term Modern Art as a catchall for anything that could be considered an abstraction from a traditional means of expression. I had at one point called this event “Dadaist Doom” but after several conversations with my salaried, hard-working, and full time Event Employees, we determined several other forms of art that we’d miss out on if we were strictly naming the event after any specific one in particular. 

Semantics gets confusing though when you google Modern Art and recognize that it’s an actual art movement and not literally all “modern art,” but I’d argue that the term has been used so frequently that colloquially it’s term has changed. Death of the artist it seems. 

Im gonna ping @Pistoolkip here to pick on them, but they were asking if a post-modernist submission would be acceptable for this project and I told em 100% 👍


1 hour ago, cannonball said:

I really need to partake in some of these events, though I suspect time wise I will struggle to do something for this. However the premise does come across as very interesting.

PS - I don’t know whether this was deliberate but the op does reference a mapper who could very well be described as an artist. Good choice in my opinion.

I hope you do end up finding the time! (I  also struggle with time management, hence the backlog). Keep your eyes and ears open on this project, because if you can’t find the time to make something, I have some plans to put some things in the Art Museum hub map we have planned, such as an exhibit that takes you to a megawad of unfinished or abandoned levels.  

Also, just curious about the end bit of your comment cause I wanna do some research: what mapper do you refer to?

Edited by BluePineapple72

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11 minutes ago, Sneezy McGlassFace said:

My head is buzzing with ideas. Is it one entry per person or can I submit more in the timeframe? 


Unlimited amount of submissions! (as long as they are high effort of course <) )

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20 minutes ago, BluePineapple72 said:

Also, just curious about the end bit of your comment cause I wanna do some research: what mapper do you refer to?

The picture in the op is based on the same template used in the Doomworld Megawad club - which is run by dobu gabu maru, whose maps very much fit into an artsy and often unconventional theme. That said it could be just a coincidence and actually pretty cool if I have namedropped a mapper to whom you would get some very “outside of the box” maps.

Edited by cannonball

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1 hour ago, cannonball said:

The picture in the op is based on the same template used in the Doomworld Megawad club - which is run by dobu gabu maru, whose maps very much fit into an artsy and often unconventional theme. That said it could be just a coincidence and actually pretty cool if I have namedropped a mapper to whom you would get some very “outside of the box” maps.

Ahhh I see I see. I should be a normal person and credit @dobu gabu maru for the titlepic. I had made the Fountain map background and the logo, but they had provided me with the intellectual doom sprites and the text speech in the DWMC font. 

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Title: Missing Inaction
Artist: Cammy

Music: "Kept", by me (a very empty midi)

Sky: None

Medium (mapping format): Limit-removing

Difficulty Settings: Unnecessary

Build Time: 80-90 minutes, including midi

Comments: This map is made of two flats and one texture, both from zoontex. It's in the MAP04 slot. It would make me seem shallow to go into detail about where this map comes from emotionally, but it would also make me seem pretentious to imply it is too deep to easily understand. I'll meet in the middle and just say that I really did try to make "modern art" here, and it is born from one of the more dire of life's many frustrations.

Screenshots: I'll refrain from posting any, both to avoid spoiling the "experience" and also because what you see at the start is what you'll see the whole time.


There is only one way to leave this map, and nothing else beside it can help you.



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I'll... think about this.


I've been meaning to join one of these ever since I played Mapping at Warpspeed in the Club, but I was waiting for a more traditional speedmapping event for the sake of not spending a ton of time on it. This is not quite it but it could be! Maybe. I'd have to come up with an idea, of course. I usually get ideas by thinking.


I'll... think about this.

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33 minutes ago, Klear said:

was waiting for a more traditional speedmapping event for the sake of not spending a ton of time on it.

If you don’t make it this month, keep your eyes peeled for September. That’ll be our 3rd anniversary so we’re gonna be doing a 1 hour speedmap celebration, as is tradition. 

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1 hour sounds a bit too fast for a first try, but I did think about this, trying to come up with something simple I could do quickly and came up with one idea that's really quite simple and another one that's stupidly elaborate and is going to take me hours and hours to finish. So I'm going with the second one.


Edit: Oh yeah, got a question - should I *only* use the textures from the resource pack or is using stock Doom2 ones fine too?

