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About prfunky

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  1. Heh, I got into wanting to learn game programming because nobody was making the space shooter arcadey type games I grew up with anymore. That means I'm really f*ing old! The newest game console I ever bought (used) was a Sega Dreamcast and the only reason I got it was to play a CD chock full of NES 8-bit cartridge images through an emulator. Oh, wait, I also bought that kickstarter thing, Ouya. Ended up doing the same thing with that; playing emulated NES 8-bit cartridge games. I'd originally planned on programming for it because I thought it would really take off. I shouldn't have been surprised how fast that company went under... Anyhow, the point is I don't ever buy new games or game systems. Nowadays, just happy to be able to play my Mo'Tanky Enemeesh multi-player deathmatch with custom monsters in Zandronum. Things get blown up in that. They get blown up real good!
  2. Interesting ^ Yah, I'm familiar with playing around with such stuff using DECORATE. Also, ThingHate was used in the titlemap of Chap DM 3. I never considered making a monster attack its own species because "what's the point?" but this happened to me as a natural occurence and had me scratching my head. It was so odd to see, like just out of place in a Doom environment; since I didn't witness the actual trigger event, I was just amazed to see four cacos seemingly ostracize a fifth. When that one fell out of the sky, the other four resumed their pursuit of me, the player. True; they all ended up on the ceiling. But the fight never got far enough for them to distance themselves from each other much. They got about a third to half way from the barrel point of origin to a wall of the "arena". In my DECORATE work, (a different project entirely), I have baby cacos whose code is simply lost soul behavior so I'm very familiar with the stunned back pedal moves by the caco babies.
  3. Loved PF as a kid; grew up grade school w/ The Wall. Never saw the film. When in high school got turned onto Animals which, though I rarely ever listen to anymore, is my fav work of theirs.
  4. I'd never seen this before tonite; I was testing a map I'm working on. There are five cacodemons each of which comes out of a separate garage door but the trigger that opens the garage doors opens them all at once. In the skill level I was playing, there are nine hell barons and I can't remember how many demons. Anyhow, I wasn't really testing the monsters. I was running around without having set the god mode cheat and was checking switches and platform triggers kind of stuff. From what I've read in an old-old Doomworld post, it was barrel damage that started this fight. I was watching four cacodemons battling against the fifth. I would've screenshot it but I was too busy staring at the screen with my jaw just about on the floor here! Before posting here, I did the big G search and came up with a youtube video from 8 years ago: https://youtu.be/538MQU4P-uc The Doomworld post cited this infighting occuring between two imps but the principle is the same and explains that indeed it was the barrel which is the cause of the behavior, not the source port (Zand 3.0 for Win in my case). https://www.doomworld.com/forum/post/211155
  5. I can't seem to find any other information on this file I have; it's a ZDaemon deathmatch map that I have no .txt file for: http://chapsoftware.com/Files/simetiere.wad
  6. I'm collecting metal bottle caps for to be a Christmas gift to my brother-in-law; he's a big Fallout player... I guess it's to be the currency of the post apocolyptic future. Personally? I'm collecting Doomworld quotations: https://chapsoftware.com/dwQwotz.htm
  7. Because I never can read enough dated technical manuals...
  8. Heh; I found someone more anti-Windows than me. Actually, I was more anti-Windows before Windows XP. Back around twenty years ago, I decided to use the OS that was best suited for whichever task I had at hand. This meant I had a hodge podge of different machines lying around my living room each with their own OS, (Win98se, Win2kPro, WinXP and various Linux distros). Just over ten years ago, Microsoft pulled XP from their list of supported versions. I made sure to apply all updates to fresh installs of my SIX XP machines. I intended to just stick to those but I then got deep into Xubuntu Linux by the next year and realized I preferred living there. Nowadays, I have one XP machine turned on where I still use DoomBuilder 1.68 for my mapping needs and if I want to have music when running ZDaemon. On my Xubuntu machines, I run NeoPaint under WINE for my main graphics editor but do palette work using a port of an Amiga program to Linux called GrafX2. My resource management is all on SLADE for Linux. Recently, I was doing a ZDaemon conversion of my latest map and now am using WINE to run ZDaemon on Linux with sound but not music. For playing Doom, I use the following: Zandronum 3.1 on Linux; my primary target for my work, therefore the port I use most generally. LzDoom 3.88 on Linux for testing the compatibility of the same work because I find I just don't like GzDoom. Odamex 10.4 on Linux because it's so much improved from where it used to be. One day, I might even target it to develop maps for it. PrBoom-Plus v2.6.2 for Linux because I like it. Zdoom 2.8.1 for Linux because Final stable dsda-doom v0.27.4 for Linux because I could Woof 11.3.0 for Linux again because I could ZDaemon 1.10.24 for Windows under WINE in Linux I'm an old curmudgeon who uses a flip phone for his daily telecommunications otherwise known as a crazy old hermit who lives beyond the Dune Sea.
  9. I've very recently swore myself off of using Spectres in my maps. I went back and played some of my map from 2.5 years ago, which was the last time I'd deployed them, and I realized that they're merely a nuisance now. They were great the first time one played Doom with them but when I thought about it more, I thought "cheap parlor trick". And I should know because I'm guilty of deploying other cheap parlor tricks in my past Doom maps. My litmus test for stuff like this is now "does the joke get old fast?" and if so, stop practicing it. Unfortunately, my view of the Spectre is that, "ha-ha, very funny M*F'er" and I'm just over them having any value in maps going forward. Furthermore, the Spectre destroys one of the best things about the Demon; the character of its facial expressions are just priceless. I like Demons so much, I've DECORATE created many new variations of my own. You might say I have a Demon fettish...
  10. Ooh, can't believe I didn't think of this first time around...: The Donnas' Spend the Night album; not the front, but the BACK of the album. Blew my mind back when I originally bought this because there it is in the mess on the floor: a COLECOVISION game console WITH the Atari expansion unit!!
  11. This is why I began backing up Doomworld in February, just a strange feeling I haven't felt since...
  12. Dude, that's Slayer! Ahem, (cough)...
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