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  • Linguica

    Doom Milennium CD

    By Linguica, in News,

    Despite not having been released yet, that hasn't stopped Jamie Robertson, one of the musicians for the soon-to-be-released megawad Doom Millennium, from putting up a webpage dedicated to a CD version of his songs for the project. According to the page, "The CD has over an hour of Pure Synthetic Rock, Techno, Dance, Atmospheric plus other types of music for you to play along side the game instead of the midi versions." Also, "another CD by Janek Szulew is planned for release soon." Naturally I would wait until the WAD is actually released before deciding if it's worth it, but take a look anyway.


    Gang Dang

    By Mordeth, in News,

    Yes, the Public Dang has updated for the second time in these past few days. This will keep you going during those long lonely dark nights at sea... erm... or something. The new demo set has, among other things, two full Doom2 runs and several attempts to do so, runs through several episodes of Doom, plus they have some Ultimate Doom movies that come highly recommended.


    Doom Legacy

    By Mordeth, in News,

    The Doom Legacy site has been updated... in french. Guess now would be a good time to be an utter bastard and laugh at everyone out there who hasn't bothered to learn a language other than english, but... :) Since the latest code hasn't yet been tested it was decided to postpone releasing a final version and to do another beta version first... this way lots of users will be able to point out the remaining bugs. Like announced on the StroggOnMeth site a while ago, this new beta has the following new features:
    Support for TeamTNT's Boom port.
    More realistic coronas and better decals.
    Much improved dynamic and static lighting.
    The usual bug fixes... You can get binaries and source of Doom Legacy v1.29 pre-release 7 from our source port section in DOS, Win32 and Linux flavors.


    EDGE Blurp

    By Mordeth, in News,

    The EDGE site has added a bug report section, containing information on known issues and how to report new ones. The DDF files you need to run this DOS / Win32 source port have also been updated.


    wHeretic v0.5a Build 8

    By Mordeth, in News,

    Robin McLeod sent word that he has released v0.5a build 8 of wHeretic. It now has options for 2D and 3D sound volume and 3D attenuation settings, a hopefully better performance of the sound engine and an upgrade from A3D v2.25 to v3.12. The sixth episode is now also available from the menu and there are several bugfixes. As usual, you can get the latest version of this Win32 Heretic port at our source port section.


    Gang Dang

    By Mordeth, in News,

    Yup, it's popcorn time again. The Public Dang has updated with lots of new demos, some "very close to or equalling the Compet-N records". Just visit and see what goodies they have for you! They have also word that the Coop-N site has a cooperative 'nightmare' run through all of Doom2, by Anders Johnson and Henning Skogsto.


    SMMU Progress

    By Mordeth, in News,

    The SMMU site has updated with a pretty long list of things that have recently been implemented. Most new features have something to do with client/server networking... for instance, joining a SMMU server 'waiting room' during a game and speed optimisations such as compressed player packets. Movement prediction is still on the to-do list, but so far things seem to be looking good.


    csDoom Update

    By Mordeth, in News,

    A progress report has been posted on the csDoom site. Highlights are player prediction and improved network code to accommodate players with high packet loss. Before a first beta version can be released there's still some testing to do, as well as porting this client/server Doom internet port to FreeBSD.


    glLegacy Delayed

    By Mordeth, in News,

    The release of the final version of OpenGL Doom Legacy which was scheduled to take place yesterday has been postponed due to some compatability problems between the Linux, DOS and Win32 versions of this port. However, it sounds like it's close to being done. Beta testers should contact the team if they are interested in ironing out the last bugs.

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