Dexiaz Posted October 26, 2020 (edited) Hey there. I'm a big fan of videogame remakes (no matter the franchise), and I do like doing them by myself (mostly based on Doom sourceports, eh). Still, except my jokewads I never did a Doom 1/2 Remakes for real. But I've played a lot of fan remakes done by other community members. Seeing how threads about Doom remakes or remasters appear from time to time, I decided to create a list of fan remakes. There are thousands of custom WADS, and possibly I don't know EVERY WAD which remakes classic Doom IWADS, but I suppose I know most of them. If someone asks, the meaning of REMAKE here is using the same storyplot and architecture layouts. Basically, this concept is taken from Resident Evil Remakes, where it has the same storyplot but with additional details and upgraded mechanics, graphics and visuals. So that means the "Doom the Way id Did" is not the Remake of Doom 1, because it doesn't use the geometry of the original maps as base. And HD mods like "Doom Neural Upscale Project" are not counted here as Remake either, of course. Still, I'm not sure about maps like used in Plutonia (Map#32 is basically a remake of Doom 2 Map#01), because it's just an easter egg and it doesn't offer to feel Doom 2 full experience, but I won't decline them as "remakes" to avoid unfair cuts from the list. I think the rules are outlined, and now we can get down to business. - DOOM REMAKES LIST - - FINISHED PROJECTS - Knee-Deep in ZDoom The most known Remake project in the Doom community. Based on its name, it only offers to relive again the nightmares of the very first Doom episode and runs on ZDoom family sourceports. Still, it uses the incredibly high quality level design while using the most advanced ZDoom engine features with a large set of new demons and weapons. Must play. [DOWNLOAD] Knee-Deep in KDiZD (sic!) Knee-Deep in ZDoom, now upgraded for vanilla Doom2.exe. The Doom Tribute Project A very interesting take of making both Doom I and Doom II campaigns AT ONCE! The distinctive feature of the project is that the levels of one episode are created in a single consistent style. In addition, some levels are combined together and some areas are reimagined, so that makes the playthrough noticeably faster than playing original Doom 1 and Doom 2 in single run. Also this project uses custom monsters and weapons to enhance the playing experience. [DOWNLOAD] Wonderful Doom Not a particularly inventive name used here, to be honest. But there is no deception here. A wonderful Doom 1 Full Remake from a Russian fan (with love, of course). Most noticeable feature here is changing the height variation logic. For example - if in Doom 1 you have to go up by ladders, in Wonderful Doom you will use an elevator to go down. A very simple, but neat idea to make old maps "fresh". [DOWNLOAD] HontE Remastered A whole Doom 2 Rema...ster? Well, in rules mentioned earlier, this WAD is more a remake than a remaster. And it came from Russia too! The game became much darker and it uses a lot of dynamic lighting and 3D floors. An interesting fact: it does not use custom monsters/weapons and textures. But the project looks very different with GZDoom features. The Super Skulltag Uh, oh...It's a very interesting take on remaking Doom 2 mapset. It was designed for Skulltag (which is not supported anymore), and used many cool ZDoom features like KDiZD does. But in level design it's not as breathtaking as KDiZD. Still, I didn't say it's bad, no-no. You have to install Skulltag or Zandronum with additional pk3 files, which is kinda...ahem, annoying, but it's worth a try. [DOWNLOAD] Brutal Doom: Hell on Earth Starter Pack a.k.a. Extermination Day No, I didn't forget about this mappack, of course! The most known Doom1&Doom2 mapset remakes from Sergeant Mark IV! Designed as Duke Nukem 3D maps on Build engine with GZDoom features, it offers an interesting (and brutal) experience. [DOWNLOAD] Knee Deep in Phobos Imagine KDiZD, but it was made for Vanilla sourceports with Dehacked and by only one mapper. Pretty tough, huh? Anyway, this one is an interesting remake of the very first episode