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About prfunky

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About Me


The above link is the best place to see what I'm up to, what I've been up to and

for you to get your hands on my filthy work. I've never uploaded any of my work

to the idgames archives because, well, I enjoy my freedom to stomp on IP of

others. The archives don't like that. This doesn't mean I rip and steal from others'

Doom works. What it means is I tend to sample audio from IP-protected works

for my own amusement, like movies, songs and stuff. Too, I may do this same

type of sampling of pictures freely accessible by simple Google image searches.

In short, I'm kindof a wise-ass.


I've been editing maps and farting around with the Doom video game since at

least 2003. It says I joined Doomworld in 2010. That may or may not be correct

as I know I've been browsing stuff here longer than that. I'm also semi-available

on some other Doom forums like zdoom.orgzandronum.com and zdaemon.org.

Though my moniker at zand & zdaemon is phineas due to the invasive way their

programs selected my name by reading it from my personal computers rather

than asking me to begin with.




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