Added stunning compare screenshot between ordinary DooM and GLDooM to
GLDooM, GLQuake & Quake 2 screenshots page. This
shoes how great thing a 3d-card can be!!!
Added KMetl #1,
KMetl #2 and KMetl #3
to levels section.
DooM News, the best news site for DooM info, has moved to Fixed the link at links section,
and download address for some files in files section.
Added Grenian DooM. It's 15 levels for single
player mode and 2 for deathmatch.
Added Falcon to add-on section.
Falcon has one levels worth of two stars.
Link to Mordeth's page actually works now :)
Added Area 51 in add-on's
section. It's a two level pack with new graphics, music, sounds and some monsters.
Mr. DooM's page has moved to Updated it to links section.
Awarded The Doomoscope. That page
has the largest collection of add-on reviews that I've seen.
Added links to The Doomoscope,
Cary's DooM 2 Dominion,
Dr Deathmatch's Doom 2 Page
and Mordeth's page to my
links section.