451 files
Devil Trauma
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This is my first serious attempt at producing a PWAD. Ash / green stone aesthetics and meaningless occult symbolism abound.29 downloads
Don't Think of a Pinky Demon
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As you look out the window you see the exit staring you in the face! Follow the long short path...32 downloads
Favillesco Alpha Episode 2: Desecration on Thebe
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Another alpha episode for the favillesco series this one is set on Thebe, another moon of Jupiter and runs on E3. This one uses the same texture resources as Amalthea's Apostasy except for a different sky. Several flats are repeated because 2 different alpha doom versions were employed as the source of the pack used, I didn't want to clean that up because I didn't want to have problems with the patches and the textures so I renamed all the textures while keeping the patches names the same and because some patches are the same graphic but have different name the extensive work just to save 2 mb would be annoying.
As usual, you will find emphasis on the layouts. Intrincate levels, curvy sectors but with harmonious shapes, non linearity and the interconnectiveness of levels to be feel as a whole are among the main goals and it goes the same with the nostalgia feeling, apealing of doom1 like structures and the alpha texturing as a special feature.
As usual too I was disputed on gameplay, but I've tried to be balanced in terms of health, armor and weaponry the same way as in Amalthea's episode. Some traps will increase the difficulty on some poits but I've provided the necessary items to survive them. Not relying on doom2 monsters, avoiding teleport ambushes and the interconnected and open nature of my own layouts themselves are somehow main constrains when trying to provide some varied and chanllenging gameplay. Sorry for begging off too much but I'm a bit fed up about people talking about dull monster placement and afterwards they complain about hitscanners, crossfire and crappy autoaim. This layouts are not the ones of Plutonia where you can predict almost mathematically the gameplay due to the straight angles and the symmetrical architecture.
Map01, map02, map05 and map09 are intended to be perceived as daylight with bright outside areas and dark interior ones. map03, map04, map06, map07 and map08 viceversa, dark outside and more light inside, although map06 and specifically map07 are mostly dark and map08 is a bit halfway in terms of light.
I tried to give more priority to alpha textures not so used in amalthea's episode too.
Order of map creation: December 2014: map07, map05, map02. January 2015: map04, map06, map03, map08. February 2015: map01, map09.54 downloads
Ultimate Doom 2 : Dead Anomaly
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I was bored, so I made Doom 2's Dead Simple in Doom 1. Instead of Mancubai there's Barons (duh). Map11 in E2M2 is next.54 downloads
6666 days of dooming
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A level i made a pair of years ago (???) added with more stuff and fixed things from original but never officialy released, for partecipating on the "6666 days OF DOOMING" or something like that....
Enjoy51 downloads
Dreamland (release 2)
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A medium-sized level featuring a few nice ideas, including two mazes. There *is* a secret exit to E1M9. This WAD is called 'Dreamland' because most of the design work came to me in a dream. Scary, eh!? Changes in release 2: Quite a lot, mostly affecting secret areas and map features. Nothing that affects gameplay. Some hints: Watch your back in the first maze, because those sergeants have developed a mean aim through the windows. There are three secrets in the first maze - can you find them? Before picking up the blue key, equip the chaingun and be ready to RUN!! Don't expect to survive the first time after getting the yellow key. I certainly find it difficult. Please watch the light levels in the open-air areas, because I'm very proud of them. (Multiplayer only) Do NOT attempt to kill the Cyberdemon. Avoid it instead. If you still can't complete the level, stop playing on 'Nightmare' skill...29 downloads
Ice Floes
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After the intricate detail of Demon Base, I decided to go for the grand scale this time. Marvel at the views from the top of the enormous ice shelves! Actually, don't, because you'll die. It's not that easy.29 downloads
Favillesco Alpha Episode: Apostasy on Amalthea
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Alpha Doom themed episode, it runs on E4 due to special tag availabilities, not being the original E4 episode planned for the favillesco series though. This episode takes place on the moon Amalthea, the biggest moon of jupiter after the 4 galilean moons, keeping the favillesco Jupiter's moons rule as well ;) and the original name was going to be "roots of evil" reflecting the alpha connection but I desided to keep the moon name where the apisode is set in the episode title, I had to turn "Apostasy on Amalthea" into "Amalthea's Apostasy due to graphic constrains.
