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Endless Random /idgames WAD Adventures #076


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Year 2 Month 10 Day 07


I play until I die or intentionally stop. I don't comment the wad where I died/stopped.


[1] Apocalypse by Rob Berkowitz (1999)







A single-level Doom2 PWAD.


If this IoS map looks familiar to you, it's normal. Apocalypse is the last level from "Realm of Chaos" by  The  Macintosh Team released as a stand-alone.


In order to unlock the lift allowing you to reach the brain, you have to press a serie of three switches scattered in the map. However, the monsters appear slowly and they don't have the time to take control of the huge marble arena.


I don't like it but it's so harmless that you can beat it without shooting one bullet (except to kill the Ios of course !).


Grade : C- (8/20)


[2] The Courtyard by Carlos Lastra @Carlos_Lastra (2017)








A medium sized level that plays around a guarded courtyard.


"The Courtyard" could either be presented as "Doom 2 lite" or "Advanced Ultimate Doom" because it keeps the spirit from the first Doom while using some of the Doom 2's assets. The music accompanying this nukage-filled tech-base comes from E1M6 and matches with the small hectic combats involving mostly low-tiers enemies and occasionnel mid-tiers.


Talking about the bestiary, it seems that Carlos restricted himself to use the less exotic enemies from Doom 2 so that "The Courtyard" still plays as a Doom 1 map. For instance, you'll meet some hell knights instead of barons or chaingunners in order to strengthen up the military forces. However, no arch-vile , pain elemental or arachnotron. Moreover, the SSG is absent but you"ll not miss it because Carlos gives you a rocket launcher and rockets for the buffier enemies.


I instantly think about Doom 2's map 18 when I read "The Courtyard" for a map title and Carlos's version has several common points : it serves as a hub for the different sections, a combat zone with numerous teleporting enemies and of course as a visual landmark.  This vast expanse of grass provides a satisfying sensation of freedom.


At the end, this map doesn't show any desire to innovate on the part of its author, but it's still a good classic map.


Sidenote : This map is presented as a gzdoom-compatible but it plays as a limit-removing one. I didn't notice any special effects requiring particularly gzdoom. I guess Carlos lacked knowledge of the different ports and their limits. I'm 99% sure that the map runs well on crispy-doom, but I could be wrong.


Grade : B (12,5/20)


I stop here for today.

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Europa 3: The Dark Side of Vrack (2002) by Erik Alm (From Doom with Love)


Here we have a map in the "Europa" series conceived in specific emulation of the celebrated VRACK space station wads by Fredrik Johanson, clearly borrowing both their architecture and their noted difficulty at the time, though Erik does add in these curious little flat cross-shaped openings in certain locations. Odd as it is, the monster count bears more in common with the later third of Scythe 2 than the first Scythe. Thanks to the copious amounts of cells and not exactly ungenerous rocket placement, it's also far easier. Although there aren't too many bullets available at first due to the rather small count of former humans and by the time more becomes available, it just ends up as irrelevant.


The Mastermind in the outer courtyard is probably more likely to die from infighting than from anything else, although maybe you can shorten things if you find the early BFG. In either curious, Erik shows no hesitance in throwing claustrophobic ambushes into your face at certain points with a ruthlessness that may well have surpassed Frederik Johanson. The first major one that also renders a couple of secrets inaccessible if you haven't been looking for them for instance killed me probably once or twice and only seems to be solved by kind of backing out to one side? The other ambushes are thankfully much easier to evade effectively, although good luck on killing the Arch-vile near the red key platform with the Revenants also bearing down on you without a plasma rifle.


Probably the next encounter worth commenting on would be the one in the yellow-accessed hangar. At this point, we were starting to run low on rockets so after a failed attempt to charge the hitscanners and grab some of the line of rocket boxes here, we hung back and suffered as the Pain Elementals at the far end spewed out their infernal payload, alll while Mancubi fired everywhere. Thankfully, there's plenty of health in side closets, but you've got to get the blue key at the end of that interestingly-shaped corridor first.


And be prepared when you use the blue key because the subsequent encounter throws a vast murder of Revenants, along with some scattered Mancubi, Hell Nobles, and most gloriously of all, THREE Cyberdemons hanging out near the exit. Thankfully, an Invulnerbility can trivalize this part to a large degree.


