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  • Linguica

    Wild Stuff

    By Linguica, in News,

    Rick Clark has released a new map for Doom 1 entitled "The Apocalypse." It has full skill settings and DM starts, and although Rick used the Ultimate Doom wad to make this although he thinks it should work with Doom 1 as well.


    Kali Supports ZDoom

    By Mordeth, in News,

    Version 2.00 of the multiplayer program Kali has been released. It already had support for (Ultimate) Doom and Doom II, but it now has also added support for ZDoom. Great news! Thanks Tyson Anderson for the info, and keep on Doomin' :)


    EDGE v1.23 Alpha Released

    By Mordeth, in News,

    A new alpha version of the source port EDGE has been released. Quoting their update:
    As usual, you can get the DOS, Win32, OpenGL Win32, the various Linux binaries and of course the source mirrored at our source port section.


    Server Stuff

    By Linguica, in News,

    Some more kinks are being worked out as a result of our server move. Last night we had a problem where updates couldn't be above a certain length (which, if it hadn't been fixed, would have been an interesting exercise in brevity). A more important problem, however, is that some people with Doomworld e-mail addresses have found themselves unable to download any mail. Since I can't sent them an email to tell them what to do I'll say here: change your mail servers to mail.doomworld.com if they weren't already, and tell your mail program to check yourname@mail.doomworld.com instead of just yourname@doomworld.com. Also, I have heard some complaints that some people are being redirected to 5years.doomworld.com instead of coming here, and I've noticed that 5years.doomworld.com doesn't work for me. Ah well, it'll all get straightened out soon enough (I hope).


    Icarus Wing

    By Linguica, in News,

    Icarus Web has posted a new interview of the month, this time around with Nick Baker, WADmaker extraordinaire. The interview is a bit out of date now but is still worth reading.



    By Linguica, in News,

    Doomworld recently went through a server shift, conveniently breaking most of the CGI and PHP used to keep the site intact at its seams. I am currently going through everything trying to fix all the problems that pop up, but if you notice anything not working that used to, mail me.


    Do The ZanZan

    By Linguica, in News,

    The ZanZan TC Page has been updated with a 4-page comic strip giving some of the backstory to the upcoming ZDoomGL TC filled with crazy monsters. Great artwork too!



    By Mordeth, in News,

    Raven-Games has re-opened, featuring a new layout and a new mission in life... it now covers all Raven games. This former Telenation site is already known for its coverage of Heretic and Hexen news as well as for hosting most of the Heretic/Hexen source ports currently in development. Go give them a looksie!


    New LxDoom MUSserver

    By Mordeth, in News,

    Colin Phipps updated the LxDoom site with word that a couple more bugs have been found. These will be fixed in the upcoming release of this Unix / X Windows source port, scheduled to take place somewhere in the next two weeks. He has also released v0.94.2 of its music server with a tweak for music containing lots of pitch bending.


    New in /newstuff

    By Linguica, in News,

    Look over to the sidebar. Below the #doomroom stuff. See that? It shows the last 8 or 10 files in CDROM.COM Colin Phipps for providing the script. Good idea? Bad idea? No idea? Post comments.

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