1 level.
Quite good and nice looking level. This level doesn't have very much detail, but while it's simple and there isn't much of it, it still gives good look to this level. Unfortunately the level doesn't give too much challenge. In fact it's way too easy! I found two bugs from this level! 1st was that you can get to the are which should be accessible only with red key without any keys at all! 2nd is one small place that you can get stuck into.
Download: SALUS5.ZIP (268 Kb)
1 level, graphics.
Made by Cocoon (Martin Friberg)
This level needs the Gothic DM texture pack (696 Kb) to work!
First I was going to give this 4 stars... This level uses Mike "Cyberdemon" Watsons idea of making a level that has no weapons, but only berserk back and health... The idea is good, and while Mikes level Running Scared got a good review and was only a small level, it's not enough if you do it again... Sure it was great fun to punch down those imps, kill some barons with your fists and have boxing match with revenants, but I felt that I need more... Bigger level and more baddies! The hardest enemy was Arch-Vile, but unfortunately you don't have to kill it... You can just run past it to exit! And there was no cacodemons (I love to punch cacos...). Still a good level to get, but could be a lot better!
Download: SM.ZIP (79 Kb)
10 levels, graphics, sounds, music.
Wow! For a long time, one excellent quality large level pack! Maybe the best part of this set, besides of levels, is the sounds that are very powerful and work great with the levels. Graphics are better than good too, and the levels are all at least 4 star class! Level style changes a lot, and the levels don't seem to have a connective theme, but they work well and are all great!
Note that BooM or ZDooM is recommended, but not needed for playing this!
Download: S666.ZIP (1539 Kb)
3 level Total Conversion!
Made by Zero Signal (Securitron Homepage).
Interesting indeed... These three levels are something between DooM, Quake and Quake 2... There's enemies and textures from Quake, weapon from Quake 2 (railgun) and finally the levels have a feeling between Quake 2 and DooM... I'm not even sure if this feels more like Quake 2 than DooM :)
Anyway there are many texture misaligments in this WAD, but quite honestly it only bothers you if you put your mind into it... These levels are great at best and at worst they are anyways good... There's some excellent smooth lightning in many places and let's not forget the 3d-bridge effect that is used to create not only bridges but in couple places a real floor over floor effect! When I fell from one of the 3d-floors to lower floor it felt 90% the same when pretty much the same thing happened to me in Quake 2 long time ago...
These levels can be hard too... Not only there are lot's of grunts from Quake that make your life hard, but theres also couple totally new enemies (or that's what I think)... Another one I will leave unmentioned, but the boss enemy is really nasty! It really took on my nerves... A name "Hunter-Killer" fits to them like a finger in your ass!
One note still... ZDooM is fairly new thing and so it's natural that many peoples out there are waiting something that is loaded with ZDooM effects... Well, although this level certainly contains many effects that ZDooM made possible, it's not full of them... And don't look for swinging/sliding doors, lot's of scripted events or lot's of colored lightning... Just play it and enjoy it :)
Download: SECUR.ZIP (1 246 Kb)
3 level Total Conversion!
Made by Zero Signal (Securitron Homepage).
Ok, this is very quakish, but still very DooM... The railgun that was used in first securitron has been taken away, and I didnt see any bad texture mis-aligments that were kind a problem in the first one... The enemys are mostly from Quake and many textures seem to be taken from Quake too... Levels use a lot of ZDooM's 3D-bridge technics... Even too much, because in couple places it makes my P200MMX crawl! But that is just a small part of the level, and mostly these levels are very playable and the 3d-tricks make it kinda better, although they could well have been used less... The challenge is also there, in fact this can be quite hard in some places... Overally I have to say that Securitron 2 is much like the first one, but better!
Download: SECUR2.ZIP (1 472 Kb)
1 level.
Made by Paul Corfiatis.
Yes, Paul makes it again! A level for DooM 2, very good one too... Some fights in mountains with metal and marble made structures around and then some in brown caves with slime "rivers" and only now that I finished it and started writing this I noticed that it was so DooM! It seemed very much more like DooM 1 than DooM 2, but that is not surprise as the author is Paul Corfiatis who is famous from his Episode 4 style levels. Those double barreled shotguns and DooM 2 enemies have been smoothly included in this DooM 1 style level that not only has very good challenge but also very well done level structure and good looking architechture.
Download: This single level is not available anymore but is included in SELFISH SERIES 1.
1 level.
Made by Paul Corfiatis.
Second part of selfish series, a bit weird but just as good. Or... maybe the first one was slightly better in some places, but then again this level has it's places too. Overally it didnt feel to me as challenging as the first one, but it was good and definately still challenging enough even having some quite tight situations. There is no ones style that is followed through the level but rather there are some places built of food and rusty metal, some base style parts and some grayish caves, but the look of the level varys from good to very good, not to excellent though but almost. Simple old fashioned but good detail is used instead of todays ultra-detailed monster levels. Variety of different monsters is used with good skills, in every place the monsters fit in the level really well, including the notorius cyberdemon which is unusually placed. Definately a good one!
Download: This single level is not available anymore but is included in SELFISH SERIES 1.