Which is something I really like about the secrets after having looked them up on Doomwiki. They're kind of unnecessary on the whole, but their rewards (Invulnerbility, Berserk, early BFG, chaingun) are certainly "nice to haves" I can't believe Erik didn't provide a way back up for the first two though. Did I miss anything?


Look, the difficulty isn't quite top-tier and the review that claimed this was slaughter was really only referring to a few sections. But it's a fun ride with some fun encounters and nice staging. The cooked fight around the plasma rifle's location when returning from the blue key did feel a touch self-indulgent though 9/10, 



PS. Erik sure knew how to pick midis!



Edited by LadyMistDragon

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Fountain of Myth (2003) by Daniel Carroll (Zandronum)


This was made for Legacy, which I guess might be part of why there's no player 1 start like Skulltag maps. But in any case, there's not a whole lot to see. It's just your basic temple-style DM map, albeit with some cool secrets if one pokes around and the sort of transparent floor effect used is pretty cool. Honestly, it kind of brings back memories of Goldeneye 6/10


Alien Hideout (1997) by Kicker55 (Crispy Doom)


The reviews of this one are quite harsh and honestly, they're r not exaggerating too much. Kicker seems to use only one ceiling texture for much of these maps and they indeed have Wolf 3D-esque height variation (which is to say, none at all). The backtracking in Map 02 is annoying and it's only in Map 03 where things actually show some improvement with the opening hallway having some carefully considered design if basic, along with stairs. But that stupid end basement is large, bloated, and just bad. So bad that I couldn't be bothered to record how little I gave a fuck. Pointless monster cells and an overly dark beginning to Map 03 round out this one. 2/10











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Greatest sounds .wad ever by mallo - Vanilla Doom games, Sound replacement, 2015, played with GZDOOM 4.10.0


A weird sound replacement similar to decino.wad but without the music replacment and more silly sounding door sounds. I played this map long time ago, for this reason i recalled the title before playing it! My review for this was simple: "Funny"  - 3 stars. My feelings are the same, but more verbose this time. Funny map indeed.

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Year 2 Month 10 Day 08


I play until I die or intentionally stop. I don't comment the wad where I died/stopped.


[1] The Inner Center by Carlos Lastra @Carlos_Lastra (2017)











A level designed as a mix of Doom 2 + Ultimate Doom



I already played a Lastra's map in the previous day and idgames gifts me another from him. What a lucky day !


The Inner Center consists to a shape-shifting tech-base involving lot of lowering walls that release small hordes of enemies. Despite containing a reasonable amount of enemies (more or less 150), this tech base plays a bit like an arena regarding the roominess and openess of the layout , and every group of delivered monsters is a call to carnage.


After playing "The Inner Center" and "The Courtyard" from this mapper, I quickly understood that Carlos Lastra prefers to stay close of the classic formula in terms of visuals and ambiance. The Inner Center exclusively uses stock textures but Inner Center is rich in details and therefore quite eye-candy. 


As "the Courtyard" , this map was tested on gzdoom whereas it has the look of a limit-removing map but I don't care, I spent a good time on that one.


Grade : B (14/20)


[2] Dicwad by The Dictator (2012)









Welcome to your worst nightmare! "DICWAD.WAD"



The author didn't mention if this map was mostly or exclusively designed for Deathmatch purposes but Dicwad resembles to a Dm map populated by several monsters including a roaming cyberdemon which helps spicing up the combats. 


I feel embarassed to grade this kind of map but it's very rudimentary and abstract so I suspect that The Dictator didn't spend a lot of energy designing it. I'm not a mutliplayer specialist but it seems mediocre in that field too.


Grade : D+ (7/20)


I died in the streets of urbnbeta.WAD after desperatingly looking for health and ammo.





Edited by Roofi

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On 1/17/2024 at 1:42 AM, LadyMistDragon said:

Escape from Natas (1997) by Chris Christenson (Crispy Doom)


I love checking back on these threads to find some nice curiosities like this one here, went and played the entire Escape series and had a good time with them, Natas especially. Thanks for bringing this one to my attention! It's too bad these three seem to be their only wad releases.


On 1/17/2024 at 1:42 AM, LadyMistDragon said:

The difficulty takes a sharp turn toward the end when we're confronted by slaughter-sized masses of Barons that we don't really have enough ammo for! Thankfully, a nearby teleporter will shorten the trip to the blue key hallway and thereby, the exit! The Barons do appear to follow us, so maybe spend a little more time searching for secrets.'


