5 deathmatch levels, graphics, sounds, music (MOD).
Made by Mike Tawney, James Joplin & Mr. Humpy. Rage DM homepage.
Note! You need a source port that allows you to jump to play these levels! ZDooM is recommended. If you can't run ZDooM, DooMLegacy is also mentioned in documentation of RageDM.
Superior! Unfortunately it's very rarely when I get a good techno/base style deathmatch levels, and even when I get them, they usually are only 1 level in a WAD, but RageDM is different! RageDM is 5 small/medium size techno/base style levels made by someone who is totally bored to Gothic style (I'm not, but I like base style more too). Specially levels after the first one are excellent in both, look and feel. They are small enough to be fast paced, but also large enough so that other player can try to escape from the fight. RageDM also seems to play fine with bots, or at least with Cajun Bot that I used to test this baby.
Also note that there is an external music WAD (external because it's a LOT larger than the level WAD) that contains some excellent MOD music for RageDM. This is only usefull if you use a port that plays MOD music.
Screenshot mania! <- 7 screenshots!
Download: RAGEDM.ZIP (450 Kb)
Music WAD: RAGEMUS.ZIP (3096 Kb)
6 level, graphics, sounds.
This stuff is really original. The first jungle adventure I've ever seen for DooM! I presents real jungle environment, ambience sounds, realistic UAC base building and much more. You can see from the screenshot what it looks like, and if that doesn't make you download it, then maybe five stars that I gave to it will...
Download: REAL.ZIP (1062Kb)
32 deathmatch levels, graphics, music.
Made by TeamTNT.
Being part of the team I didn't wan't to make a normal review of this deathmatch megawad, because obviously my opinion would be biased. So I made this "documentation" of Reclamation that you can read right here. It includes 32 screenshots, one from each level!
So read the big thing (the whole page with all graphics is 332Kb)
Download: TNTRECL.ZIP (2426Kb)
1 level, graphics, music.
Made by John Cartwright.
This continues the same kind of style that was introduced in Trinity (not to be confused with The Unholy Trinity, which is totally different level from totally differen author), it has bits of DooM 1 and DooM 2 style combined and then added some of John's own spice around and topped with some new textures. The style is definately good, it looks great. Challenge is quite good too and you can run out of ammo - OR you can use your mind and avoid most of the challenge by letting monsters kill each others or just running past them in some places... Whatever is your choice, it's fun! Drawback, if you can call it that, is that it ends quite soon... But there is time for short levels and there is time for long levels, it all depends on what you want to play :)
Download: REFINERY.ZIP (128Kb)
Three levels, new music, new sounds.
Determining from the text-file, these levels should have been hard to beat. Well they weren't too hard even with Ultra Violence. The hardest thing was the CyberDemon in the end (it was placed in a rather small place). The levels were very good quality ones... Didn't even catch bugs in them :) Very nice one.
Download: 2FIFFY0.ZIP (359 Kb)
2 levels, new graphics, sounds & music.
WOW! Talk about the detail in this level! Just see the screenshot and believe me that it's not the only place that is detailed! This level is full of sloped ceilings and great detailed areas! Also it's hard, and large! It took some time from me to get through it!
Also I have to say that the author has taken some time to put all breakable windows in this level! There are lot's of those!
Download: 6FIFFY1.ZIP (400 Kb)
1 level, new graphics, sounds & music.
Made by REoL TOUGH.
Continues with the same ultra-detailed fashion as The Uprising (REoL TOUGH WAD before this one), except that this is even better. Sloped ceilings can be found through the level, and breaking glass is used widely too (could be translucent glass though). Challenge is quite high, but definately playable even without finding the secrets... The level comes with a demo, which is not from-start-to-end demo, but it's still fun to watch. The player seems to be a keyboarder though, but I'm not sure... At least hes not bad...
Download: 6FIFFY2.ZIP (401 Kb)
1 level, new graphics, sounds & music.
Made by REoL TOUGH.
