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List of Doom WAD Fan Remakes


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Big thanks for giving Spectacle Creep a plug. It's become one of my favorite projects I've worked on.


ALSO: I reccommend taking a peek at the project Doom 2 Hell Unleashed. I'm doing some spritework for it, and it's sort of similar to KDIZD but for Doom 2, as well as having more gameplay additions and multiplayer support. Just be aware that there isn't a released build yet.

Edited by HQDefault

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  • 2 months later...

Happy New Year!


I've added few more projects here, for example - Doom Raider 2020, Doom II Superficial Update and Doom 64 for Doom II.


If you don't know which WADs to play, try them (if you did not this earlier).

Edited by Dexiaz

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I can mention Bijou Doom and Hell on Earth: Super Tiny Edition where the maps are recreated in really small space (the later uses a 64x64 playable area). Worth a try if you ask me.

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I know of the E2M4 remake you were talking about. I believe it is E2M4 redux.


There is also Doom 2 Meets ZDoom. But it's unfinished and most likely not gonna be worked on. It's interesting, just unpolished in spots as expected for an unfinished mod.

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Thank you very much, folks! I've added a lot of new wads in the list now!


16 hours ago, Salahmander2 said:

I know of the E2M4 remake you were talking about. I believe it is E2M4 redux.


Thank you very much! Finally found this!


4 hours ago, SilverMiner said:

And P.:A.R.


Sorry, I didn't find anything. What is this project? Any links?


P.S.: I remembered I've played some Doom 1 mapset with HUB system. So there is no intermission screen. Instead of this you can go through some "intermission maps". Also, when you're entering a new map/area you will see the name of the level. BTW, since it's a HUB, you can go back to previous levels. Any ideas, what is this? I do remember I've found this somehow while searching for "Memorial Doom" (Full mapset in 1 level)

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15 hours ago, Dexiaz said:

I remembered I've played some Doom 1 mapset with HUB system. So there is no intermission screen. Instead of this you can go through some "intermission maps". Also, when you're entering a new map/area you will see the name of the level. BTW, since it's a HUB, you can go back to previous levels. Any ideas, what is this?


The intermission maps system make me think of Knee-deep in Zdoom, but in that mapset there's not any hub map format. So it could be console doom, but that wad is for Doom 2...

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19 minutes ago, Walter confetti said:

So it could be console doom, but that wad is for Doom 2...


No, it's not the Console Doom. It uses a modern features like particle fountain, ambient sounds, etc. And maps are edited like E2M4 redux.

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The forgotten brothers and cousins of Doom:

What about Hacx -> Hacx 1.2 (full?) -> Hacx 2.0 (dreaming?).
Strife -> Strife Veteran Edition.

I don't remember the name but I'm sure there's a project with Perdition's Gate and/or Hell To Pay?
Anyone remembers any work about Heretic or Hexen...


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15 minutes ago, Argenteo said:

The forgotten brothers and cousins of Doom:

What about Hacx -> Hacx 1.2 (full?) -> Hacx 2.0 (dreaming?).
 Strife -> Strife Veteran Edition.


That's the problem. It's not Doom.


16 minutes ago, Argenteo said:

I don't remember the name but I'm sure there's a project with Perdition's Gate and/or Hell To Pay?


You mean, a remake of Perdition's Gate/Hell to Pay?

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Not a remake, but a megawad, I just throw the name in there maybe there's any.
Sorry about Hacx and Strife for not being too doom-y. I misunderstood the subject of the topic. 
Altogether there is an awesome list of wads. Gonna try some.

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  • 7 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Some remakes you might want to check out:


Doom 2 Redux - modernized reimaginings of Doom 2 maps.


E1M3 - Toxin refinery remake - a gigantic remake of E1M3 for GZDoom. Uses only the monster types found in the original E1M3.


Map 31 of Jenesis - Duality is a remake/fusion of Human BBQ (map 2 of Evilution) and Well of Souls (map 2 of Plutonia)


Map 26 of Hell Revealed 2 - Dis 2000 is a remake of E3M8.

Edited by Lewonx

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Stuff looks great, I intend to check them all out soon. Looking at maybe Brutal Doom: Hell on Earth Starter Pack as my first to play.

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is Ultimate Doom II hasn't been mentioned yet? If not then, I suggest you include it in the list, it's a very good Doom 2 remake, though it's still WIP (not dead) and has not been updated in like 2 years or so

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On 10/26/2020 at 6:11 PM, Dexiaz said:



                                                                                                   - DOOM REMAKES LIST -

                                                                                                    - FINISHED PROJECTS -


thx. very comprehensive list. now i have another thing to check  ;)


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  • 1 year later...



Moved finished projects from "WIP" section to the "Release" section + added a new wad "Outbreak of Evil", a remake of E1 Episode.

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  • 6 months later...

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