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What's your *Péché Mignon*

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Hey guys, new here!

I've been a fan of Doom since I'm a kid but I don't why, I never really tried that much of WADs. I used to play Zdaemon and go find online games but that's about it. So tonight I decided to get from the best WADs of '94 up to today and fkg play them all! What are your favorite? What are the hidden gems, the one you start and you feel like you're gonna eat the best dish of your existence. I'm excited to consider and try them!

Thanks in advance!

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You're probably going to get a lot of repeat answers from people. I'll list mine by name and source port requirement with my answers that dont get many repeats. 


  1. Mars War-- 1998-- Vanilla compatible megawad  https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom2/megawads/marsw301
  2. Ascent of Titan -- GZDoom. around 10 levels episode length (Yes this one is Free) https://davidxn.itch.io/ascent-of-titan
  3. Lunatic.wad -- Limit Removing such as Crispy/PrBoom-- 5 Maps https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom2/Ports/j-l/lunatic
  4. GMP Good Morning Phobos-- Limit removing-- full megawad  https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom2/Ports/megawads/gmp
  5. The Castle Pack-- ZDoom/GZdoom-- Single map wads but they are really cool https://www.moddb.com/games/doom-ii/addons/the-deluxe-castle-pack
  6. EDay Vanilla 2019-- ZDoom/Zandronum/GZDoom-- Full megawad  https://www.moddb.com/mods/brutal-doom/downloads/eday-vanilla-for-vanilla-and-mods
  7. UAC Vinur Prime Research Base-- Zandro/GZdoom-- Single Large map https://www.moddb.com/games/doom-ii/addons/uac-vinur-prime-research-base-redux


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You could start here if you are looking into older stuff. IF you want to play something newer, Ancient Aliens is what really got me hooked into doom and doom mapping in general.

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Going Down, Sigil, doom64 for doom2, Eviternity, at least the first episode. 


@AshtralFiend has Head Trauma and Duality as miniwads. Quality work right there if you want some punchy, highly detailed maps. 

Back to Saturn X. can’t think of anymore off the top of my head 😆

Edited by dmh094

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On 6/2/2024 at 11:13 PM, Gotti said:

Hey guys, new here!

I've been a fan of Doom since I'm a kid but I don't why, I never really tried that much of WADs. I used to play Zdaemon and go find online games but that's about it. So tonight I decided to get from the best WADs of '94 up to today and fkg play them all! What are your favorite? What are the hidden gems, the one you start and you feel like you're gonna eat the best dish of your existence. I'm excited to consider and try them!

Thanks in advance!







Pirate Doom


Doom The Golden Souls


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Lost Civilization, Auger;Zenith,  any of the DBP projects ( some are a bit harder than others ) , Anomaly Report, Doom II Redux, Wonderful Doom... There's many more awesome wads but these are the ones I did recently.


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