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PUSS XXXIII: DIE ROWDY [ December Speedmapping ]

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Wish I could have gotten a head start on this, but I was busy this evening. I'm totally gonna make a Tyson map called "Punch Out the Guards!"

Edited by NecrumWarrior

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wouldnt it be really really funny if the first map i did in over a year was using the same assets for the last map i did 

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An important thing about the rules I forgot to mention: other than the space restriction of your levels, you’re allowed to pretty much out whatever inside of your skyscraper floor. Only caveat is that you can’t use skies indoors. But you could totally just have your floor be “the nature floor” or “the snowman forest floor” rather than it being an office space. 

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Don't know anything about Hellevator but I loved Going Down so I think I'm on the same page, here. I expected there to be more restrictions in terms of map theme (as in, make something that could reasonably be inside of a building) and I think its funny that there isn't. I might have a couple of goofy ideas but I'll have to check the resource pack later to see if they're feasible.

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The resource pack seems to have an issue with GZDoom (versions 4.7.1 and 4.10.1):




Execution could not continue.

Bad PNAMES and/or texture directory:

PNAMES has 3060 entries, but
CTYSKY12 wants to use entry 3061.



Seems fine in dsda and ZDaemon.

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I submitted it on Discord already but think I'd put it here anyway


Map Name: An Unexpected Breeze
Author: NiGHTS108
Music: Lord Of L.A by Bobby Prince from Duke Nukem 3D
Build Time: 4 hours
Co-op Starts: Y
Difficulty Settings: N
Comments: The first of my ideas (or only if you're reading this at release) for this project! Inspired by a segment near the end of Mother 3, I found the idea of a skyscraper with a random floor not built yet really funny, which is what formed the idea of this map, An Unexpected Breeze. As detailed as it looks, I promise I did my best to stick to the time limit. Probably a pretty spicy first map or so if this IS first, nonetheless, enjoy!




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On 12/1/2023 at 8:00 AM, BluePineapple72 said:

Decorative skyboxes and other such inaccessible thingies are fine so long as they still sell the idea of the player being in a skyscraper.


On 12/1/2023 at 8:00 AM, BluePineapple72 said:

Floors and ceilings can be set anywhere within this limit freely. Again, anything beyond those limits would be within the floor above or below. No skies indoors!


Is cacoswarm/Flying mastermind attacking from the outside allowed?

Can inaccessible outside areas use floors lower than the limit for technical purposes? (Like setting up a squad of archviles to bring cacos from the swarm back to life?)

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8 hours ago, Azure_Horror said:



Is cacoswarm/Flying mastermind attacking from the outside allowed?

Can inaccessible outside areas use floors lower than the limit for technical purposes? (Like setting up a squad of archviles to bring cacos from the swarm back to life?)

For technical purposes yeah I’m fine with these

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Map Name: Icy Manipulator

Author: PinkFlamingo

Music: Unnamed Song by Kniggit (previously featured in map 16 of Negative One)

Build Time: 3:30 mapping time + some testing (probably too long :-/)

Co-op Starts: Y (and extra stuff added as well)

Difficulty Settings: N(ot yet fully) - play on UV ("expert") for best experience

Comments: My very first PUSS map! I actually used a stopwatch to time my mapping. Managed to get this done in about 3h30min editor time. Then I re-read the rules and saw that we were supposed to count time including playtesting as well! Oops! Guess I've spent more than 30 minutes testing this :-/. Still... this is the fastest map I've ever made with pretty much no prior planning.

Thematically I'm not sure if this fits the project. It's more of a Christmas map than a Die Hard map. It does stay within the stated boundaries of the building though.