After working with some alpha-doom texutes on reticula episode 1 I felt the need of making an episode themed on the alpha doom, giving some chance to those textures and playing with them. I used circa 95% of the textures because some of them looked really crappy and in addition I edited some of them using some original patches contained in the alphas which wheren't used at all or "missused" like the tech ones which in the available textures are cut at some point. About 2/3 of these textures are used in Doom and Doom2 as well, some with minor modifications so the levels will look like E1 and E2 melted, with emphasis on the alpha look but not being extremely poor. I didn't rely on teleport ambushes this time, just as original Doom was, but monster closets are numerous, keeping the gameplay fluid. Dedication was put on the layouts as always do because I hate levels with only square rooms in Doom and I tried to use more lighting features than in my previous releases, so you might notice that this mapset is very far from most of modern releases regarding to feel and atmosphere because I constantly try to recreate that 90's aspect in Doom.
PD: This wad was made in Buenos Aires, Argentina during summer, in a room with 35°C everyday XD112 downloads
Dragonsbrethren's Pandemonium
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This was my submission to an E3 project Hellbent started where we'd try to duplicate the look and play style of E3M3: Pandemonium without paying homage to the original. The project never received many submissions and I decided to release this as stand alone after nearly a year of inactivity.
This map, like the original, was initially designed as a Tom Hall style techbase. The original E3M3 looks like it was literally in the middle of being retextured when Doom was released, so I tried to keep that same feel in this map. I think mine's a bit more hellish looking than the original.35 downloads
Favillesco - Episode 2: Tragedy over Europa V1.1
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this is the second episode of what is intended to50 downloads
Favillesco - Episode 1: Genuflected on Io V1.2
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this is the first episode of what is intended to94 downloads
Dark Passage
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This is a long level with a long history. Mr. Chris (Chris Pisarczyk) and the late Phobosdeimos1 (Callum Oliver) started this map during the development of Doom the way id Did, probably a year or so before it was officially released. I joined in after Phobosdeimos1 left early in the map's development and I joined in afterwards. I did a lot of the western half of the map and Mr. Chris did a lot of the eastern half, but there are many points where we both worked on the same areas, so you really can't tell who did what. (Since Mr. Chris is a much more popular mapper than I am, I assume people probably can recognize his mapping style)
Of course, ol' faithful here was rejected from the project for being about twice the size of E2M7 and having over two hundred monsters, among other things. Eventually Mr. Chris released the DTWID version of this level as "the damned," which you can find here on /idgames. Meanwhile, as I gained more knowledge about mapping I dinked around a bit and made a few adjustments here and there to help with the map's flow and progression. A few bugs were also fixed, and a couple of things were added here and there to add character.
For those who haven't played this level before (most of you, I would assume), you may need to use your automap more than a few times because this map is VERY large and VERY non-linear. You may also need to wear eye protection, since it's twice as ugly as it is big. (Remember, it's DTWID so we had to channel our inner Sandy Petersen!)
Also, I would advise against deathmatch on this map due to its gargantuan size. (I'm one of those guys that has to put deathmatch starts in every map he touches!)
Hope you have fun!
-Jeff (Marnetmar)48 downloads
Danne's E1
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Episode 1 replacement for Doom1. Nothing fancy, just shoot stuff and make sure you record a demo when you're doing it. I started working on this in 2009 but lost interest in these kind of maps when I played SoD and Sunder. I really don't like Doom1 and the pwads for it, so please don't compare this to doom the way id did because it's nothing like it (the only thing they have in common is that they're both boring shitfests). I only made the maps as learning progress and in the end, I just mapped to get the wad done so I could release it.105 downloads
Evil Unleashed II
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A sequel to Evil Unleashed. An even better designed map than the first one. Great layout, lots of areas where bad guys are attacking you from. Cool secrets to find. I'd say its a slightly harder map than the first one. You start out in the usual tech areas, but you soon find yourself descending into a hellish environement. Players who loved the first one might like this one even bettter. It will run on everything, even Doom95 can handle this map without problems. All in all a very classic Doom map, good for 10/15 minutes of old school gameplay. I love Doom.62 downloads
Evil Unleashed
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Demons have taken over research labs on Mar's moon Phobos. The demons have redecorated the labs to accomadate their needs. The demons have also put their guards in certain areas to insure that no trespassers get through. Only they know which button to press to allow access to other areas.31 downloads
By Guest
You (and your buddies in co-op mode) are the only survivor(s) of a UAC Marine Infantry strike to reclaim the UAC Logisitical Bases on Titan, one of the moons of Jupiter. The commanders did not know who or what had taken control of the facilites and all communications had been shut off.