of Doom 1. Since it requires Doom 2 to run (lol), it uses some stuff from Doom 2, especially monsters. And, as mentioned earlier, there is a dechaked patch, which changes plasmagun and BFG into 2 different non-plasma energy weapons (which understandable, plasma energy weapons existed in next episodes) and changes/adds few custom monsters. [DOWNLOAD] Phobos Revisited A Cacoward winner from 2004. How has it become a habit, it offers only the first episode of Doom 1. I can't say much about this, but we all know that only the best of the best receive the Cacoward. [DOWNLOAD] CH Retro Episode To be honest, a "questionable Remake" WAD in this list. Because it's more like "Doom the Way id Did" before the "DTWID.wad" was created. Still, you can clearly identify parts from the original maps. But this wad is kinda opposite to the Phobos Revisited in meaning of architectural allegiance. And, as usual, it offers only the first episode. Still, this project is included in "Top 100 WADs of All Time", which is also a good sign of good maps. They're good for real. Worth to try it even if you don't think about this as Doom 1 Episode Remake. [DOWNLOAD] Dark Side Of Deimos Another one questionable WAD in meaning of "Remake concept", but this time this WAD is about Episode 2 (The Shores of Hell). Still, the main concepts of the original Doom 1 WAD are represented here. For example, E2M2 is a box storage level, E2M3 shows Cacodemons in building with nukage, E2M4 forces you to use teleport into "waterzone", and E2M8 is literally the Tower with Cyberdemon on top. [DOWNLOAD] Antichrist TC The strangest project in this list. An old vanilla project, most levels are heavy edits of random Doom 1 and Doom 2 levels. Due to the new design idea (black-white-red colors for everything), sometimes you could not understand which IWAD map was used as the base. It's worth a try, at least. [DOWNLOAD] Switcheroom 1 A remake of Doom 1 with switched design ideas on maps. For example, Techbase maps become Hell areas and vise versa. Switcheroom 2 Same as first part, but with Doom 2 maps. [DOWNLOAD] Doom II Superficial Update An experiment by SLON to slightly improve the Doom 2 maps. Don't expect too much differences, SLON did just for fun. It's a questionable thing, but let it be here. Doom2 Meets Zdoom (abandoned) Only 11 levels + 3 secret levels. DOOM II: Hellscape A re-imagining Doom II levels that take place in Hell (21-30) Suitcase of Gor (Formerly D2Redux) It's a very free interpretation of Doom 2 levels. Mostly reminiscent of Plutonia mapset due to its textures. Not so bad as the author tried to convince us. PHOBOS: ANOMALY REBORN An episode replacement for E1 of Ultimate Doom. Doom: The Way We Remember It Also given the names 'Mandela Doom', 'Doom But Something's Not Right' and 'Doom from Memory', the community recreated the whole game from memory. Doom 2 recreated from Memory Same story as "Doom 1: The Way We Remember It". Outbreak of Evil This is a "heavy" reimagining of the first Doom episode, which includes many new additional mapping details (but you still can identify the source areas). Also the difficulty is much higher than the original IWAD. I won't spoil much, but on E1M8 you must kill much more than 2 Barons of Hell. Unfamiliar Episodes Redux A re-imagining of Ultimate Doom's maps that uses GZDoom's special effects to enhance the visual quality of the environments. Based Refueling A nice remake of "Refueling Base" level from Doom 2. The Ultimate Doom II The Ultimate Remake of Doom II (as description says). Actually, looks pretty cool, it's really the Ultimate Edition of Vanilla Doom 2. Doom+ An IWAD upgrade which adds more level details alongside with monsters (Doom 2 monsters and SSG are included too). - WORK IN PROGRESS PROJECTS - Doom 2 Re-Build-t There is a weapon/monster mod which makes Doom game like Duke Nukem (or Build Engine games in wholesome). It's called "Nobody Told Me About id". And there is an inspired mappack (which should be played with this mod). In my opinion both mods together offer a very unusual experience. [DOWNLOAD] SPECTACLE CREEP Another one good remake project