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Hovercab Station [1 Urban/Futuristic MBF21 Map] — Now on /idgames

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The map was gorgeous with its surroundings, ambiance and lighting - not to mentions the custom decorations and the MIDIs - so that was very intriguing to explore and find all secrets.

By the time I found the Sniper Rifle everything was dead already; plenty of explosive barrels in that open area but felt somehow underpopulated. I wish there was more carnage at that point.

The Grenade Launcher was cool, but I found it to be a bit annoying for it to replace the Chainsaw as I risked many times to blow myself up when switching for Berserk in CQC! Maybe it could be done as an alternative Rocket Launcher?

Anyway, delicious work : ) want more!!

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4 hours ago, s4f3s3x said:

The Grenade Launcher was cool, but I found it to be a bit annoying for it to replace the Chainsaw as I risked many times to blow myself up when switching for Berserk in CQC! Maybe it could be done as an alternative Rocket Launcher?


5 minutes ago, horselessheadsman said:

Though, should the grenade launcher be assigned to Slot 1?
That had tragic consequences when I pressed '1' expecting to have a
fist come up.

Sounds like this is a common issue. I’ll play around with some other keys for it. I originally had the grenade launcher on slot 0 and the fist on slot 1, so the fist would always be brought up first, but then the berserk switched to the grenade launcher automatically instead of the fist. I wonder if there are some MBF21 settings that can change this, otherwise I’ll have to get more creative.


Thanks to all for the rush of feedback!

Edited by Moustachio

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Casual FDA with some secret hunting at the end, -dsdademo, v0.26.2 for playback: hovercab_maribo.zip


Cool map, I like the color palette and the STBAR a lot. Also appreciate the Tyson-encouraged gameplay, and the grenade launcher is a pretty fascinating piece of work.... Some gnarly potential for more elaborate setups that expect the player to set up minefields under pressure. It is a definite pain that it shares the same swap key as the fist, particularly since the map encourages using berserk a lot. Very big fan of the sniper rifle secret, too cute.


Minor suggestion: Put a COMPLVL lump in any future versions of the WAD, with just the text "mbf21" as the content. It will make sure that, on DSDA-Doom at least, it will launch with -complevel 21 guaranteed, if the user doesn't specify a specific one or has their default set to something else.

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5 hours ago, Maribo said:

Minor suggestion: Put a COMPLVL lump in any future versions of the WAD, with just the text "mbf21" as the content. It will make sure that, on DSDA-Doom at least, it will launch with -complevel 21 guaranteed, if the user doesn't specify a specific one or has their default set to something else.

Many thanks! This is the first I've heard of this in all my Doom studies!

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I had a whale of a time, Moustachio! Aside from what people noted earlier regarding the grenade launcher slot, I found all the new custom weapons to be very nice. My only real gripe is that it's so short! Excellent work, fam. ;^)



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Fantastic map, but I really wish I could play around with those weapons more!


You barely to get use them, which is a damn shame, because they are all fun as hell!


Also... that end text... Interception 3 confirmed?

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13 hours ago, Firedust said:

Also... that end text... Interception 3 confirmed?

Well... it's certainly not out of the question!


Got a new version of Hovercab up.



  • Suggested by @galileo31dos01: Replace the plasma gun with the grenade launcher; bring back the chainsaw. So that's exactly what I did. The grenade launcher is on slot 6 and the chainsaw on slot 1.
  • Added a small... ish trap after collecting the sniper rifle. In a future update, I should also add a few enemies after getting the rocket launcher.
  • Some minor changes/detailing here and there.
  • Some MBF21-DEHEXTRA tweaks:
    • Changed the fist to be one punch of equal value to two instead of two instantaneous punches. I like watching zombiemen & nitro barrels fly across the room after berserk punching them.
Edited by Moustachio

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Thanks for playing, Kappes!


21 hours ago, Kappes Buur said:

It is easy to hop over this fence

That fence is using the MBF21 block player tag, so if you were able to jump over the fence, it's likely that either -complevel 21 wasn't set or the source port didn't support MBF21. It should block players at any height, even if you have jump enabled.

Edited by Moustachio

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