Michael Jensen Posted June 2, 2021 (edited) I found a really cool 1994 level, that no one seems to know about, which could make a fine addition. I wanted to write a review but it isn’t even on the uploads page, and the only mention of it on doomworld is as a part of long list of wads on some showelvare CD. It does have a doom wiki page though. It’s an E2M1 replacement called No Rest For The Wicked (no_rest.wad). What makes it notable is the high level of detail for the time and very polished visuals. It also has a LOT of early doomcute. There are crew quarters with beds and chairs, a pool, a small movie theatre and a whole bathroom with showers, toilets, washbasin. Also fireblu chairs. There is even a section with scrolling crate texture which is used to simulate them being on a conveyor belt, 2 years before Shipping/Respawning! It’s pretty short and the gameplay isn’t outstanding or anything, but it looks great for the time. Plus it features some of the oldest instances of now common mapping tropes. Edited June 2, 2021 by A.H. Sankhatayan 3 Quote Share this post Link to post
Doomkid Posted June 3, 2021 (edited) I didn't expect to be posting a new build so soon, but what can I say - lots of great turf has either been released or discovered in just the last month! Download Revision IX Here: https://doomshack.org/~doomkid/doomwads.zip (Jun. 2, 2021) Check out all the good stuff that's been added below. Reveal hidden contents Doom: E1M4b.wad - Phobos Mission Control by John Romero E1M8b.wad - Tech Gone Bad by John Romero JPTR_V40 - DOOM: THE LOST EPISODES (w/ Fix) LOOKOUT.wad - Lookout! UNDERSEA.wad Doom II: ATONE-E4 - ATONEMENT Episodes 1 through 4 BOURGFIX - Bourgeois DM, Fixed Version (quiet exits) CASALI - Dario & Milo's pre-Plutonia works D2ISO - Doom 2 In Spain Only (idgames version) DCDELTA - Doom Core Delta (2021 version + DEH file) DYSNOMIA.wad GGFAST01 - GOTTAGOFAST MARIO - MarioDoom.pk3 Vanilla Edition (Unofficial, Fixed version) NILLA.wad - Nilla DooM (Short) QUICKBUCKv3.wad - Quick Buck by Luleta RUDYRIFL.wad/.deh - Rowdy Rudy's Rifle Only SENTINEL.WAD - Sentinels Of Damnation VWAFERS - Vanilla Wafers (Beta version) Doom II Deathmatch: DESTROYR.WAD FLIGHT57.WAD JUNKYARD.WAD MARINA.WAD ...and of course, I've still got my eyes on all the upcoming vanilla/LR content mentioned in this thread! If you have an older version of the pack, please check your WADLIST.TXT against the current one using a tool such as Text-compare.com for a comprehensive listing. Hope you all enjoy these updates, some great new content here! Edited June 19, 2021 by Doomkid 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Doomkid Posted June 3, 2021 On 6/2/2021 at 9:13 PM, A.H. Sankhatayan said: I found a really cool 1994 level, that no one seems to know about, which could make a fine addition. I wanted to write a review but it isn’t even on the uploads page, and the only mention of it on doomworld is as a part of long list of wads on some showelvare CD. It does have a doom wiki page though. It’s an E2M1 replacement called No Rest For The Wicked (no_rest.wad). Expand Damn, I did all the updates for this just last night, so this didn't make it.. but of course it will be included in the next roundup! 3 Quote Share this post Link to post
roadworx Posted June 3, 2021 On 6/3/2021 at 2:54 AM, Doomkid said: NILLA.wad - Nilla DooM (Short) Expand yay :) 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Maximum Matt Posted June 3, 2021 On 6/3/2021 at 2:54 AM, Doomkid said: UNDERSEA.wad Expand Deep cut 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Teo Slayer Posted June 3, 2021 The Wow.WAD is still the best WAD 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