Edited by Klear

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18 minutes ago, Klear said:

Edit: Oh yeah, got a question - should I *only* use the textures from the resource pack or is using stock Doom2 ones fine too?

Stock textures are perfect (and recommended if you like liquids)


For this project only too: we’ve got this whole thang where you can send me resources you want included with your level in addition to what’s been provided. 

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So I checked out this thread the other day and thought to myself "Modern art? Yeah, I don't know about that." But here I am now, and I have ideas for like 3 different maps which I could make for this. I guess I should try making at least one of them.

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Title: Time (it's MAP02)

Music: "One Billion Skittles" (version 1)

Sky: None

Difficulty Settings: No

Build Time: 5-6 hours

Comments: An homage to @Benjogami. I suggest turning the volume way down when the clock strikes 10 and midnight. Tested on ZDoom. I included one custom texture, 'MEM256.' Happy to make any necessary changes. Hope it isn't too shitty. Remember, time is the most valuable thing you have.

Link: https://www.mediafire.com/file/lia9mjwihcp8q4l/Time.wad/file

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3 hours ago, MtPain27 said:

Title: Time (it's MAP02)

Is it required for the map to function to be in the Map02 slot or is it your submission just in that map slot? (Also, I named your submission “Time (it’s MAP02)” cause I found it funny to have that latter but. If I’m wrong or you want it off just lemme know. 


2 hours ago, iiYoNa said:

i think i have an idea for something like this

What you got brewing in your thoughts right now?

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46 minutes ago, BluePineapple72 said:

Is it required for the map to function to be in the Map02 slot or is it your submission just in that map slot? (Also, I named your submission “Time (it’s MAP02)” cause I found it funny to have that latter but. If I’m wrong or you want it off just lemme know. 


What you got brewing in your thoughts right now?

was thinking something like jumpwad.

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9 hours ago, BluePineapple72 said:

Is it required for the map to function to be in the Map02 slot or is it your submission just in that map slot? (Also, I named your submission “Time (it’s MAP02)” cause I found it funny to have that latter but. If I’m wrong or you want it off just lemme know. 

Nope, not required to be in MAP 02 - I just put it there because it wouldn't load properly with the resource pack in the 01 slot. You can just call it "Time." I only put the map # info in the title because I didn't want people to miss it. 


Also I forgot to mention that it's in Boom format, though it could probably be vanilla compatible also, since I didn't use many lines or any special Boom tricks.

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17 hours ago, MtPain27 said:

Remember, time is the most valuable thing you have.

Great Art Piece!  At 11:30 I realized time is valuable when I had IDDQD on and I probably should have gone to bed a while ago as it was 3AM at that point. 


This is a great Idea for a Community event and I am making progress on my submission. When not making doom maps I make Collages with found objects, I am excited about the possibilities GZDOOM engine to make new Collages Interactive via Player choice.  According to Wikipedia that falls under the guidelines of Modern Art: "According to the Guggenheim Museum's online art glossary, collage is an artistic concept associated with the beginnings of modernism, and entails much more than the idea of gluing something onto something else". Video games allow an active conversation between Artist and the Audience that is unique among all other forms of media. I like the term Hypermodern Art to describe art works like 'House of Leaves', 'Everything Everywhere All at Once', 'Myhouse.wad'; where active engagement with the Art by the audience will change the nature of the Art itself, I hope my contribution is viewed in a Hypermodern context. 


@BluePineapple72 This is my First Community Wad Contribution and I am learning SLADE and UDB, so please forgive the ignorant questions: Is it assumed that the resource pack you provided 'PUSS29 Hot Soapy Water - Resources.pk3' will be a dependency of the total project, or should I add the Textures I did use from that patch into my Texture and Patch tables so you don't have to hunt in each Wad what textures were used? I have been adding a lot of Custom Textures but for sake of Repository Merging use the Prefix "YAGCAW" for all my custom assets. Hopefully should make things easier. Thanks for the Inspiration! 





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16 minutes ago, Yagacaw said:

should I add the Textures I did use from that patch into my Texture and Patch tables so you don't have to hunt in each Wad what textures were used?




Adding the base textures from the HSW pk3 into your own tables isn't necessary as those textures will be pulled from the final compiled wad including your level and your additional textures.


Changing the names to your textures is also very very helpful and I'm very happy that you're doing that! Looking forward to your collages!

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