3 levels, sounds, music.
Made by Paul Corfiatis.
First there was Selfish 1 & Selfish 2... Now they are gone as single levels but are included in this 3 level pack. More detailed reviews of the first two level can be read by just scrolling this page up - They are straight above this review. I played this pack through and it had kinda unique, yet very DooM feeling in it... Some of the detailings in these levels are top-quality and very well thought... The same holds true with booby traps, level architechture, etc. etc This bit of info and the two reviews above should be enough to convince you ;)
Oh... About the music. I found the first levels music to be excellent, second ones good but somewhat odd and the third one really didnt fit the mood of the level.
Download: SELF-EP.ZIP (280 Kb)
A Sewer 2 is what it sounds like. It's a sewer. As the maker says it contains catwalks, deep tunnels, and so on... Personally I liked it, but the negative point is that it's too small! There's some sounds and one enemy graphics taken from Duke Nukem 3D, but I didn't like those too much... Maybe you like it.
Download: ASEWER2.ZIP (279Kb)
1 level, graphics.
Made by stphrz
Yummy! This is on of those really beautyful Episode 1 style levels out there... It has the feeling of original DooM and lot's of imps (and other baddies) to kill with shotgun. I specially enjoy killing hordes of imps and other weaker enemies one by one with one shoot from shotgun but of course the stronger enemies also deliver some taste of killing into this level. The design is not super detailed but it looks damn good and is way over the original DooM detail level. The lightning, just as the rooms are designed to look like original style but better and the level structure is well done too. I really enjoyed this one! Download: SHOCK.ZIP (298 Kb)
1 level, graphics, music.
Made by John Martino
Looks something between DooM & Quake... Mostly DooM I think... Some things in this level happen very quickly... One moment you are trying to get through a sewer alive, and on another your suddenly fighting against demons in a large open area with lot's of deep water. I think the level looks excellent! Not only because of the level structures, but also because of the new graphics, which I suppose are mostly taken from Quake.
Download: QUICKIE.ZIP (162 Kb)
1 level, graphics, music.
Made by John Martino
John Martino is not a bad level designer at all... Again I have enjoyed one of his levels, showdown, which sounds like a crappy level, but inside the WAD is a level full of good design and hard challenge! Mind you that when I'm writing this review, I haven't slept for some time and I'm very tired, so I can't write more... Nothing just comes to mind, but get this level, coz it's a good one!
Download: SHOWDOWN.ZIP (262 Kb)
1 level.
Not very interesting. Gives a good challenge, but it's too damn dark and doesn't look too special.
Download: SIDUS.ZIP (40 Kb)
1 level, graphics.
Massive level! It took 40 minutes from me to play this through on Hurt Me Plenty from scratch. I didn't wan't to play on UV, because I wanted something that wouldn't be so hard... I wasn't dissapointed for the skill settings... Skill 3 felt just nice, so I quess skill 4 would give me a very hard challenge and skill 1 would be way too easy for me, so this should fit well to 90% of DooMer's.
Because of the massive size of the level, DooM might sometimes play very "jumpy". That happened to me, and I have P200MMX... I quess it happens when too many monsters are awake at the same time, because the gameplay went normal when I killed a big bunch of "highly teleporting imps".
The level's isn't only large, but it also looks good! Lot's of detail, neat lightnings, wall decorations and big bunch of new very cool textures are included too!
There was some talking about Simply Evil beeing very big level... It is, but I have to think that the first level of DemoniZed was even bigger, and certainly it had even more challenge and monsters. Anyway, Simply Evil is a must download, because it plays good, feels good and looks good!
Download: SIMPEVIL.ZIP (640 Kb)
Reviewed on 02th. January, 2005
1 episode + 1 level, new music, graphics.
Made by Paul Cortifias (homepage) & Kristian Aro.
I love a good episode 1 style level pack when I can get my hands on one. And this one is a whole episode replacement of E1 made with loyally to the style of original - BUT... is it a good one? No, I can't really say it's a good one - because that would be a MAJOR UNDERSTATEMENT (that's why it has five stars, silly). And even though I found a minor bug this episode replacement has earned it's five starts with it's great loyal recemblance to the original first episode of two - in fact, it's sometimes even magical how the levels are clearly new, but they contain arcitechtural similiaritys that make you feel like your playing the original episode 1, but for the second time in your life your doing it the first time without knowing what's coming next. Now if I wanted to mock this level pack for something I could mock it for beeing too easy - but as I really don't want to mock this excellent pack I just mention that, yeah, it could have been more challenging on action side, but it's still a damn good five star worth level pack. Of course my opinion may be biased because of my love for episode 1, heh... Don't forget to visit the secret level of episode 1 and also play the secret E2M9 level by Kristian Aro, even though it's not E1 style. Be sure to have great fun - and just as a note: I think the shotgun is the best weapon all through the episode :)
Download: PE1_PHOB.ZIP (753Kb)
Very challenging WAD. Contains some HeXeN textures and sprites. Only one level, so it's not very good that it takes over 4Mb disk space (all DooM 2 sprites and floor textures must be installed to it before playing). The level itself is very average level. It's maybe not very marvellous structure, but it looks very nice sometimes, and gives you a nice challenge.
