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About Darkcrafter07

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    A projection of your 2.5D dreams on your 3D pain

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  1. I either agree it was a bad decision to remove these options from GZDoom, especially you know it if it heats up shit on doomworld.
  2. Are there any news on the "port"? I'd love to get my hands on Unity as it would allow me to get so much more freedom to create. Btw, I love the usage of my hi-res pack for weapons, don't hesitate to grab my other stuff if you need it like smooth doom, brutal doom, brutality and other, the sad thing is that making a good hi-res pack is something out of this world and takes some huge dedication Would like to see how my Hell Renaissance will look like with this engine.
  3. v0.25.56 has been released and the changes are: - "Retro" option to play Hell Renaissance and classic Doom 2 (or freedoom2) campaign, depending on the IWAD you obtained and placed in "IWAD_DOOM2" on very old computers without a video card or without drivers installed via "Mesa3D software OpenGL emulation"; - "Low" suboption to get classic Doom experience; - "Retro" suboption to reduce all graphic file resolutions in half and get a pixelized show but could be working faster on older machines; - both options available for all mods embedded; - Setup.bat file to configure your "Hell Renaissance" game in a couple of clicks without a need to roam in GZDoom otpions and allow you to: a) reset settings to default on all mods; b) set Half-Life control scheme for all mods; c) select music styles, like "OPL3 - SoundBlaster16 alike experience" or "Sampled - Roland Canvas Lite" or "Hell Renaissance special soundfont" or "Your own soundfont" or "Produced and mixed music", while all advanced device settings set without a need to use ingame options. NOT PRESENT YET Including a Retro option required additional 70MB of space to be occupied on your drive so some optimization on the previous files was performed: the files that are common or very similiar for Brutal Doom's HiRes packs were found and placed in a special "Brutal_Common_3x.pk3" file saving almost 22MB but being archived it's only 12MB larger than the previous distributive.
  4. @viti95 it's awesome, I've been telling people to try your port here and there in a while, maybe they make some more videos running it on the real hardware!
  5. @DoomGuy999I'm not ordering you to do it whatsoever, just found an asset.
  6. Maybe you wanted to make it better but "Software" option looks closer to the original exe. Vanilla is way too dark and if there was only way to darken up the "Software" just a super tiny bit... here's GZDoom software options with palette tonemap shader engaged A/B/C comparison to Chocolate Doom. The gamma was brought up by the editor though. For maximum Vanilla exe authenticity, I'd go "Software" mode but man, that "Vanilla" option may look good either! I think it becomes a thing of taste which one to use.
  7. If my map23 is still in charge, there's some MIDI I made like 3 years ago. Now with original source files discovered with correct tempo it could have been done further but yeah, the doom output midi can also be quantized back to its original tempo with "MIDI Transform" tool, it's worth those 15$, well that's for software geeks like me. D_AmpieExt.zip
  8. Thank you @Graf Zahl for such a great source port, the only one of them that makes possible what I want to get from Doom.
  9. @hobomaster22 congrats on releasing another "milestone" version, it appears to me such at least. Judging by the changelog you made a lot. Now it feels like a vanilla source port. I see the viewport pushing up just like the original game does when hud swows up and sawing monsters now works much better, well, it could pull you a bit a harder to the monsters though.