You didn't stand a chance against the wave of zombie creatures and evil worse than that. You (and your buds) have been taken to the UAC Prison Facility on Titan.
A zombie guard comes to check on you in your cell. You're waiting for him...... (Let your buds out in co-op mode, BTW only the very start has anything much for co-op)29 downloads
The Sixth Hour
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Inspired by zodiac's Imperfect Hatred thread on Doomworld, this is an E4-style map created from scratch in six hours. For added difficulty and to keep the project authentic, I didn't use Doom Builder's 3D editing mode.45 downloads
E1M11-11-11: Travel on the 11th dimension
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a special speed map made for celebrating the 11\11\11 day (actually day of Pocky in japan, Metal Day according to the Dio fan page on facebook and the birthday of the fictional anime charatcher Azusa Nagano), based upon the original game episodes style (but without E4) and also in the style reminds of original doom in some rooms, but mostly looks like a good map from 1994, only with better aligniment on textures and very few detailing cliches here and there. Enjoy.29 downloads
Frontier Settlements: Distress!
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When my mastodont level High/Low 5 got too much designing it, I took a breather with some light entertainment in the form of a KDitD style level. Namely this one :)33 downloads
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Well,...you arrive at a pre-determined point in the level...and you find some weapons and ammo...and you take a look around...and you see some really scary bit-maps come at you...and you shoot them with your 8-bit "Digi-Blaster"...and they groan and fall over. No mystery here...just common sense. )
Seriously, folks, this WAD has a ton of high quality samples that I felt the need to have. The size of this file is huge because of it. The base level is around 270kb ! The sounds and MIDI equal around 310kb! And this .TXT file alone is bigger than most peoples' complete WAD's.
The MIDI file that I included was written exclusively for an SB16 or compatible - that means FM Synthesis. I felt that writing for this platform would be about the best way to convey the music to a general audience. If you have one of those wave-table synthesis jobs...Well, good for you and your good taste (again!). I, unfortunately, just have the wonderful FM synthesis to work with (and so do millions of other users). I just figured that the needs of the many outweighed the needs of the few (where have I heard that before?). Now, if you want to talk about 16 bit 44.1khz digital audio samples... That's opening another can of Imps...GOTHIC MIDI mostly deals with "CD quality" samples for use with synths and samplers...Be on the lookout for GOTHIC files on C-Serve...
If you find this file to be too big in size...Maybe your Nintendo is calling for you! If you find that it needs to be bigger, drop me a line and we'll Co-Author a Mother.WAD.
Originally, this level was intended to be E2M1 but I wanted the sky texture in the first Episode. From here on in, it's E2M1 (to conform to id Software's request).
Another worthy note: If you open this file in an Editor program you will lose the music and the sound effects. Always make a backup before you hack it up!
Again, GOTHIC MIDI is Multimedia...and yes, that includes text!! (I don't do shabby work...If it's worth doing...it's worth doing right).41 downloads
Rec Facility
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This map is actually for DTWID, but I decided to upload a file to the /idgames archive for the first time, and this was the only real complete map I had at the time. For those who don't know what DTWID is, you might want to check out the thread so you can get an idea of what this map's all about, the thread can be found here: http://www.doomworld.com/vb/wads-mods/52046-doom-the-way-id-did-update-romero-makes-a-welcomed-appearance/ Be sure to play some more of these guy's maps as well, they're pretty sweet!41 downloads