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Everything posted by fraggle

  1. I'll add that I also love the Microsoft Bob parody cover image. For comparison: For anyone who's never heard of Microsoft Bob, LGR has a great video about it. It's probably Microsoft's biggest and most famous flop of a product. And of course now that Microsoft owns Doom, it really is "Microsoft Doom"!
  2. Yes, you are always working from incomplete information. I'd agree that it's one of the most frustrating parts of the game when you have to take a leap into the dark and guess. Often though if a particular section of the field is ambiguous you can at least try a different part and eventually you might get more information about the section you were stuck on.
  3. I think this counts as a relevant bump: this person was able to use miniwad to get Doom running on the new Nintendo Game & Watch machines: Pretty cool to see this project proving useful!
  4. When Doom was released back in 1993 most people did not have an Internet connection and most people had never heard of the Internet. If you had a direct, wired internet connection you were probably at a university that was connected to the internet. Some people with modems had accounts on online services like CompuServe - you'd dial up the service and it would give access to things like email and discussion forums. As time went on these services all became connected to the internet as well and became ISPs. There were also BBSes: these were just services you could dial up that in many cases were someone's home phone number with a computer accepting incoming calls. Doom shipped with just dial-up and IPX networking. IPX works over a local network (LAN) so lots of people used their office networks to slack off work and play Doom. But IPX isn't based on the internet protocol (IP) so you couldn't use this to play over the internet. Dial-up worked by calling someone else's home phone number where the other player is set up to answer the incoming call. Typically you'd talk on the phone first to make sure you were both ready, then hang up and dial back with the computer. DWANGO took this a step further by providing a paid service you could dial up and play with other people through (the nice thing being that there was a lobby you could talk to others with to find someone to play against, and you could play with more than 2 people this way). There were also BBSes that added similar functionality as time went on. Playing over the actual internet was possible but I don't know if it was very common. If you look in the Internet Doom FAQ you can find details of alternate network drivers like iFrag that allowed this. But again, you needed an Internet connection to do this, which would probably be dial-up anyway, and it was probably more reliable and cheaper to just call each other directly. There was also something called the Doom modem contact list that didn't include full phone numbers but did include people's email addresses grouped by their area code. So the idea was that you could find someone in your local area to play against. Remember that phone calls could be expensive back then, especially long distance calls!
  5. Why 2.3.0 instead of the latest version?
  6. Your mod uses the Chocolate Doom magic extended strings comment. Can you please not do this? The patch doesn't even need it. Where did you learn to do this, and have you used it in other mods?
  7. The Christian persecution complex is alive and well
  8. Late reply but Dali is my effort in this area - it lets you connect to a DOSbox IPX server from a real DOS machine using a packet driver. Standardising around the DOSbox IPX protocol seems like a good idea to me because it opens up more possibilities for people to play together in different combinations, and each player can use their preferred setup. I've also been adding support for the same protocol to Chocolate Doom, and ipxbox is a DOSbox IPX server that can be bridged to a real IPX network. So I might add something like a "udpsetup" in the future for completeness, but for now I'm going to point people to Dali. It's still very beta quality and definitely has some bugs and stability issues but I hope those can be fixed.
  9. Thanks for the suggestions. I wasn't aware of IPXNEW either. It looks like its changes are a subset of those found in xttl's extended ipxsetup. I added support for those extensions into my version of ipxsetup some months back.
  10. Great example of how to amicably resolve a dispute, well done. Subsequent trolling by third parties has been removed and I hope it can be forgotten.
  11. Make sure you're both using a daily autobuild as there have been several improvements and fixes to the netcode that aren't in the most recent release.
  12. Great! But he ought to be in jail already for the murder he committed.
  13. An update: I've added a brief FAQ to the autobuilds page.
  14. Who else is doing duolingo and wants to be my friend? My username is phraggle - post yours

    1. fraggle


      And if you haven't tried it here's a link to sign up 


  15. I recently took up painting and decided to do a self portrait


  16. This weekend I put together designs for these backdrops for displaying my Doom miniatures. These are just some initial prototypes but the basic idea works. I wrote a Python script that does perspective transformations from a Doom screenshot to generate floor and curved wall patterns. When assembled and viewed from the right angle it looks like the figures are "inside" the screenshot.




