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looking for "bad" WADs

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i know this sounds really weird but bare with me this is my first post


i just really want to play some ""Bad" WADs, shit that usually is seen as very poor quality by most Doom mappers and players, mainly because i want to enjoy them. i absolutely love playing "bad and shitty" things, because even if its "bad" by normal standards or whatever. ones man trash is another mans treasure. ive always have enjoyed really "horribly produced" things, mockbusters, really cheesy b-movies, etc.


i also enjoy beginner projects; 'my first wad' type stuff because its nice to see what ideas they have, and to do what stuff like Doom WADs and other stuff was meant to be; to be enjoyed. that being said its ok to look at it and enjoy it because thats what things like games and stuff was meant to be (enjoyed), also because bad stuff can be loveable, in a "amateur charm" kinda way. its ok if your a beginner and if you haven't fully explored everything, because that doesn't mean you suck at it. basically, if you want to make something for the purpose of being bad, go for it because a certain group of people will still enjoy it even if the majority doesn't

Edited by rqkaiju2

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Seconding Ubik's recommendation of Mock2. Sort of started and finished the jokewad idea in a single motion.


Thousands of WADs based on locations familiar to the mapper fall in this category. A lot of myhouse/myworkplace/etc. have a charm in a novice mapper's attempt to capture the detail of a real location, a place imagined in pure geometry. We've all made one.


Laura Beyer's Doom is a common gold standard for 'bad' but to me it's just really weird (it also has a 'myhouse'-esque gig in its secret level). This one grew on me, I can't dislike it anymore. Should have been the levels that came with Doom.


Also would second thelamp's rec of jow. I've seen other people like lbdoom, but I've never seen praise for this... I had to tap out in Map06 after I could feel the fucker erasing my mind, Derren Brown take notes. Maybe you'll be the first to enjoy Wainman's? Everyone has a favourite WAD, so every WAD is someone's favourite... that includes jow

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3 minutes ago, Wahrnehmungskrieg said:

Also would second thelamp's rec of jow. I've seen other people like lbdoom, but I've never seen praise for this... I had to tap out in Map06 after I could feel the fucker erasing my mind, Derren Brown take notes. Maybe you'll be the first to enjoy Wainman's? Everyone has a favourite WAD, so every WAD is someone's favourite... that includes jow

It's obvious. JOW is Jason Wainman's favorite wad. Usually people make what they enjoy, unless they deliberately want to make maps that are unfun.

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Might I recommend my mistake of a community project Mock 7: General Unintelligents, which was supposed to be a "so bad it's good" surreal shitpost wad but ended up just being a "so bad it's terrible" mistake of a wad. Some of the maps are interesting though...

Also I second Mock 2.

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I'd recommend the Idgames Database and pressing "random file". Sometimes you'll get really good maps and usually you'll get 90s' wads (1994 til 1997-ish is what you're probably looking for) with design choices so bafflingly weird you'll sometimes question reality. It's very addicting.


tbf mappers in the 90s' didn't have the tools we have now and just made the best with what they had. But it's hard to not poke fun at it sometimes :P

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Rammstein.wad (Warning: NSFW) download.jpg



It doesn't exist. Stop wasting your time and play good wads instead.


Edited by OniriA

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doom wad as outsider art is an interesting subject and you can't find it in mock 2 - that's well known players and mappers making intentionally silly stuff on the side

have you ever typed .wad into one of those wayback machine/geocities-like archives and looked up the names you found? or have you tried reading posts by people on these forums in search of lateral thoughts on doom's potential and then grabbing the maps they've made? those are good approaches; when i was in search of offbeat maps that was my thing


and have you ever played armadosia: the mad corridor?

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Negativity towards non-IWADs is rarely allowed for long, but im going to say DBP48. Im a sucker for the DBPs and shill them often, but even I cant stand this one. I honestly believe the April Fools DBP is better, and thats just Monuments of Mars II with meme textures replacing everything

Edited by Devalaous

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Grab any of those shovelware CD's from the 90's that got archived and were filled with whatever wads were around at the time, I am sure you're going to find your fair share of "bad" maps. Although it may not be the kind of "bad" you're looking for, this is the kind of "bad" that's genuinely bad. Like, unfinished maps kind of "bad".


If you want a genuine rollercoaster ride of emotions, I don't necessarily recommend you check out "Tartaru5.wad", but I'm putting it out there. I'm not to be held responsible or to be held liable for any emotional damage that might arise as a result. It's not "bad" per se, but some of the combat certainly is. Maybe it's just a skill issue on my part though, who's to say?

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Did a quick Google search for you, man that brought up some nostalgic results (I even found some of my embarrassing past!):

Thy Holds of Hell is certainly garbage.

Laura Beyer's Doom is one of the worst Doom related things I have played that required money (that I never gave it).


Literally anything by Giulio Galassi


Squishy's Monster Bag wasn't very good originally, not sure how it went after the overhaul that did or did not happen.


Mattbratt's Level Pack was wank, is wank, always will be wank.


Doom JR is a masterpiece, honest.


DTS-T is poorly designed, poorly voiced and just all around a bad time.


Swan Fox, if you find a copy send me one because I lost mine.


Nazi Auferstehung can swallow a load.


Playmasters and it's invisible fucking crushers.


Plutonia 3, no really.


Final Doom Return of the Evil God, with a title like that what did you expect?


Honestly I could keep going, I will not,

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Do you value your hearing? No?

Then give The REAL Hell on Earth sounds a whirl! It replaces a good chunk of Doom's sound effects with incoherent screams, moans, and ill-fitting WAV files circa 1995, with the volume jacked up so loud that every map becomes a cacophony of harsh noise!


(And yet I still use sounds from it for my own WADs. Given that I have a record of taking assets from "bad" projects such as Zelda's Adventure, that makes sense.)

Edited by MundyC

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2 hours ago, mrthejoshmon said:

Playmasters and it's invisible fucking crushers.

You got this from me. :)


I'll go with ChrisWAD, super strange joke sounds, the most hilarious MIDI rendition of Sigma Stage 1 in one of the maps, and varied gameplay.

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If you're looking for "bad" wads that can also be genuinely enjoyable, I recommend Skyewood, by Steve Rescoe. 



The textures, sprites, and sound replacements used are very strange, and the progression is even stranger, leading to frustration when I was playing it. However, the whole thing has an undeniable charm that has made it stick in my mind. I may not have had fun playing it, but I still can't help remembering it fondly.

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