See this encounter becomes more fascinating than it appears at first. My initial run wasn't much different than yours, I wouldn't have enough ammo to deal with this army so opted to run and that leads to them following into the starting area and potentially block up the final hallway, a really neat concept on its own. However there were many seemingly "useless" features across the level that didn't quite sit right with me and gave the level another spin after checking some suspicions out in the editor. Curious design and choices at play here:



Turns out those red key doors by the Cyberdemons have teleporters you can lure these guys into who then appear at the baron horde fight, using the face switches to lower them into the arena, which of course means keeping them alive when trying to leave those marble sections until the red key is acquired. The Mastermind can also be warped here too if you coax them out of their nook and through the portal. Doing this before heading off to that fight makes it a breeze due to infighting and potentially leave nothing left to follow you back through the blue door. All you need to do now is release them into the wild using all the face switches before waking up the Barons.


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Brick | 1 wad | 22 maps
Adventure | 7 wads | 98 maps


Scourge (2006) by James 'Phobus' Cresswell. 22 SP maps for Doom II in ZDoom.
This seems to be Phobus's first release (though I think some maps in his later "Pre-13 Grab Bag" are older). According to @Phobus the maps are ordered more or less chronologically, made over several years, and so represent his early evolution as a mapper as he goes through different tools and map builders and learns by trial and error what works and what doesn't. The very early maps are crude as you'd expect, but they're honestly not that bad for first efforts. It's really fun seeing typical amateur choices in one map like too much redundancy in things placement or flat architecture, then noticing these designs are gone as quickly as the next map. You can also see Phobus experimenting, like the almost-slaughter with the hordes of zombiemen in MAP06, the damaging "atmosphere" in MAP07, or the valley in MAP08, and it's refreshing to see the attempts even if they don't all work equally well. By the teens the maps start getting pretty good, with better architecture, some more interesting combat, and generally the attempts at creating setpieces (whether gameplay or aesthetic) seem to work better. Most of the maps are small and quick-playing (I was averaging 5 minutes, with the "longer" ones around 8 and the really short ones ones under 2) but there are very elaborate ones towards the end, as Phobus moved to Doom Builder and got more confident in his skills. These larger maps were all very good attempts at longer adventures, but the standout is the secret map. It's a large facility with interconnected sections, some ZDoom uniques like slopes, everything is lovingly detailed with some very nice use of the stock textures (I loved the intricate patterns on the ceilings), some tricky combat (much more difficult than the early maps) and a unique enemy that's not seen elsewhere (basically a souped-up baron). Instead of the vanilla cast call Phobus scripted a credits map, with each enemy in a different room, they can move around before you terminate them, it's a really fun variation on the traditional ending. These 2 maps aside, and despite the requirement, ZDoom features aren't used elsewhere that I could see, mostly restricted to MAPINFO. It's not mentioned anywhere but I'm almost certain jumping is required. I'm not sure if the complete lack of music is on purpose but I think I prefer even this to the stock tracks (I just brought my own music). The one map I didn't like was the last one, it's an IOS of course, we have to run around an open space with several buildings (think Mt Erebus) opening the way into them one at a time while the spawner keeps spitting out new enemies (on top of the 100 or so already here). While I appreciate once again the attempt at trying something new I don't like the time pressure and randomness of the IOS (it spawns the enemies far away where you can't reach them; if too many are arachnotrons, with such open spaces, it becomes such a chore), though Phobus is kind enough to not require aiming or timing (or any shooting really). Regardless, it's an easy wad to recommend. If like me you enjoy watching a mapper grow and hone their craft this is a great showcase (and should be a big confidence booster to beginners), and if you just want the best stuff play MAP19, MP20 and MAP31, these 3 alone are absolutely worth the download, MAP31 in particular is excellent.











Edited by brick

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Doomworld Speedmapping Compilation #20 (2002) by Sgt. Crispy and Hirogen (Crispy Doom)


Wait, what? TWO maps?? Seems like awfully few. The first map is a disposable re-creation of Entryway with barely any detail to distinguish the different portals, whereas Hirogen's map is either not included or can only be loaded in Legacy. Why? Why did more people not participate? Why am I not surprised this series died almost immediately afterwards? 0/10







Night Town (2017) by @Paul977 (From Doom with Love)


This, on the other hand, is an objectively quality product, inspired by the incredibly controversial City of the Unavenged from Memento Mori for the most part, with a few other bits coming from Plutonia Revisited maps. Paul is absolutely ruthless but gaining a foothold shouldn't be any harder than in MM28, which may not be saying too much because there were enemies basically everywhere in that map! Not to say there aren't plenty of annoying turret enemies which happen to include Arch-viles but procuring a rocket launcher's not exactly challenging for one who knows where to go. I did have to stumble around a bit before realizing that a particular lift texture actually could lower, though as an Arch-vile started to dart around the corner, a couple of Imps also appeared out of seeming nowhere, but I handled it beautifully! 