with advanced sourceport features. But it's unknown how many maps would be remaked by the author. At present time you can play only a few maps from Episode 1. DOOM II: Resurrected A KDiZD-like Doom 2 Remake. Sick! I'll definitely play as fast as possible when it gets to the final release. Doom 2: Hell Unleashed A Quake 2/KDiZD/Tormentor's style Doom 2 Remake. The Ultimate DooM X A wad for The Ultimate Doom that aims to make the game more challenging and improving it in terms of mapping. StalkerBlade's Doom Episode - 1 Remaster A Doom 2016ish Remade of Episode 1 maps. Looks interesting. Doom 2+ Same as Doom+ - EASTER EGGS, SINGLE MAPS, COMEBACKS, ETC - THE REFINERY & The Refinery (v2.0) I suppose this map must be in "The Shores of ZDoom". Looks cool, no doubts, but it makes me sad because there is no TSoZD. Looks like TSoZD is the analog of Duke Nukem Forever or Half-Life 3... [DOWNLOAD] E2M4 - Deimos Lab Remake Another one great work in KDiZD style (or TSoZD style). Must play. [DOWNLOAD] E2M4 Redux (by realtrisk) A good GZDoom map with custom stuff and a lot of new details. [DOWNLOAD] MAP01 but it's Hell As title says [DOWNLOAD] Maps from memory A try of recreating E1M1 from memory. Labs of Deimos Revisited Looks like a lot of people love E2M4. This is the vanilla styled remake of Doom 1 map. Dwango5 A well-known deathmatch mapset. And the most known map is Doom 2's Map01 "edit". 32in24 8: DWANGO2008 Blatant ripoffs of Doom 1 and 2 levels, switched from SP to DM. Doom Raider 2020 (Remake of the DR 2003) An interesting remake of the lovely Doom Raider: Crypt of the Vile by the same author. Feels totally different even with previous geometry. Doom 64 for Doom II Actually, it's the DEmake, but I think it must be counted in. Well, like the title says, this is a Doom 64 remade for Doom 2. Works with DOS/Chocolate. I wish we will get one time Doom3.wad...and possibly 2016.wad and Eternal.wad Bijou Doom Some kind of Congestion 384 (maps are limited square 384x384) but it uses Doom 1 maps as base. Hell on Earth: Super Tiny Edition Similar to Bijou Doom, but with Doom 2 and does use 64x64 square maps. Congestion 192 (only the first map) The whole project is good, but in our particular situation we're interested in a very first map which remakes Doom 2 Map 01 in 192x192 square map. Linear Doom I didn't wanted to add this until people suggested Bijou Doom and HoE64. Linear Doom makes the whole Doom (E1-E3) is a straight line game. Return 2nd (Second return to Hell) In our situation - map09. It forces us to go back to E1M1 after all events of Doom 1 and Doom 2. A kinda interesting "easter egg" map. Bloom A great Doom + Blood crossover! This project revisits Doom 1 and Doom 2 levels in a new way, mixing them with Blood levels. Definitely must play. [DOWNLOAD] Recycled Community Project 7 levels made in past were "fixed" in modern way. "Questionable" project, but still. Maps of Chaos For me, it's a questionable project. This is a pack of Doom 1-2 levels with a lot of monsters here. No new geometry, just only monsters. UAC Phobos Facility This is a single map (MAP01) for Doom 2 which takes parts of Doom Episode 1 levels and meshes them into one cohesive map. Ultimate Doom separated maps "remasters" by @PhobosVB [E1M9] [E3M7] The list is not complete, I do remember a few small wads related to this topic, but I'll add them later. Plus, I hope to see your opinion about those mappacks and your opinion about Doom Remakes. BTW, feel free to suggest such wads here! Edited January 13, 2024 by Dexiaz Added more info and links 33 Quote Share this post Link to post
Dexiaz Posted October 27, 2020 Added a few more projects + made a separate sections in the list. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Walter confetti Posted October 28, 2020 Uhm, can Dwango 5 and the Switcheroom series considered to be a remake? Or is more of a project like The Way ID did? Anyway, hope this fits the criteria your looking for: 4 Quote Share this post Link to post
Dexiaz Posted October 28, 2020 17 minutes ago, Walter confetti said: Uhm, can Dwango 5 and the Switcheroom series considered to be a remake? Yes, of course! I even wanted to add the Switcheroom to the list, but forgot it (: 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