Michael Jensen Posted June 3, 2021 (edited) On 6/3/2021 at 2:55 AM, Doomkid said: Damn, I did all the updates for this just last night, so this didn't make it.. but of course it will be included in the next roundup! Expand No problem. In fact, I'm on a something of a hunt for forgotten 1994 gems, so I may find a lot of potential additions. If desired, of course. I'll edit them into this post as I go along. These four levels are by Jim McColm. They come with short story introductions to set the stage, are unusually large and well detailed, have fun gameplay and engaging layouts, and feature original music by his brother. Also SKY1 as a wall texture sometimes. Legion Down Under (Legion.WAD) - I just reviewed this, so there's not much more to say. Excellent and rather big E2M1 replacement with a nice custom MIDI. Very good looking for the time and the gameplay is fun too. Blood.WAD - His last and only 1995 map. All the previous praise applies as well. The mus file isn't named for some reason, so to get the music working you need to rename it "D_E1M1" in SLADE. Blitz of Pain (Blitz.WAD) - The oldest of these. Texture alignment isn't as good as the others and no new music. Still a fine level. The Hall (Hall.wad) - Demon Whack-A-Mole and the longest corridor ever made. Edited June 3, 2021 by A.H. Sankhatayan 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
OpenRift Posted June 3, 2021 Oh, new revision today? Well, better late than never, but here's a new revision of DMPACKFIX.WAD that fixes an activeplats issue on MAP07 as well as adds a TITLEPIC and M_DOOM lump. DMPACK_V2.zipFetching info... 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Doomkid Posted June 19, 2021 (edited) ..In my opinion, this is by far the best revision of the BVWP! DOWNLOAD HERE: https://doomshack.org/~doomkid/doomwads.zip Rather than just being a big blob of wads, things are now organized into multiple subdirectories: • Doom 1 Maps (Between 1 and 3 maps per wad) • Doom 1 Episodes (4 or more maps per wad) • Doom 2 Maps • Doom 2 Episodes • Doom 2 DM Wads • Plutonia Wads • TNT Wads • Mods (New graphics, sound effects, etc) • Utilities (all DOS stuff) ..I think having all the various wads sorted like this is more useful: you'll know for sure from square one rather you're getting into a fast little romp of a wad, or getting stuck into a longer campaign. Should make life easier for fans of the pack! As for new content - hoo boy... I've been doing quite a lot of wad wrangling these last few weeks! In addition to UDOOM32 and FDOOM32 joining the pack to help DOS Doomers out, here's what's new in the way of wads: Doom 1 wads: 1FIFWAR2 - TOTAL WAR III BLITZ.wad - Blitz Of Pain BLOOD_.wad (music fix version) CASTLE1.wad CPHOBOS3 - Castle Phobos v3.1 CYBLAIR3.wad - CYBER-LAIRS III DDVU.WAD - Deimos Deja Vu DMOMEN1.wad DMSOF.WAD - Special Operation Force E1M1SAS.wad HALL.wad - The Hall HELFITER.wad - Fight Through Hell HOCKEY10 - DOOM HOCKEY!!!!!!!! HUNGER1.wad (Revision of DMHUNGER.wad) IDBEST.wad LEGION.wad - Legion Down Under LUNAR_V.wad - Lunar Catastrophe MAKDOOM2.wad - MAK's Doomdom NATHRATH.wad - Nathrath's Fab Four NO_REST.wad - "No Rest For The Wicked" RIP-OFF.wad (Dimension 42) ROOMBLOW.wad - The Room Below RUNLKHL2.WAD STATIONX.wad STONES.wad by Michael Kelsey STRTRK TOXICITY.wad - Doom: Toxicity (Limit Removing) UACBASE - The UAC Base Doom 2 wads: ABOO4.WAD ABOOCEAN AOSV01.wad - Altar of Sacrifice (WIP) BRE_STIM.wad - Stimulants (limit removing) CHASM_.wad - The Chasm of Sinful (limit removing) DAEDLUS - "daedalus" DKMEGA1 - Doomkid's Mega! (Episode 1, 8 maps) DMPACK_V2 (for deathmatch) DOOMSDAY.wad HELIUM.wad HSEOHELL - House of Hell v1.0 LostHome.wad NAZI_HQ.wad - Mission: Destroy Nazi Headquarters 2.0 NEWSKY54.wad PAIN.wad - Pain of Hell REV_Base.wad - Revamped Base (Limit removing) ROCKER2.wad SHADOWS.wad - Shadows in Bronze SOLAR96.wad TIKAL.wad - STRONGHOLD AT TIKAL TJ - The Journey ver. 1.1 (limit removing) VOIDSHP2.wad - Voidship2 v2.2 ZED-BIG1.wad - ZED's big one ...and this is only the tip of the iceberg! Check your WADLIST.TXT against the current one (be sure to refresh it) using Text-compare.com for a decent idea of what all has been added (although the format of the list has changed a little since last time, which won't happen again I assure you.) If you just want to add the new wads to your current collection, they can all be found with a simple search on wad-archive.com or here on Doomworld, though this time around, I really recommend just downloading the new pack since it's far more organized than ever before. Enjoy the new revision! Edited June 19, 2021 by Doomkid 9 Quote Share this post Link to post