This level certainly needs a fast machine to play, but unlike the author claims, it runs mostly playable on P200MMX in high resolution modes... Certainly some places slow down, but it never wen't under 10fps...
Anyway, this level is in some places ultra-detailed... It has arches that are made to look like real arches (see the screenshot) and sloped ceilings in more than one place :) And places that use them can really slow down the game unless you have some really superb machine... Some might think that because of all the detail in this level I would give it automatically 5 stars... Well, they are wrong. I think that 4 stars is well deserved, but enough. This level gives damn hard challenge and looks mostly great, but lacks something that would be needed to get 5 stars, and also I think that the detail is not only a positive thing... Specially if you own something slower than P200MMX. Anyway, for all fast machine owners, I definately recommend this level because it is dynamite!
Download: 6FIFFY3.ZIP (674 Kb)
1 level, new graphics, sounds & music.
Made by REoL TOUGH.
Note that this is one of those ultra-detail levels. Sure, owner of a modern computer has no problems with this, but anything less P200 is likely to be slow. On P200MMX/32Mb it was always playable and only in couple places it was a bit slower than normally. Well done.
This is quite big level and includes several cyberdemons and weird ways of killing them without ammo - although I recommend you to use double barreled shotgun to help you in the dark maze-kind of place where you, in theory, could kill the cyberdemon just with the help of crushers. In reality it's not that easy... There is those typical arches, sloped ceilings and such ultra-detail effects that are common to King REoL, or should I say King DETaIL? :) But that's not the all detail, in many places REoL has found ways to put decorations that you dont pay much attetion to, but that do make the level look better - you would notice it if they were missing. Funny thing is that although most places in REoL's levels are filled with detail, there happens to be several halls that actually have no detail of anykind, just plain halls, and it's quite strange... Anyway, enough about the detail, the level looks good, okay? Now to the challenge... Which is very good, it was hard to play but I only got frustrated when killing that one cyberdemon that I already mentioned. Those who arent quite as good and know it should start on lower difficulty settings... Otherwise they will just end up stopping the game and restarting it on lower skill anyway :) Overally... Nice looking, challenging level with lot's of detail, but REoL has made a good thing between performance and detail as P200MMX is quite standard minimum nowdays and it runs this level just great. Sadly of course those who are still fighting with lower-end pentiums or high-end 486's are propably going to get the slowest gaming session on earth... Would not be enjoyable, so if you know that your machine is too slow then give up and dont download this, but otherwise I certainly recommend it. Now that was a long review considering that it was written by me...
Download: 6FIFFY4.ZIP (589 Kb)
WOW! I don't know what to say, but this is the greatest level pack I've ever played! I have enjoyed every moment. Some of these levels use unusual way to produce bridges that you can cross under and over, and other special effects that you normally can't see in DooM. There is even a one level from Quake (Level 31: Doorway To Quake). This is a MUST!
Download: REQUIEM.ZIP (3894Kb)
1 level.
I can hardly call this a good level, but I can call this a special level. Why it's special? Because I downloaded bunch of Robert Larkins levels. I thought they suck, but while playing them I noticed that eventually they kept getting better. This level is special, because it's the first that I wanted review.
Anyway at it's best this level is only as good as original DooM 2 levels, and on it's worst it's not very good. But it's quite fun to play, although it was full of misalignments. I wish that Robert Larkin continues making levels, because if he does, he will someday find himself to be as good as Kurt Kesler and some of my other favorite level designers.
Download: RESTINPC.ZIP (67,1 Kb)
1 level.
Made by Ed Cripps (Violent Ed).
I played this WAD and it was pure fun, and what not, it was good old Episode 1 style pure DooM! I mean, I really love this style, specially when made with original quality or better, and this could be said to be a bit better than original! Also the fact that this is in E1M1 and the music is not changed makes it feel even better, coz that music totally rocks! Well, what can I say... Pure DooM episode 1 level available... Why arent you downloading already!?!
Download: REUNION1.ZIP (60Kb)
1 level.
Made by Ed Cripps (Violent Ed).