Download: Update (version 2): PUSS33_IcyManipulator_PinkFlamingo_V2.rar

Edited by PinkFlamingo

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Map Name: Nowhere To Hide

Author: Scionox

Music: "Gatorade Nightmare" by James Paddock

Build Time: 3 hours and 20-30 minutes

Co-op Starts: Y

Difficulty Settings: Y

Comments: Haven't done full slaughter in a while, so here's slaughter :P




Download: NowhereToHide.zip

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3:10 MAP02 - An Unexcpected Breeze - NiGHTS108

22:38 MAP03 - Icy Manipulator - Pink Flamingo

33:04 MAP04 - Breaking Hard - Pistoolkip

40:49 MAP05 - Nowhere to Hide - Scionox

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Map Name: Hot Lead For Naughty Demons

Author: JJBoren

Music: Jazz Jackrabbit; Holidayhare 1995

Build Time: Around 3h 50min

Co-op Starts: Y

Difficulty Settings: Y

Comments: My humble offering for the season.




I made a tiny adjustment to the map (I moved one enemy by few map units). If this is ok, then I'd prefer if version 1.1 was used. @BluePineapple72


Desktop Screenshot 2023.12.06 -




Edited by JJBoren

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@BluePineapple72, thanks for the playthrough! Glad you enjoyed my map. Here is my second (and probably) final version (I'll update the original post above as well):





- difficulties implemented (easier modes have different monster configurations and more health).

- added candles on teleporter pads to improve their visibility (maybe??) (I didn't put a candle on the icy ridge as you suggested, because (1) people might actually use the automap (as you said) and (2) because you can also easily strafejump to the brick building on the right...)

- moved some dummy sectors further away from the playable space, because their sound could confuse players

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Map Name: Call Center Hell

Author: senpaigru

Music: Cammy-Cookie Fangs from the ultimate midi pack

Build Time: 4 hours and you can beat it in about 2 minutes lol

Co-op Starts: Yes

Difficulty Settings: Yes

Comments: Hey y'all, this is my third map ever and the first one for PUSS. Die Hard rocks and the tower makes me think of shitty call center jobs so here's Call Center Hell, a map that takes about 2 minutes to complete but was fun to make.





Edited by senpaigru
Updated map to fix janky textures, added difficulty and adjusted item pickup-updated map link to reflect changes

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Map Name: [ The Corner Offices by the Atrium ]

Author: [ YagaCaw ]

Music: [I Want a New Drug - Huey Lewis and the News ]

Build Time: [ 4 Hours ]

Co-op Starts: [Y]

Difficulty Settings: [Y]

Comments: [The Executive Offices with an Atrium view are the most coveted. All those who occupy them refused anything less then a Corner office. that is why Nakatomi Plaza looks like a throwing star. Merry X-Mas From the board of directors and from our fearless leader: the Arch-vile hording all the red keys]

Screenshots: [







Download Link: PUSSXXXIIIYagacawAtrieumViewV5.wad


Oh man what a great idea for a speedmaping event! I might be inspired to create another level or two before the deadline. Already playing the other submission I am very excited for what this will become. It's very cool to have the narrative through line of taking on a building story by story. 

Ray Mohawk 2 is one of my favorite wads to play for having fun on a Doom Power trip, and Going Down is my favorite wad to test Weapon Mods with based on the Sheer amount of playful chaos that gets thrown at the player. So it was a total blast trying to merge those map ideas into what this is. I was going for an exploration type map that merged into slaughter at the players unrushed pace.  This also was inspired by a sketch I did to figure out just how many corner offices I could squeeze into the Prefab. I ran out of time translating my sketch into UDB to do extensive playtesting so please let me know if you end up getting soft-locked or something when playing. Tested in GZDOOM. 


Previous Versions and change logs:



Edit 12/31/23: quick fix for the MIDI not playing on DSDA source port, no changes to map data from V4

Old version: PUSSXXXIIIYagacawAtrieumViewV4.wad


Edit 12/20/23: Final version before deadline to address Playtesting bug fixes, sorry about all the bleeding pixels I ran out of time before fixing!

old version PUSSXXXIIIYagacawAtrieumViewV3.wad


-made sectors higher by the stairs to fix visual glitch seen from the red door platform

-removed the secret from the plasma room



Edit 12/13/23: Fixed critical bug where windows were being shown as a glitch when run on GZDOOM with software rendering, and also changed one texture in the only outside room without windows as it was rendering very oddly in that rendering mode as well. 