MajorRawne Posted June 19, 2021 Holy smegma, I haven't seen some of these maps in twenty years, Cleimos 2!!! I remember playing that as one of the first ever custom mapsets! 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Doomkid Posted June 20, 2021 This might be hard to believe, but since the last revision just 2 days ago, I've already found 50 more quality wads to add to the pack, a mix of 90s stuff and hot-off-the-press stuff... By the time the next 3-4 weeks passes this pack will be well in excess of 700 wads, with not a single "bad wad" among em! 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
continuum.mid Posted June 20, 2021 On 6/20/2021 at 3:25 PM, Doomkid said: This might be hard to believe, but since the last revision just 2 days ago, I've already found 50 more quality wads to add to the pack, a mix of 90s stuff and hot-off-the-press stuff... By the time the next 3-4 weeks passes this pack will be well in excess of 700 wads, with not a single "bad wad" among em! Expand there will be two new MIDI packs to include ;) 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
OpenRift Posted June 20, 2021 On 6/19/2021 at 10:43 AM, Doomkid said: In addition to UDOOM32 and FDOOM32 joining the pack to help DOS Doomers out, here's what's new in the way of wads: Expand Oh HELL yeah! I really should get to finishing FDOOM32, so we can have increased vissprites and linespeciallists. That and the increased lump stack from Doom32, which I should also add to UDOOM32. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
OpenRift Posted June 21, 2021 Also, kudos to reorganizing the maps and stuff into individual maps and episodes. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
Doomkid Posted June 22, 2021 Thanks OpenRift. It took a bit of time to work out which wads belonged where, especially since a number of old wads have textiles that are flat out wrong about the number of maps! In the end it was easier to just peek in each wad with Slade to check for myself. I think the new organisation method will make life a lot easier in general. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
NoXion Posted June 24, 2021 (edited) I'm getting a security alert when I try to use the download link for the zip file. Edited June 24, 2021 by NoXion 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Doomkid Posted June 24, 2021 Crispy and I accidentally let our cert expire (d’oh). Give it a try now, it should be fine 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Pregador Posted June 27, 2021 (edited) Hey Doomkid, thanks for making this pack! It really saves me a lot of time from downloading the best that the community has done in nearly 30 years :) Here are a few suggestions for the next version: Doom 1 Episodes:CH Retro EpisodeFavillesco - Episode 1: Genuflected on IoFavillesco - Episode 2: Tragedy over EuropaPlanet Hell (also known as The Base of Evil, criminally underrated episode from 1998) Doom 2 Deathmatch: STRAIN 1.0 DeathMatch Levels Doom 2 Episodes:Switcheroom 2 Doom 2 Maps: Dystopia 301 (add-on level to Dystopia 3) Mods: Fixed PlayStation Doom SFX for other ports than just GZDoomPalPlusPSX Doom for Vanilla Doom I swear there were more than those, but that's all I can remember. Edited June 28, 2021 by Pregador 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
Doomkid Posted June 28, 2021 Great suggestions, thank you! Will have them all added next revision. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
VoanHead Posted June 28, 2021 Would you consider adding mass extinction, doomkid? 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