The next main point of contention would be the yellow key battle. You get a Megasphere in the ruined building you're in beforehand, which signifies a seriously nasty battle! An Invulnerbility is handed out and you have to fight off a Cyberdemon, along with several nobles and some Cacodemons up above. It's presumed the cyberdemon is targeted first, but the trouble then becomes if the Cacos will infight with the nobles enough. Let's just say this time around they didn't and so I crawled out of the area ready to claim my prize with maybe 3 percent health, I think 60 cells, and a big ugly Cyberdemon blocking the way to some vast slime pit. But wait! Dropping down to the left not only reveals a handy teleporter, said teleporter will also telefrag the Cyberdemon! But we still only have 3 percent health and no Soulspheres are forecoming on UV so we descend to the final square, bumble our way through the final chaotic setup, then kill some Pain Elementals before exiting.


This was a very good map, really! Occasionally, RNG might screw one over when there's zero room to move, but we like tributes to maps that no one plays anymore 8/10



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Turbo Wad Level 1 version 1.20 by Shawn Thomas - Vanilla Doom 2, SP, 1 map, 1996, played with DSDA-Doom 0.27.4 + d2buttm for music changing


doom00.png doom01.png doom02.png doom03.png

doom05.png doom06.png doom07.png 

Boy, what a title this map have! Not the wackiest I've seen but it's kind of mesmerizing: TURBO WAD LEVEL 1 by m-fking Shawn Thomas here is... a map that doesn't take too much out of the expectations from a map called TURBO WAD LEVEL 1 where do you expect adrenaline-filled gameplay, crazy speedrunners trickery involved, level-destroying gliding procedures, Speedcore blasting (or better, for the year this wad was made, Master of Puppets or some other metal midi) out of the speakers while playing this, insane noclip- ah no, that's actually involved for exiting a pair of rooms i found myself locked in; but instead you're set in this somber hellish fortress with wild thing placement (as the only reviewer said about this map, there's one area with 3 spider masterminds in it, but it's not as crappy as you can think about) and even more wilder progression with those classic arrows showing you the areas where you need to go (and if you miss them, you can yourself locked in the teleport pod leading to the mentioned spiders room) and a door maze like the one in Tenements, but worse in a all-same looking section with fake walls as well for extra confusing moments. No new music and the level is quite literally the DCK version of STARTAN3+FLOOR0_1 stock combo of a Doom Builder map, luckily green stones aren't that horrendous as textures to see all the time, and the changes in theme are good. Overall not a trash can but nothing too awesome as well.

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Present (why? I don't know) (1996) by Brian Conerity (Crispy Doom)


A pair of square overlarge and rather underdetailed deathmatch maps that can be played in single-player (at least #1) but the latter mode is best not bothered with due to the largely random monster placement and annoyingly scattered weapons (other than the cells near the exit and the Revenants in the dead center mainly) but all the side areas are just a distraction from the deathmatching. Map 02 does this decent trench and brown fortress combo but once again it's quite spread out. Points for the glowing exit letters in 01 tho 3.5/10











Tau Sigma Phi's 10th Anniversary (2018) by @Lingyan203 (From Doom with Love)


Putting aside the questionable nature of the tribute aside, this has an overcooked feel not unlike that of Synami's very first maps released but the main difference is that this is excellently balanced for lower difficulties! There's only around 6400 on HNTR as opposed to the 12,000 on UV and probably more Invulnerbilities than one really needs. The design is pretty good too! Using Plutonia textures by way of the CC4 pack, a series of structures are constructed that basically commerate the sorority's anniversary. At the same time, I can sort of understand why Lingyan's PRCP2 entry was rejected, even if it wasn't another alleged Go2It knockoff, there's something just wanting here that can't be pinned down. It doesn't really help that it didn't seem worth the trouble to make further progress after finding the yelllow key and finding no other accessible areas. I'm sure the trick is quite simple, but either way, this is a 6/10,





