Doom Damnit has updated with more fun and enjoyment for all you cracknuggets. What do they have for you today? Well, more editorials, a special AVI, and of course PORK! WHOOP!
Well, seems it can't help but be done. Seems somebody put a pak file together for Quake3 that puts the Doom sounds into the game! Damn straight... who needs that new crap. Anyway, go and download it if you have Q3A. Doom Doom Doom Doom!!! Mucho thanx to Ola for da news.
Over at IcarusWeb there is a cute little review with everyone's favorite (or most hated) Doom site master. Ling takes his time to relect on his life, and how he has aspirations to kill Blue and take over the internet... oh wait, no those are my plans. *hits delete key*... but seriously, take a read and enjoy.
That's what it's called. Well, ok, that's the headline. What is really going on is that Tarin has released a new level in his FBase series. Go check the text file out and then download it.
Thanx to the everlovable Mystican, the Doomer's Pictures has a nice little javascript for us to enjoy. Enjoy. And while I'm at it... all you female doomers, why not use this comment thread to let us know you exist. Or is there truly only one of your kind?
Over at the Doomer's Recess there is a nice little update. Things of note: Reviews. What was reviewed? Omega01 and Pagbspd2. Other items to note? More screenshots of levels. Go read and look. Then go look at this... then wank. Any questions? Good. Proceed.
No... not Camelot. Fragalot. You may download said level here. It's supposed to be a small and nasty little DM level to kill your friends in. And who ever said people that play video games are violent? =D Go check it out now.
Can anyone name the author to that play? God did it suck. But onto level news. TommE boy... the man behind Desktop Doom, has released a new level for your spoogness. Tis' known as Town Square. And guess what??? It's his first ever publicly released level! Congrats Thomas!