Doomkid Posted June 28, 2021 (edited) So long as it runs in older limit-removing ports, absolutely! Edit: Funny you mentioned that particular wad - looks like it’s already on the list for the next batch of additions (it’s gonna be absurdly big, there’s over 200 wads joining up next revision..) Edited June 28, 2021 by Doomkid 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Doomkid Posted June 30, 2021 (edited) Revision XI is GO! DOWNLOAD: https://doomshack.org/wads/doomwads.zip The number of new wads will make your jaw drop, I guarantee it! The pack now weighs in at a hefty 915 megabytes, featuring well over 1,000 wads - and when you see the sheer amount of high-quality vanilla material that's been added, you'll know why.. Doom 1 Wads: BLUDLST2.wad - BloodLust CHRIS_K.wad DOOM3 - Mr. Smiley Head's Safari FAVIE112.wad - Favillesco - Episode 1: Genuflected on Io V1.2 FAVIE211.wad - Favillesco - Episode 2: Tragedy over Europa V1.1 HADRON_1.wad - Return to Hadron HADRON_2.wad - Return to Hadron E2 - The Collider's new clothes HADRON_3.wad - Return to Hadron E3 - Slayers Swansong JSTUFF10.wad KNEEDEEP.wad - KNEE-DEEP IN THE DEU MUTABOR PHELL.wad - Planet Hell RETROEPS.wad - CH Retro Episode RETRO_DM.wad UDTWID - Ultimate Doom The Way id Did ULTIMATE.wad - Ultimate Doom by Sean Powers Doom 2 Wads: 10M.wad - 10 monsters 180MPV - 180 Minutes Pour Vivre (limit removing) 2XREJECT.wad - Double Reject ABYSSION ADOP.wad - Another Day Of the Pain! [v. 1.1] AGONYV.wad - The Agonizing Vault ALTRFLSH.wad - The Altar of Flesh ARGUS.wad - DOOM II "Argus" Episode ATOMS.wad - Long-term Storage and Gore Processing [Vanilla] BLACKOUT.wad BLOODLUST.wad by Nils Poltoraczyk BLOODRUST.wad BLUDLUST.wad by Noddy BLUDLUST12.wad - author unknown CABALL.wad - "all the cabals", basically CASTLE_B.wad - Castle Of The Berserkers CBSI.wad CEBRENIA - Target: Cebrenia CHAINSW2 - Chainsaw Man (version 2) CMPSTATN - Computer Station CONSUMED.wad - Doom 2's : Consumed earth CROSS - The Cross CRUNCH28.wad D2DEB102 - Assault on the Hostess Factory (version 1.02) DemWad01.wad DLIBIDO - Demonic Libido DOOMTOWN.wad DOUBTS.wad - Doubts Even Here DREAM by Kara C. Rader DREAM.wad by Jesse Layton DREAMTEK.wad by OrcsBreath DRX.wad - Dr. X's base DSLVL1.wad - DarkSoul Levels Map1 EF2000.wad - Efecto 2000 (2000 Effect) EMPYRE.wad - Empyre of Doom ERTHASLT - Earth Assault FA4D.wad - Fast and for Doom FESTATE.wad - Forgotten Estate FLAYOBS2.wad - Flay the Obscene - Part two FLAYOBS3.wad - Flay the Obscene - The Third FLESHFCT.wad - Flesh factory FLOODGAT.wad - The Flood Gates FORTRES3.wad - Doomsday fortress FPH-NDR3.wad - N.D.R. 3 FPLACE.wad - Forgotten Place FRAS1.wad FUNGO.wad - Fungous Abortion GRIND2X.wad HACHISCH.wad HELLARNA.wad - Hell's Arena HENRY.wad - Henry (temporary name) HOMMAGE25.wad HORSSHOE.wad - Horse Shoe HSCANMA1.wad - Hitscan Massacre ICANNAR.wad - Hell on Icannar: Old Nuclear Plant JCTNSTN - Junction Station JJP-YAUB.wad - Yet Another UAC Base JONESIN.wad - Jonesin' KAOSS.wad - Zis is KAOSS! KEA1B.wad - Kill 'Em All! (v1.1b) KINDa (limit removing) KNEEDEEP.wad - Bury My Heart Knee Deep LakeSide.wad LCTunnel.wad - LC-Tunnel system at planet Tee Hoo Cee LegoBase.wad MIKE2B MISERY.wad - Dungeon of Misery MODEST5.wad MOONCALL.wad - Moon's Call MOONSONG.wad MRGRIS.wad - La muerte en gris y marrón MUSKADET.wad N_E_B_S_.wad - Not Enough Brown Shit NEWUAC.wad - Union Aerospace Computers NEXCREDO - Nex Credo NJTOSS17.wad - Enjay Toss Off (map I just tossed off one afternoon because I had some spare time) NLVM.wad - nonlinear vanilla map NoisyDia.wad - NoisyDiarrhea OUTER27C.wad - THE OUTER LIMITS OUTPOSTJ.wad OVERRUN.wad PHANTOM.wad - The Phantom of the Opera PSTATION.wad - Forgotten Phobos Station PUTIND.wad - Putrid Industry R2WOLFD2 - Return to Castle Wolfenstein (doom2 ver) REMCMPLX.wad - The Remote Complex RETICUE1 - Reticula: Episode 1 RUSTBUCK.wad - Rust Bucket SEWERAGE.wad SHANGORN.wad SMEGAD.wad - Escape from the