    1. Doomkid


      This is brilliant! Tweet this, I bet people will love it.

    2. fraggle


      Linguica posted it on doom_txt and it seems you are correct!



  17. Anyone remember my bent-up, stomping Arachnotron figure? Ever wonder what happened to him?


    Well, in October last year I finally got around to fixing those bent legs, and I think you'll agree the result is a lot better:




    But the story doesn't end there. I recently hired Jay Adan to do a professional model paint of my set of reaper minis. But I have two Arachnotrons now and I had to decide which one got painted.


    It was no contest. Stompy got the star treatment:




    I hope there's someone out there who will enjoy this heartwarming tale of redemption.

  18. Who else is on Mastodon that I'm not already following? Reply with your profile link for a follow.

  19. Here's Don Ivan Punchatz's EGM magazine cover, color shifted to match the Doom palette (original is here). I did this a while back for whatever reason (I think I was just interested in palette shifting and how to better adapt things to the Doom palette). Feel free to use it in your mods if you like.



    1. Endless


      Hi, that looks fantastic, bye.

  20. This weekend I put together a cool hack as part of work on my vanilla Doom smooth weapons mod. In recent years custom palettes have become popular and I was curious to what extent these palettes deviate from the original Doom palette. It turns out that with the exception of Ancient Aliens, not much. Anyway, I put together this which may be useful for people making gameplay mods, and here's a video of Back to Saturn X E1M07 in Chocolate Doom with smooth weapon animations.



  21. Happy Birthday to deca2.wad, which friends and I published 20 years ago today:



    1. Catpho


      What a relic. Do you feel old now :P

      BTW, @Spikehas a sick avatar.

    2. fraggle


      Different Spike I'm afraid.

    3. BigDickBzzrak
  22. 236 downloads

    This WAD contains a replacement DMXGUS lump which you should probably load if you're building a retro PC with a Gravis Ultrasound card (or if you're emulating one). It does two things: firstly, it has a workaround for the GUS instrument mappings bug present in Vanilla Doom's DMX sound library; secondly, it has an optimized instrument mapping table that is statistically tailored for Doom's music. I developed this for Freedoom but is useful on its own, so I decided to release it as a standalone WAD.
  23. My blogs have recently been accused of being boring, so maybe this will be more interesting.


    I'm seeking feedback for my Vanilla Doom Smooth Weapons mod which I think is now close to ready to release. Instructions are in the included text file; please take a look and let me know what you think. If you encounter bugs please let me know, and for the record, vanilla demo desyncs count as bugs. The only bug I'm currently aware of is that the chainsaw jumps about on ZDoom-based ports.

    1. Show previous comments  20 more
    2. fraggle


      My thought too.

    3. fraggle


      Oh my god the only actual video of qzdoom on Youtube is by the kingnoger guy who posted all those weird threads about having made a multicore rendering source port.

    4. SiFi270


      I've tried this with ZDoom and the chainsaw still seems to be having problems. When I attack with it, DSSAWFUL plays in its entirety, with no DSSAWIDL afterward, and then the jittering the decorate entry was supposed to prevent comes back.


      Another thing I've noticed about playing in ZDoom is that pistol pickups no longer work, which can break some wads like Shadows of the Nightmare realm where players have the pistol taken away from them for one reason or another and have to find a new one.

  24. Just discovered that my oldest post on Doomworld turned 18 years old last month, meaning that it's now of legal drinking age in the country where it was born, and could in theory now get married to another > 18 year old post, or even appear in a porno.


    On 12/26/1999 at 3:14 PM, fraggle said:

    That's right. Enjoy, and email me if you have any queries


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Thacorax


      That is one sad post for one sad hacker. I now know why you report my blog. You couldn’t handle my doomness. You’re just a nerd. Welcome to the real world, where people actually think about what they write. You ain’t so bright announcing that you’re a hacker on a forum site. My path is before me and I’ll be your doomslayer tonight. 


      You americans, you have a lot to learn. You Americans think you have been teaching the world. America will be taught the harshest lesson of all. Don’t fuck with others, AT ALL. 

      the USA is gonna have a reading demise day 

    3. Thacorax


      Dimise typo, reading. I will not apologise, to an American.

    4. fraggle


      I'm not even American! 

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