Mr. Woola Doom v1.0 (1997) by Nick Giles (Crispy Doom)



!!!WARNING!!! Hymers College has been over-run by large bearded monsters from outer P1!!! It all started when an experiment The Moog was doing, went terribly wrong! Mr Woola, who was standing by, got sucked into The Moog's machine and lots of little Mr. Woolas started coming out of it! Then all the Mr. Woolas started to grow, and grew into deadly Mr Woolas who could throw fireballs. They all went on the rampage and ate all the other teachers, now they are very hungry and are looking for a nice tasty morsal. But YOU must rid Hymers of these deadly Woolas before they spread and take over the whole school! Your only aid is a small pistol, who Mr. Swinney kept in his top draw, (just in case.)



This map is nothing but generic trash. Not even so much the sound effects as much as incredibly confusing key placement that forces one to go into random rooms without any indication important objects might be contained within them. There's also an series of rooms that are impossible to escape from if one does not have the key that opens the exit. Speaking of which, one can reach that early if they stand still when the platform before it drops but not for too long because it goes up quite quickly. One thing to credit the author with is actually not just using STARTAN but blandness seeps from every pore of this. Not to mention this premise would quite righteously get blasted today 1/10







Much as I want to do 1 more, this took enough time as it is. 

Edited by LadyMistDragon

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Nova III (2019) by Various


Play Settings

Difficulty: Ultra-Violence, pistol starts

Source Port: PRBoom+ via Delta Touch, complevel 9


If you've been following the ER/iWA for awhile you can probably tell that while I love Doom, I don't have a ton of time to play it, especially over the past year (a combination of work, travel, and preparing for my impending wedding.) So I recently got a Retroid Pocket 3+ and installed Delta Touch on it, specifically in order to play Doom WADs on the go. It's obviously not as good as what you can do with a PC and it's why the screenshots here look a little wonky, but it's the only way I was going to get a megawad like Nova 3 done in two weeks - and even still, I only got about halfway through the Lunar Base episode.


I actually marathoned all three Nova mapsets when this was coming out in 2019 - they're great little bite-sized snippets of Doom, never too hard and usually with a decently consistent level of quality. In addition to being a great time in their own right, they're an interesting trip through Doom mapping history - and the main thing you'll notice is how much higher the expectations for mapping get. In the 90s and naughties (as we'll see from another map in a moment) newcomer maps are mostly flat, ugly mazes and even in 2014's Nova: The Birth you get your fair share of flat-looking STARTAN bases. But by 2019 the expectation is that even as a beginner you've watched hours of YouTube tutorials to have a good grasp of aesthetics and gameplay basics and are playtesting each map to within an inch of its life, so the experience is a lot more polished at the cost of losing a bit of personality. The highs are less high than Nova II but the lows are less low than Nova I. It'll be interesting to see what Nova IV looks like given how much farther mapping has progressed even in the last five years - perhaps we'll see the newcomers trying their hands at some MyHouse-esque walking simulation?


But that's me getting too philosophical, as usual. While not as good as Nova II, the clear high point of the series so far (partially because more experienced mappers got involved, and partially because the incoming class of 2015 was just that fucking good) there are, as mentioned, few maps that won't please. The Lunar Base is my personal favorite and not just because I love space - here you'll get gorgeous early works from DMPhobos (an Eviternity II contributor whose Arceon mapset is a must), Benjogami (a UDINO contributor who has given us many wonderful slaughtermaps), and my single favorite mapper working today, antares031, whose showstopping Alpha Scorpii Supercluster is great here and would become even better when remastered for Antaresian Reliquary. If you want just a quick taste of high-quality work from several of the 2020s' best Doomers, this set remains a great way to get it.




Fearless (1994) by James "Shade" Wilson


Play Settings

Difficulty: Ultra-Violence

Source Port: dsda-doom, complevel 3


Shade is one of a number of 90s mappers who plied their skill with the Doom engine to an actual games industry job - in Wilson's case, at Monolith designing maps for Blood. By '94 standards this is pretty good - propulsive and balanced, with lots of devious traps like the above-pictured barrel room that will kill you if you don't find a switch and run out in about 30 seconds. Unfortunately, all that momentum is lost once you hit the maze room, an even longer and duller extension of E1M2's computer halls that gets you lost and forces you to backtrack to find lost keys. If you have more patience for the indignities of early 90s map design you'll find plenty to like here, but I wasn't feeling it today.