Hellbase(demo) SMINKY2.wad - Job SNAPSHOT.wad Squipple.wad T_PHTUM.wad - Trials of Pthum T-COVE.wad - Toxic Cove TEMPROJO.wad - Templo en el Planeta Rojo TERRYSUX.wad TLABS.wad - Time Labs TMMC.wad - The Modest Mapping Challenge (limit removing) TMPLOSIN.wad - Temple of Sin TOMBASE.wad TOTCDOOM.wad - TOT Comics Doom TOXICLIN.wad - Toxic line TPROCESS.wad - The Process TRITIUM.wad - Tritium Refinery TWPEAKS.wad - Twin Peaks UAC by Kara C. Rader UAC_EB.wad - UAC Earth Base UACRFNY.wad - The UAC Water Refinery Unnamed.wad - The unnamed base UNX01.wad VILLAMEX.wad WAD.WAD WHITD.wad - Waist High In The Damned WOTDOOMF - WHEEL OF TIME DOOM (FINAL) ZAP18.wad - ZAP 18 : Paradox Lost ..you read that right, that's just the new stuff! But that's not all, there's also a couple Final Doom wads: PH_BLUST.wad - Bloodlust RAGSTRON.wad - Ragnor's Stronghold ..plus a few Deathmatch wads: HAL9000 IDMAP01.wad MINIDM.wad StrainDM.wad SWARMDMX.wad ..and finally, some new mods, HUDs, and vanilla-compat player skins: BALDGUY.wad - Bald DoomGuy HUD BETA-SSG.wad/.deh by Wavy D64-gfx.wad - Doom64 Graphics and Sounds for Doom2 FEMDOOM2.wad - Female DOOM Marine, version 2 FEMSKIN1.wad - Female DOOM Skin (version 1 for vanilla Doom / Doom2) FEMSKIN2.wad - Female DOOM Skin, blonde (version 2 for vanilla Doom / Doom2) FRAGBAR1.wad & FRAGBAR2.wad - Fragport status bars PAL_PLUS.wad - PalPlus POVDOOM - POVDOOM 2.0 Graphics patch for Doom and Doom2 PSXDOOM - PSX Doom for Vanilla PSXFXDEH.wad - Fixed PlayStation Doom SFX for other ports than just GZDoom RUDYSKIN.wad - Rowdy Rudy Skin & HUD Face (vanilla compat) RUNR_MUG.wad - Freerunner Mug SHADES.wad - Sunglasses for the Doomguy! STBAR01-STBAR17 - New status bars by Daniel --- ..Of course, if it's been a while since you updated the pack, you can compare your !WADLIST.TXT against the current one using a site like Text-compare.com to see exactly what's new - although with the amount of additions, it will probably be a little hard to track :) Rest assured, given all the new content, it's worth giving this one a download even despite it's massive size! Future additions to the pack will be limited, at least for the rest of this year - I want it to remain small enough so that I can compress it down enough to fit on a CD which it just barely still can, so there's only a select few seats left on this bus for the time being.. Here are the wads planned for addition before this thing gets pressed & printed: Ray Mohawk 2: Ray Wreaks Havoc! Switcheroom 2 ATOMIC CROSSBEARER Cydonia Misjudged Massacre Knee Deep Again Updated Vanilla Brutal Doom (..plus a couple other tiny things) Naturally, I still love to hear new vanilla/LR wad recommendations, so please don't stop - just keep in mind that after the CD version gets printed (which will be almost the same as this version) there will be a moratorium on updates for a good 6-8 months, just to keep the CD as the most up-to-date version for a nice long while. Plus, anything over 1GB is going to be too large - after all, the point of this pack is curation, not necessarily a vanilla catch-all. --- As of October 2001, I'll have been making Doom maps for 20 long years, and to celebrate, I have every intention of printing at least 100 copies of BVWP in CD-ROM form and selling them all only at the cost of production, complete with installer EXE that will run on any windows version from Win95/Win98 all the way to Win10. (Sorry Mac and Linux people, you'll just have to use the download link.. I've been a Windows man since the mid 90s, so it's all I really know - don't get me wrong though, I appreciate Linux.) I'm still tossing up between a CD-ROM cover/disc art contest to celebrate 20 years of modding, or a simple vanilla mapping contest. Both seem equally appropriate, so I'll leave it to whoever comments or gets in touch with me to decide. Of course, the contest winnings will include case and a copy of the CD, no matter which way it goes! ..Anyway, you're probably sick of my ranting and want to blast some demons! So, what are you waiting for? Click DOWNLOAD now and once it completes, you'll have a lifetime supply of blood to spill, all DOS(Box) compatible, as usual. Enjoy! Edited July 1, 2021 by Doomkid 8 Quote Share this post Link to post
