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About The_SloVinator

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  1. 2012 and 2017 were my best years. There were many things I've achieved in those years & it made me feel proud of myself. So many good games I've played those years as well.
  2. 100 EUR for 15 min? No. For an hour? Maybe. That would be cool.
  3. There was one time where Arch-Vile would infight with a Hell Knight & it would cast its attack so close to it, it would kill itself. It's quite a rare thing that happens.
  4. Congratulations to all the winners!
  5. Well, October is done for this year. While I managed to make a spooky Doom64-style single map, sadly I couldn't finish it due to irl stuff that came unexpectedly & thus lack of drive to make more. I did post a couple of screenshots in this thread which nothing has really changed since then besides one new area I added. But regardless it was a fun while short-lasting mapping session with some basic scripting & UDMF features that I tried.
  6. Most folks would hate them, probably more than Chaingunners. Personally, I wouldn't mind them as hitscan enemies force me to adapt in strategies/movement & all that but the final version Arachnotrons are a bit more original obviously as there is no other demon using plasma attacks.
  7. https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom2/megawads/tntgb

    TNT Goes Boom! is live on idgames!

    Many thanks to all of you for participating in quality control & contributions!


  8. https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom2/megawads/tntgb Idgames version is out!
  9. A little update for those who follow this thread: TNT Goes Boom! files have been sent to idgames staff, I have received an email to which I replied in order to confirm the files are mine & now I'm waiting for it to appear on the 'latest' section on the idgames site.
  10. So, this probably might be it. I could upload this wad to idgames this Sunday unless you guys have found more issues which I doubt at this point. haha But by all means, report them if you have any.
  11. I like Map 10 from Alien Vendetta. That one has great atmosphere along with Plasma track from Duke 3D.
  12. Haha. Thank you for the sweet comment. <3 Sure! You can post it! Although, it might still be subject to change if folks still find anything to fix.
  13. Oh I see. My bad. Sadly, no. haha I'm still not sure what will be my next project. I've been experimenting UDMF for the NanoWadMo 2023 a bit but I don't plan to create anything out of it, at least not for now.
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