HQDefault Posted October 28, 2020 (edited) Big thanks for giving Spectacle Creep a plug. It's become one of my favorite projects I've worked on. ALSO: I reccommend taking a peek at the project Doom 2 Hell Unleashed. I'm doing some spritework for it, and it's sort of similar to KDIZD but for Doom 2, as well as having more gameplay additions and multiplayer support. Just be aware that there isn't a released build yet. Edited October 28, 2020 by HQDefault 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Dexiaz Posted January 1, 2021 (edited) Happy New Year! I've added few more projects here, for example - Doom Raider 2020, Doom II Superficial Update and Doom 64 for Doom II. If you don't know which WADs to play, try them (if you did not this earlier). Edited January 1, 2021 by Dexiaz 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Pierrot Posted January 1, 2021 I can mention Bijou Doom and Hell on Earth: Super Tiny Edition where the maps are recreated in really small space (the later uses a 64x64 playable area). Worth a try if you ask me. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
RichardDS90 Posted January 2, 2021 I know of the E2M4 remake you were talking about. I believe it is E2M4 redux. There is also Doom 2 Meets ZDoom. But it's unfinished and most likely not gonna be worked on. It's interesting, just unpolished in spots as expected for an unfinished mod. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Polri Posted January 2, 2021 How about Hellscape by Christopher Lutz? 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
SilverMiner Posted January 2, 2021 1 hour ago, Polri said: How about Hellscape by Christopher Lutz? And P.:A.R. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Chainie Posted January 2, 2021 Suitcase of Gor( Can be considered as a remake? 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Dexiaz Posted January 2, 2021 Thank you very much, folks! I've added a lot of new wads in the list now! 16 hours ago, Salahmander2 said: I know of the E2M4 remake you were talking about. I believe it is E2M4 redux. Thank you very much! Finally found this! 4 hours ago, SilverMiner said: And P.:A.R. Sorry, I didn't find anything. What is this project? Any links? P.S.: I remembered I've played some Doom 1 mapset with HUB system. So there is no intermission screen. Instead of this you can go through some "intermission maps". Also, when you're entering a new map/area you will see the name of the level. BTW, since it's a HUB, you can go back to previous levels. Any ideas, what is this? I do remember I've found this somehow while searching for "Memorial Doom" (Full mapset in 1 level) 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
SilverMiner Posted January 2, 2021 1 minute ago, Dexiaz said: Sorry, I didn't find anything. What is this project? Any links? 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Walter confetti Posted January 3, 2021 15 hours ago, Dexiaz said: I remembered I've played some Doom 1 mapset with HUB system. So there is no intermission screen. Instead of this you can go through some "intermission maps". Also, when you're entering a new map/area you will see the name of the level. BTW, since it's a HUB, you can go back to previous levels. Any ideas, what is this? The intermission maps system make me think of Knee-deep in Zdoom, but in that mapset there's not any hub map format. So it could be console doom, but that wad is for Doom 2... 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Dexiaz Posted January 3, 2021 19 minutes ago, Walter confetti said: So it could be console doom, but that wad is for Doom 2... No, it's not the Console Doom. It uses a modern features like particle fountain, ambient sounds, etc. And maps are edited like E2M4 redux. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