Pregador Posted June 30, 2021 (edited) Nice! Might play some of those later. I've seen a few screenshots of KINDa and it seems to be a good wad Edited June 30, 2021 by Pregador 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
OpenRift Posted June 30, 2021 On 6/30/2021 at 8:59 AM, Doomkid said: I'm still tossing up between a CD-ROM cover/disc art contest to celebrate 20 years of modding, or a simple vanilla mapping contest. Expand Honestly, I'd been thinking about this for a while, I'd LOVE to make like a big-box cover for this and see it put on a CD or two. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
OpenRift Posted June 30, 2021 On 6/30/2021 at 5:01 PM, OpenRift said: Honestly, I'd been thinking about this for a while, I'd LOVE to make like a big-box cover for this and see it put on a CD or two. Expand Speaking of putting it on a disc, if we had like a custom launcher interface or something kind of like D!Zone had (except more advanced for dehacked/wad merging stuff), that would be sooooo cool. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
Doomkid Posted June 30, 2021 (edited) That I absolutely would love. Even something simple as DOOM-IT (which shows you the txt file of the WAD you're about to play) but more general purpose would be amazing, especially for those who really do load it using DOS or an old Win9x computer. Finding a way to convert the ZIP to an even smaller installation EXE (complete with cute little cacodemon icon) that runs on every version of Windows from 95 all the way through 10 already felt amazing - the CD is in a state where it can self-extract as soon as you put it in like, the vast majority of computers made since 1994. I didn't actually think EXEs that cross compatible were a thing..! If I had a proper little launcher and everything built in that also somehow worked on every Win version from 95 to 10, maybe even one where you could set it to use DOSbox, the actual DOS EXEs if your OS is old enough, or a newfangled source port - that would be incredible. Edited June 30, 2021 by Doomkid 3 Quote Share this post Link to post
OpenRift Posted July 1, 2021 @Doomkid made a couple cover art candidates, thoughts? https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1wGJBxIx_zRriswLLCK9b7AXzedJ2glsr?usp=sharing 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Doomkid Posted July 2, 2021 Those are really nice! Right now, I’m thinking about holding a contest for CD case/cover artwork but having every submission be printed in a little booklet that comes with the disc. Basically like the little lyric booklets that sometimes come with CDs, just featuring all the artwork submissions instead. So even if someone submits something that beats these (when the contest goes live in a couple months), they’re still guaranteed to be part of the package. I think rather than another mapping contest, a CD art contest will yield interesting results! (In case you do any more updates, hold off on posting them just for a while, and I’ll take em in as submissions once the contest starts). I love the track you’re on for these, very sleek and presentable. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Muusi Posted July 2, 2021 OOF That's a lot of Vanilla! Excellent work holy crap! My PlayStation Doom sound effects WAD (PSXFXDEH) lacks the DEHACKED file as i forgot to add it separately in the download. It's in the WAD itself but to my knowledge DOS can't load DEH lumps from inside the WAD. What do we do here? 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Darkone205 Posted July 2, 2021 Hey Can you add btsx ep 1 and 2,doom-zero,gunx, pls 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
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