Lucifer's Gate (1996) by Jeremy L Wagner


Play Settings

Difficulty: Ultra-Violence

Source Port: dsda-doom, complevel 3


An under-two-minute map where you shotgun imps and stare at the red rock texture. Kind of a clever idea at the end where you are lifted out of hell and into the real world (represented by a grey rock texture) but other than that, absolutely nothing to write home about.




Corporate Nightmare (2021) by smeghammer


Play Settings

Difficulty: Ultra-Violence

Source Port: GZDoom


A GZDoom-licious stroll through a UAC office park courtesy of the ER/iWA's own smeghammer, stuffed with plenty of new monsters and breakable glass. I make no secret of the fact that I don't care much for maps that rely heavily on GZDoom features and this is no different - there's nothing wrong with it per se, but it's not for me, as someone who mostly likes playing regular ol' Doom. Some of the monster additions are fairly trivial, like the melee scientist zombies and cyber-barons. Some of them radically alter the space, like the flame troopers or the alternate baron variant that makes fire walls. And some of them are double-chaingunners, for which smeg should be tried at the Hague.


What Corporate Nightmare does do excellently is capture the atmosphere of the kind of shitty office park in which most of us spend the majority of our adult lives - it's a great setting for Doom and I wish more maps would take advantage of it (see also: Going Down MAP02). The cramped spaces lend themselves well to smeg's claustrophobic combat and I like the "narrative" of descending into the basement, coming back with a keycard and opening a security door to descend into the clearly hellish reactor. Plus, yes, it is very fun to smash the glass. 10 out of 10 glass smashing.



Nukedoom2x v1.2 (1997) by Colin Pierson


Play Settings

Difficulty: Ultra-Violence

Source Port: dsda-doom, complevel 2


Now THIS is the kind of thing we tend to associate with newcomers of the 90s - huge, ugly, pointless areas riddled with technical issues and, for no reason whatsoever, the Icon of Sin. MAP01 (first screenshot above) is one of the worst I've seen, a janky wasteland that I thought for sure was unbeatable until I watched the demo and learned that  several unmarked patches of wall were actually switches. Even with that foreknowledge more than half the demo is spent walking through huge hallways of nothing. Truly horrendous.


MAP02 and MAP03 are a little better - they still have plenty of misaligned textures and general jank, like MAP02 taking place in a forest absolutely crammed with tree props that cause endless elastic collisions, but they at least look okay and have even a modicum of thought put into their combat. I especially like MAP03's bloody bathroom complete with Doomcute toilets and stalls. There's also a secret map which by the author's own admission is completely unfinished and does not work. All in all, a package that I'm absolutely thrilled to see taking up bandwidth on /idgames.




YOU CAN RUN BUT YOU CAN'T HIDE (1994) by Tony "The Dictator For Life" Eagle


Play Settings

Difficulty: Ultra-Violence

Source Port: dsda-doom, complevel 3


A Deathmatch map with monsters but no exit, perfect for fans of the "square" and "rectangle" shapes. Very bad. Misaligned textures in almost every room. I like that 4 of the 5 /idgames reviews are just screaming in horror. I'm also amused by Tony using space in the readme to talk about how much he likes beer and complaining about his "bitch" of a wife.




Tough Nut (2021) by Alexander "Killerratte" Schuetzner


Play Settings

Difficulty: Ultra-Violence

Source Port: GZDoom


Ah, a Doom map designed by 4chan. That really takes me back to...wait, 2021??


Yes, Killerratte went onto 4chan's /vr/ Doom General board, asked them for ideas, and made a map around them. Unsurprisingly, the result feels like a bunch of random ideas crammed together with no rhyme or reason. Equally unsurprisingly, the overall philosophy of the board was to make, to quote one of the screenshots, "a pain in the ass." This mostly manifests in a central pillar of arch-viles that can see you from almost the entire map, paired with a wandering cyberdemon to flush out your attempts to hide in the corners. Once you get past that the map quickly peters out with some gentle slaughter-lite gameplay that comes with way too much ammo to be threatening.


I will say that Killerratte does an admirable job adding little aesthetic touches to the cramped, pre-determined map design.

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Thanks for participating, everyone! And yes, this time I remembered to count page two. :)

Here's the new thread:


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