mammajamma Posted January 3, 2021 (edited) 32in24 8 is a DM mapset built on top of various Doom 1 and 2 maps. Edited January 3, 2021 by mammajamma 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Argenteo Posted January 8, 2021 The forgotten brothers and cousins of Doom: What about Hacx -> Hacx 1.2 (full?) -> Hacx 2.0 (dreaming?). Strife -> Strife Veteran Edition. I don't remember the name but I'm sure there's a project with Perdition's Gate and/or Hell To Pay? Anyone remembers any work about Heretic or Hexen... 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
Dexiaz Posted January 8, 2021 15 minutes ago, Argenteo said: The forgotten brothers and cousins of Doom: What about Hacx -> Hacx 1.2 (full?) -> Hacx 2.0 (dreaming?). Strife -> Strife Veteran Edition. That's the problem. It's not Doom. 16 minutes ago, Argenteo said: I don't remember the name but I'm sure there's a project with Perdition's Gate and/or Hell To Pay? You mean, a remake of Perdition's Gate/Hell to Pay? 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Argenteo Posted January 9, 2021 Not a remake, but a megawad, I just throw the name in there maybe there's any. Sorry about Hacx and Strife for not being too doom-y. I misunderstood the subject of the topic. Altogether there is an awesome list of wads. Gonna try some. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Dexiaz Posted September 4, 2021 Added few more projects. Just saw this video, that's why I've decided to edit OP. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Lewonx Posted September 17, 2021 (edited) Some remakes you might want to check out: Doom 2 Redux - modernized reimaginings of Doom 2 maps. E1M3 - Toxin refinery remake - a gigantic remake of E1M3 for GZDoom. Uses only the monster types found in the original E1M3. Map 31 of Jenesis - Duality is a remake/fusion of Human BBQ (map 2 of Evilution) and Well of Souls (map 2 of Plutonia) Map 26 of Hell Revealed 2 - Dis 2000 is a remake of E3M8. Edited September 17, 2021 by Lewonx 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
LadyMistDragon Posted September 17, 2021 Remake of E1M4 which adds some strongly-designed secrets. I think it went a little ignored because it wasn't really titled, but I liked it a lot! 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
RjY Posted September 17, 2021 MAP20: Hip Deep (Cleimos 2) is a summary of Doom E1 in a single map. And a silly one: The NEW DOOM v1.0 (1337.wad) map23 is a warped remake of E1M3. 3 Quote Share this post Link to post
Lewonx Posted September 17, 2021 Found some more: Allnew01.wad - A really old remake of Entryway from Doom 2 There is also two wads that I can't find anywhere. 12.WAD - a remake of E1M1 for Doom 2 from 90's shovelware compilation (link to a video). E1M1 if it was a slaughtermap - the link in video description is dead (link to a video) 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Ranger46 Posted September 19, 2021 Stuff looks great, I intend to check them all out soon. Looking at maybe Brutal Doom: Hell on Earth Starter Pack as my first to play. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
lokbustam257 Posted September 20, 2021 is Ultimate Doom II hasn't been mentioned yet? If not then, I suggest you include it in the list, it's a very good Doom 2 remake, though it's still WIP (not dead) and has not been updated in like 2 years or so 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Pirx Posted September 20, 2021 On 10/26/2020 at 6:11 PM, Dexiaz said: - DOOM REMAKES LIST - - FINISHED PROJECTS - thx. very comprehensive list. now i have another thing to check ;) 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Dexiaz Posted December 7, 2022 Update. Moved finished projects from "WIP" section to the "Release" section + added a new wad "Outbreak of Evil", a remake of E1 Episode. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
RevanTCO Posted June 29, 2023 (edited) I'm surprised "Maps of Chaos" and "The Ultimate Doom II" haven't being mentioned. Edited June 29, 2023 by RevanTCO Small addition to my post. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Insaneprophet Posted June 29, 2023 Seconding Ultimatr Doom II and adding Based Refeuling 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
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