This was the previous version prior to this edit: PUSSXXXIIIYagacawAtrieumViewV2.wad


Edit 12/9/23: Post Bug fixes to the map: Made some minor bug fixes and gameplay adjustments based on player feedback, here is the changelog and the old version that was in the original post


First posted version:  PUSSXXXIIIYagacawAtrieumViewV1.wad


Change log: 

Changed the Arch-vile fight teleport mechanics so now it looks like the Arch-vile transforms into a Barron instead of both of them getting teleported to the Atrium

Made half the waterfalls fall from the ceiling to provide more strategic options for the players and monsters

Added extra Plasma Ammo for the last fight

removed a section that was outside the footprint of the Building so it does not violate the sprite or rules of the event

Removed decorations for better movement flow

Changed lighting on the surprise monster rooms

adjusted misaligned textures

Added missing Blast sections for the outside windows so rockets don't fly through the glass 

Adjusted the difficulty settings so higher tier monsters are in the medium difficulty which is displayed as Hard on the menu




Edited by Yagacaw
Added new version to fix MIDI bug on some source ports

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Map Name: Hit The Showers
Author: Blexor
Music: "The Haunted Aquarium" by Cyriak Harris
Build Time: Around 3hrs and 40min not counting testing; Slightly over 4hrs with testing in (I may have died a few times while trying to make sure the level was beatable. I'm very good at Doom, you see).
Co-op Starts: Yes
Difficulty Settings: Not Yet (but will add later)
Comments: So this is a floor of the skyscraper which is almost entirely a public shower of sorts. I'm not sure what exactly possessed me to make a level with this theme, but it seemed kinda funny at the time and I decided to go for it. The end result looks better than I expected it to, honestly, though the Christmas-y element I admit was tacked-on towards the end.
I forgot during enemy placement that Rowdy Rudy features an altered monster cast, so my first testing attempt was a bit of a shock, with some enemies being stuck due to increased hitbox size. I went back over and hastily switched some things around, and since I couldn't remember what all the extra enemy types were (or what monsters they corresponded to), some of them got the shaft. Sorry, flamethrower-guy.
The urge to use music from Going Down was too strong to resist here, so I picked out the track "The Haunted Aquarium", since it seemed like the perfect fit, thanks to the name referencing something watery. Hopefully it 'sells' the silliness of this environment.

Download: dierudy_shower_v1.zip




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 i really dig the shower theme for your map and it reminded me of nightmare on elm street 2 but in a good way, i think the showers and the midi together give it this weird nightmarish vibe and it was really fun blasting through it. great work.


i love the way you did the furniture and thought the office spaces all looked really cool. the whole time i was playing i was like "this midi is really familiar" then i looked and saw it was huey lewis and laughed out loud, great choice! it felt really well balanced and i played it a few times, i think the room at the end could have a little more ammo to take care of the final wave but other than that it felt great to play



i loved the midi choice on this and think the flow of the map is really good and easy to read. good stuff :)


Edited by senpaigru
played more maps

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Map Name: [ In Case of Fire Use Shotgun ]

Author: [ Egregor ]

Music: [ In Case of Fire Use Shotgun by northivanastan ]

Build Time: [ 4 hours ]

Co-op Starts: [Y]

Difficulty Settings: [Y]

Comments: [The level is a faithful effort at the Die Hard office building theme. It took me a long time to balance the final encounter before I could actually beat it and wrap this level up. The level's title is based on the MIDI, not vice versa. The MIDI is from The Eternal MIDI Pack. It has been saved as "D_RUNNIN" in the .wad]





Edited by Egregor

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Hey kids! 11 day warning for the closure of this event. 

Pictured above is the maplist. Maps in yellow have not been playtested by me. There are unlimited slots remaining so don’t be sheepish!

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