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Above and Below (DooM 2) ![*](star.gif)
1 level.
Made by Rob Berkowitz (homepage).
Visually the level is not really worth of 4 stars... More like 3, but the concept and the
challenge gives it 4 stars... The screen shot shows what the level is about in the beginning...
Staying up, because if you fall it's most certainly going to get you killed... When you get more
weapons you can finally dive down there and waste those bastards... Well, that's about it...
Download: ABUWBELO.ZIP (61 Kb)
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A Hell Day (BooM + DooM 2) ![*](star.gif)
1 level, graphics.
Made by Michael Krause.
Great! I remember levels like Run Buddy & Go to hell from this guy and they always were good, but
seems like they are getting better and better all the time! This is much like the others: Big, detailed,
challenging and again BIG. Doesnt include nowdays so usual ultra-detailed places that have sloped
floors and stuff everywhere, but it contains lot's of detail in form of big ernomous buildings and
such things... This level has very open feeling.
Download: AHELLDAY.ZIP (265 Kb)
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Alien TC (DooM, DooM 2, Ultimate DooM) ![*](star.gif)
The most scary DooM add-on I've ever played. The story, monsters, and weapons
are from the movie Alien, and so is the feeling of the game. You never know
what lurks behind the corners, and when you find out it, you will scare to
Patch for Ultimate DooM (needs Alien TC for DooM 1): ATCUD19.ZIP
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Apocalypse (DooM 2) ![*](star.gif)
1 level.
Made by Rob Berkowitz (homepage).
Basically this level is just an end-fight with the final boss of DooM 2. It's better looking
than the original MAP30 of DooM 2, and there's a feeling of challenge, but it didn't feel
in any way very special level. Sure it has a very nice fight, but just don't expect wonders
from it.
Download: APOCALYP.ZIP (74 Kb)
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Arachna (DooM 1) ![*](star.gif)
1 level, graphics, music.
Very DooMish, quite challenging and fun map to play. This level is quite detailed. I don't
mean as detailed as the most detailed levels, but just normally detailed, so that it looks
good. This level is in some kind of church or temple. It has one main area, with little
action happening on it, and three other areas connected to it. First of these areas will contain
propably the most challenging part of the level, while the second part is a lot easyer.
Third part is the final, and with right strategy it's quite easy to beat. Only flaws
that I found in this level was some minor texture misalignments. Oh, and the music
is very good too :)
Download: ARACHNA2.ZIP (77 Kb)
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Area 51 (DooM 2) ![*](star.gif)
Two levels, graphics, sounds, music, new monsters.
Area 51 is very well designed. I couldn't see even a one bug in these two levels and the
detail was very good. The levels were commercial quality. Only thing that bugs me is that
the levels are too easy! The text file says that it should be very hard, but I didn't
have much problems with it. Anyway this packet is great!
Download: AREA51.ZIP (1,05Mb)
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Artica (BooM + DooM 2) ![*](star.gif)
2 levels, graphics, music.
Actually it's one level, split to two.
Made by Mike "Cyberdemon" Watson.
Cyberdemon goes ice :) Very cool looking, and very snowy level. I've always liked icy
levels, and with BooM's ice effect, parts of the level are better than in any ice level
I've seen. This wad offers sometimes a tuff challenge, which is bonus, but don't go whining
if you can't get through it on UV :) Oh, this level is also first public BooM level that
I've seen that uses 6-key door! Yes it's been introduced in some demonstration WAD, and I've
used it once in my yet unreleased levels, but at the moment, this is the first real public
WAD that uses it :)
Download: ARTICA.ZIP (141 Kb)
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Artica 2 (MBF + DooM 2) ![*](star.gif)
1 level, graphics.
Made by Mike "Cyberdemon" Watson.
First 3rd party level to use the new "Marines Best Friend" source port!
Sequel to the very icy Artica level :) Very cool level indeed, though it doesn't have
the same amount of icyness than the first had, and I really like it... This level continues
right fromt the point where Artica ended, in a marble castle or something like that...
One really cool thing in the level is the friendly Baron Of Hell... Set him free and he
will kick some ass for you :) But don't shoot him, or he gets mad at you :) Try to keep him
alive as long as possible. The level isn't very hard, but it isn't a softie either... Feels
just fine on the challenge side for me! Perhaps not as cool as the first Artica level, but
definately worth of 4-stars!
Download: ARTICA2.ZIP (118 Kb)
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Assault on Moonbase Cresta (BooM + DooM 2) ![*](star.gif)
1 level, graphics, music.
Made by Sam Ketner.
Not any screenshot could possibly picture how amazing this level actually is! Not only does
it have a big bunch of new graphics and even sprites, it's made to look good and it's hard
to play, but it's also very unique... You cant just rush in the level and start shooting (at
least not in Ultra Violence), but you need to plan and proceed slowly... And save often!
The level uses BooM effects to achieve very realistic room-over-room effects and it uses
them a lot! It's made well too... You never know when you suddenly teleport to another place
without noticing anything... This base has several different floors including the roof
(see the screenshot)... And it's not easy to figure what to do next... But as long as you
be careful, look at your health and do not waste those enviromental suits, everything should
go fine :) Good luck, this is one of the most amazing levels lately!
Download: CRESTA.ZIP (225 Kb)
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Assault on Tei Tenga (ZDooM + DooM 2) ![*](star.gif)
6 levels (1 hub) Partial Conversion.
Made by Sam Ketner.
God damn it! After "Assault on Moonbase Cresta" Sam makes a 6-level partial conversion
for ZDooM, and what can I say... Well it ROCKS MY SOCKS! I mean, this is the best
ZDooM level done so far, and after Kurt's levels and Securitron it's
a damn lot to say...
This pack includes some totally outstanding tricks that could only be possible with ZDooM's
great features like scripting, cameras, in-game messages, etc... Moving between levels is
an experience that I couldn't imagine to be possible in DooM (yet anyway), because it's
done in such a super-neat way! Sometimes you fly with shuttle and sometimes you move with
train, but it's always amazing!
Then the best part... For me the best part must absolutely be the station computer! It's so
neat, erie and it gives a damn lot feeling to the level! The boss enemy with it's deadly
weapon is neat too, but not as neat as the computer...
Also I should not forget to mention stuff like laser beams that *kill* you instantly if you
try to go past them... You need to turn them off first... In the text file it says that this
WAD is not Half-Life, but it tries to be... Well, I don't know about that, but it reminds me
a bit of Quake 2... And this WAD damn well beats the whole Quake 2 experience hands down!
Remember to check out all those neat screenshots!
Screenshot mania!!! <-- 9 screenshots!
Download: TEITENGA.ZIP (1 024 Kb)
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Asylum (DooM 2) ![*](star.gif)
1 level, graphics, sounds, music.
Made by Richard J. Sham.
First I gotta say... Most of the new sounds don't fit this level at all... In the beginnign of
the level there is a maze full of Arch-Viles... They are easy to beat with berzerk pack if you
have experience and only take them one at time, but the labyrint itself gets soon boring, coz
it's too large and has too much arch-viles... Rest of the level is good middle quality,
but nothing special... Some challenge is guaranteed and texture use is generally good.
Download: ASYLUM.ZIP (754 Kb)