Robin McLeod has released Build 9 of wHeretic v0.5a, which crushes a console glitch and a problem with true looping sounds. You can get the new binaries from our source port section as usual. For more Heretic and Hexen related news check out Raven-Games... well worth a visit!
Did you expect otherwise? Anyways, there is a new version of the csDoom Win32 client available which adds in a cl_maxcorpses variable to remove old dead bodies in case you're trying for 250 frags on Map01 with 8 people (which really clogs the floors BTW).
Skulltag has been updated with part IV of the Skulltag preview. This one gives the backstory for the mod, and also introduces a lot of the characters (bots) you will meet while progressing through the game.
If you're having problems running the Win32 client for csDoom, you can head over to the csDoom homepage and download a new version which will hopefully fix the errors (it did for me, at least). If you're just now finding out about csDoom, you have to remember to go to the download page to get the full 0.4 release, not just the new client, which requires DLLs and csdoom.wad to run.
csDoom is here, and it kicks ass. Sure, it's capped at 8 players, and there's no mlook, and sometime your gun shoots the wrong type of ammo, but it freaking works, and works well. I hopped into a game on Map01 with 6-or-so other players, and OMFG... this is what Doom DM is like? I never knew. Since a few more than 8 people might want to play: -- Map16 -- Map01 Have fun. I will see into setting up some custom-WAD servers later on... any particular WADs you'd like to see? Currently there's no way to set a list of WADs or maps for the server to cycle through... that will come later no doubt.
csDoom 0.4 beta has been released! Based off the ZDoom sources, according to the homepage, csDoom brings open-ended internet play to Doom. There are currently Win32, Linux, and FreeBSD versions available for download, and while the source code for the client isn't released yet due to the possibility of hax0ring, you can download the server source code for Linux/FreeBSD as well. If you want to try it out I have a server running at too bad I can't join as doomcl.exe crashes on me. Oh well.
The Doomserv homepage has been releasing a flurry of new Doomserv betas, currently up to 4.0 beta E. The new version has been overhauled with a more careful eye on the security side of things after certain recent events.
The EDGE homepage has released all of the DDF documentation for their engine due to popular demand. The docs are quite large and have been in the oven for quite some time, and are reasonably complete except for some newer features which aren't covered yet.
Doom Arena has posted some new pictures of Map04 of the deathmatch WAD, along with a help wanted ad and an explanation on why Map03 was skipped (seems to me you would just make Map04 into Map03, but whatever).
The Doomer's Recess has been updated with a "battle" between the two ZDoom WADs Phoenix Rising and Hell Factory Hub 1. Who wins? Everyone, because we can play both of the WADs anyway!