Download: SKULKEEP.ZIP (399Kb)
1 level, sounds & music.
Made by Richard J. Sham (Alternate email: rjsams1@hotmail.com).
Mostly a really good and challenging level that has pretty much same feeling as DooM 2, but it's better and more challenging. The "center are" of the level can get a bit frustrating and at least I ran low on ammo many times. Well, sometimes the level was just good "chill-out blasting" while sometimes I got caught in really tight and tense situations giving nice adrenaline rushes. One good thing was that you dont get all the weapons too soon and when you, for example, finally find the rocker launcher you have to use it carefully and sparingly as there really isn't that much ammo for the most efficient weapons - which I think is good. The level is maybe a bit bigger than average medium size levels.
Download: SNIPER.ZIP (315Kb)
GREAT! Very hard and very quality. This wad is the authors first one, but you won't think so when you play it! It looks more like a wad from someone who has done levels for a long time! Good looking structures and everything. Also contains new music (from member of Team Eternal or TeamTNT).
Download: FORTUNE.ZIP (210Kb)
1 level, sounds.
Huh... The name of the level is not a joke! This is spooky stuff! Once I got really scared when Baron Of Hell that I had forgotten suddenly walked against me on a dark room and I noticed it just before I hit his belly with my head... This level has really neat and spooky gothic style and it gives a real challenge too (like all wad's from Richard Wiles). Only thing I didn't like was the new sound for shotgun... New pistols sound was awesome (specially with chaingun!!!)
Download: SPOOKY01.ZIP (96 Kb)
1 level, sounds.
Excellent level, but unfortunately it's not as spooky as the first one. I mean, the first one was really spooky, but this is mostly just fighting and trying to stay alive. There is some spooky spots, and you really have to watch your ammo and health in this level, but at least it didn't scare the shit out to my pants, like Spooky01 did. So basically the level is has excellent fights, lot's of challenge, good design and scary places. Should be well enough for a really good game of DooM :)
Download: SPOOKY02.ZIP (107 Kb)
1 level, sounds.
Made by Richard Wiles.
Now that I remember to mention the sounds... I think that the sounds of this WAD fit quite well in it... Most of them at least... This level is not spooky, and even says so in the text file, although the name is Spooky03... However this level is really well made, has some nice twists in it, contains dangerous traps and overally looks good and is hard... Few times I was really going low on my ammo, and couple of times I decided to use my fists instead of fire weapons, so I could save ammo for future fights... Anyway, this is a definate download!
Download: SPOOKY03.ZIP (64 Kb)
1 level, sounds, graphics.
Made by Richard Wiles.
Sometimes I have to review a good level, but my mind is too empty for reviewing... Now it's like that, but I have to write something when the level is still fresh on my mind... Well, I gotta say that this level is quite damn hard... At least for me, but not for DooM gods that can play Hell Revealed through on UV :) It's damn well done too, and quite detailed! Very much made in original DooM style and an excellent level! Oh... This level has the classical idea of finding all three keys and opening the exit needs all of them...
There's something to note though... DooM 1 may crash at some point if you don't use a modern source port like BooM for example.
Download: SPOOKY04.ZIP (152 Kb)
1 level, sounds, graphics.
Made by Richard Wiles.
Too bad thing with this WAD is that it's not nearly as scary as Spooky series was on beginning... But it is scary, and most definately it is hard! And even more than it's hard it's damn good looking! Brick, wood and metal bars mostly... There's quite a lot challenge here - just remember that you dont need brute force in every ocassion, but in the end however it's the only way to get through...
Download: SPOOKY05.ZIP (116 Kb)
1 level.
At first the level didn't impress me... Big crates with doors and rooms inside them? No way this can be any good... But it felt playable, and it did have some monster bashing too. I felt like giving this level 2 or 3 stars, but when I got to outside area I decided to give it three stars. I don't think that Id's own city levels have this good outside area, but level 13 could get close... Anyway, I liked it.
Download: STORAGE.ZIP (65 Kb)
This was really good one. It was pretty much made with the same style than original DooM, and still very differently. Some interesting new and "new" enemies make the gameplay nicer (it's good to have something new), and the new weapons (NFG and Psychic Blaster) are good too. Only bad point is that the new weapons look a bit too "cartoonish".
Download: STRAIN10.ZIP
Homepage: The Alpha Dog Alliance
32 deathmatch levels, graphics, music.
This is a tribute to well known Overload deathmatch WAD, but not quite as good... Most of the levels are, like in Overload, very small, fraggy and good looking, but some go too far with this! A good example is one of Prowers levels which is basically nothing but a square room with some extra detail and an exit pit... Another flaw is that some levels are way too alike... And finally one very minor flaw that has been brought over from Overload is those mostly hidden exits that driver you crazy, but mostly it's an excellent and very enjoyable deathmatch wad for those who enjoy extremely small head-2-head levels!
Screenshot mania! <- 32 screenshots!!! (divided to 4 small sets)
Download: SURGE.ZIP (931 Kb)