  10. @LegendaryEevee if you don't want to fiddle around too much, then just get a cheap used B350 chipset based motherboard and AMD Ryzen 5 2400G, it's still a nice CPU and has a built-in GPU that must support even modern GZDoom builds. Other than that there are a lot of options but they are going to get much more expensive as you'll have to buy a good PSU, motherboard, CPU, GPU and RAM, which could be pointless to bring you the best doom experience but yeah that would also enable you to play modern games. Still a very budget and outdated build like: PSU: get any at least 500W non-chinesse brand, bronze certificate one. It must NOT be kcas 1000w. CPU: AMD are all crap before gen 5, get old i7 and don't get old i5 (before gen 10) as they don't have SMT that adds more threads to your system and makes it run smoother. i7 3770, 4770, 4790, 6700 are good ways to go if you want to build a budget machine - there are overclockable "K" versions that may have survived up to this day in a state much worse than non-overclockable as it needs good cooling condititons and a sane mind not to kill it. Motherboard: selected accordingly to a CPU you get, so you google it like "The best motherboard for i7 3770" for example; GPU: go NVIDIA, cause AMD support for features GZDoom needs sucks, any starting with GTX 970, GTX 1060, GTX 1070; Cooling solution: I prefer air fan coolers, must be copper where it contacts the CPU and 4 or better 6 copper pipes to the radiator; Thermal solution: mx4 arctic, the best ratio everywhere; RAM: for the CPUs listed above - DDR3 8GB 1600MHz Cl9 or 11 - TWO sticks, that's important; Case: get a spacious one with holes at the front, rear and top sides to let for a good air flow. This will make your system run colder and silent; SSD: get any non-chinesse designed but still could be made there, 256GB is a good minimum, strictly for drive C and your system and important software; 2) get another 512GB or 1TB one for games as they really need SSD badly nowadays to run smooth.
  11. @GooberMan, indeed, it's much faster and it gets even faster on modern hardware. I'm wondering if the faster hardware gets even bigger coefficient of difference between mode "13h exe" and "vanilla exes". Unfortunately, I don't have such retro systems but on PCem with 486 and pentium fdoom13h is almost exactly twice as fast as vanilla and on a system with celeron at 2.4GHz and FX5500 128mb the coefficient gets "2.8". ... here's a bit of flood btw:
  12. Awesome news, must something related to resolution like a constant that was only calculated to work properly with 320x200 resolution. Btw, I love those sawwy textures, could be a nice alternative to linear filtering if you made it that way, just wondering...
  13. That's awesome news, time to get my old pc and give it a test. Would have been killer if hi-res VESA modes fixed the brighter diminished lighting issue. Btw, a new version of SBEMU came out that finally worked on my SiS Realtek AC'97 but what a pity, fdoom says there'sno such music and sound device =-1 whatever I'd choose in the setup, I'm running in MS-DOS 7.10 which comes with Windows 98SE btw. I use HDPMi32, QEMM and mouse.com driver from ms-dos 6.22. It works ok in the original doom executables, slows down a bit in Duke3D and games like Dune2 don't launch as they don't see xms memory and it has like 512MB ram ddr. Regarding the quality of such opl emulation I think it could have gotten enhaced a little, as even DosBox sounds better on high end percussion like hats, hopefully a setting for determining a sampling rate at 49716Hz helps a little.
  14. R7 5700X, RTX 3060 12GB, 32GB RAM user here. It happens to me either since v4.11 so I rolled back to 4.10, must be a lot of bugs they obtained when added code from so many developers and while 4.12 required Win 10 and could work through kernelx, 4.12.3 restored support for Win7. I know it's 2024 and Win7 is almost a garbage but how about so many great games of the 00s flying like rockets and looking slick and requiring hardware that can be found in dumpster. A fact that it's optimized and runs thousands of FPS would warm my heart so much. The problem is nobody except the actual developers who make commercial games based of GZDoom support the team financialy as there's too much work to be done for free and not burn out. I think it's a matter of time for them to catch and fix it, some zscript games like blade of agony not working too currently too. It's not the best optimizied engine out there tbh but it has features I need, otherwise I'd prefer to support a project like lzdoom but made to be compatible with Windows XP, run via DirectX9, have a couple of shaders so that we wouldn't need any others on the top of it, some optimized actor behavior or a good optimizing script + that mesh constructor optimization instead of BSP to run any maps crazily fast like Helion but it's easier said than to be done unfortunately.
  15. v0.25.55 update - brutal doom v22 test 3.5 hi-res pack has been added, the internal version is still v22 test 3.0 though; - project brutality and brutal doom hi-res packages are 3x instead of 4x to save some space and it was compensated by some sharpening; - bat launcher now allows you to play Doom 2 with mods and hi-res packs; - map17 is still in the works...
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