Violent Ed hits again! And again it's with the good old Episode 1 style! Unfortunately it also seems to be east, like episode 1 was... But there is a good side on this too - if your good, you can just run around carelessly and enjoy yourself... Sometimes that kind of playing can really get you on the mood, and damn it, it did it to me this time! Hell, it would be a big sin to not download this!!
Download: REUNION2.ZIP (49Kb)
2 levels.
Made by Chris 'c-cooper' Hansen (Homepage).
There are not much levels that copy the style of episode 2. The episode 2 is in fact rarely mentioned, when episode 1 and episode 3 certainly has their fans. This WAD is yummy for those of you who are fans of episode 2 - and if your not, don't turn your head around yet, because these levels are good! The original levels of E2 were not nearly as good as E1 & E3 (IMHO), but with this kind of levels it had been well in line with the other two episodes. What kind of style is E2 anyway? Well, I guess it couldnt have been said better than it was said on DoomWorld /newstuff chronicles: "not quite as techy as episode 1, but nowhere near as hellish as episode 3".
These levels offer some well planned and layed out challenges, good style and detail and the spirit of original DooM levels, so... what exactly are you waiting for?
Download: RITESMIT.ZIP (211Kb)
1 level.
Made by Tobias Forsberg.
Warning! Not for beginners! This WAD has two good things combined to it... small puzzles and lot's of challenge! It also has very good brick-style look and all places are well designed. When playing this WAD remember to be very carefull with your health and ammo... I tell you, it's not fun to go against those revenants with only 5% of health and 4 shotgun shells (I speak from experience...) Well, this WAD is for those who arent afraid of small puzzles, like hard fights and think that brick is the best material for building levels :)
Download: ROPY.ZIP (115 Kb)
This level is very big, open and challenging... It doesn't use BooM's new tricks but it works only with BooM because it's so big and detailed... It doesn't have much little details, like in Requiem or in Eternal DooM, but it has HUGE places and lot's of big detailments... I actually tried to run this with normal DooM 2 but it crashed :) On BooM it worked just fine (of course).
Oh, I almost forgot... This level has lot's of sounds from Quake... The sounds are good, but they really don't fit for every monster... I liked the sound that Demon makes when it dies...
Download: RUNBUDDY.ZIP (384Kb)
1 level.
Made by Mike "Cyberdemon" Watson.
Hehe... The screenshots shows how I got through it with 100% kills and full health (which really isn't very hard).
Originality and style gives this level 5 stars! What's so original in it? No weapons! I always wanted to play a level with only a berzerk pack and no weapons to help me! Ok, the level is quite small, and has only 25 enemies, but it's fun and it does look good... I loved the lightning too :)
Download: RUNAWAY.ZIP (34 Kb)
1 level.
Made by Mike "Cyberdemon" Watson.
Well... Sequel to Running Scared, and a good one... Mind you that just like Running Scared, this is a fist only level (you get a berzerk back in the beginning). Very challenging, which is a great thing and there is a good lightning too... However the end was totally nerv breaking! I had to re-load it so many times that I was literally bashing my keyboard after some tries... Finally I survived from it... The end is propably easyer for better players than me, but avoiding to be hitted by that cyberdemon is insanely hard at the same time when you have to trigger 3 switches to be able to telefrag him... Anyway, a very good (and small download) level...
Download: RUNAWAY2.ZIP (26 Kb)
3 levels.
Made by Wim Vanrie.
The level starts in classical jail level where you must escape and some miraculous way you still have your pistol :) The first level would be rated as "lower three star level", but the WAD get's better and the third level is already normal good 3 star level, although nothing too special. More attention should have paid into texture aligments, but considering this beeing someones first WAD it's actually quite well done. Second level is kinda sewer level, though in the beginning it doesnt look like one... And the last one is some kinda large cathedral or something where you front the final challenge, which actually is your everyday cyberdemon fight. Nothing special in this level, but you normal fun DooM playing.
Download: RVENGE01.ZIP (120 Kb)